How to sell ebooks if your legal entity in the country which which publishers doesnt work

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Hi all!

I have a question to experienced self-publishing authors. I have in plans to publish series of books and I was looking for opportunity to use services like KDP, lulu and such services as Draft2Digital, but it looks like they dont support my location (I live in third-world country, and payment processors like Stripe and Paypal doesnt work here, so I will not be able to receive royalty from sold books).

Are there any workarounds how I can publish books?
I was thinking maybe its possible to hire for example someone from USA who will distribute ebooks for me for % from profit? As I see it can be done by making an agreement that I transfer my author right to the person and he's responsible to pay me after receiving payments from platform + taking some % to himself for his time. Do authors do things like this? I did my research on the subject and it looks like the only option.

Please let me know your thoughts, I'm not expert on the ebooks market, and any suggestions will be very useful for me.

#country #ebooks #entity #legal #publishers #sell #work
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by alexsol View Post

    I was thinking maybe its possible to hire for example someone from USA who will distribute ebooks for me for % from profit? As I see it can be done by making an agreement that I transfer my author right to the person and he's responsible to pay me after receiving payments from platform + taking some % to himself for his time. Do authors do things like this? I did my research on the subject and it looks like the only option.
    That doesn't sound like a very good option. You'd need a legal contract which might prove impossible to enforce across national boundaries - leaving aside the logistics of auditing sales and receiving payments without having access to PayPal or Stripe.

    Even if you manage to get around that, would the books be published under your name or the distributor's? The author's name is going to be a vital part of the marketing and branding, so you'd be signing away your brand as well as the authorship rights.

    Don't forget that whoever owned the KDP (or other platform) account would effectively have full control of your books.

    Probably your best course would be to offer your services as a ghost writer or create the books as PLR products - assuming you can figure out a means of receiving payment.

    Good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by alexsol View Post

    Hi all!

    I have a question to experienced self-publishing authors. I have in plans to publish series of books and I was looking for opportunity to use services like KDP, lulu and such services as Draft2Digital, but it looks like they dont support my location (I live in third-world country, and payment processors like Stripe and Paypal doesnt work here, so I will not be able to receive royalty from sold books).

    Are there any workarounds how I can publish books?
    I was thinking maybe its possible to hire for example someone from USA who will distribute ebooks for me for % from profit? As I see it can be done by making an agreement that I transfer my author right to the person and he's responsible to pay me after receiving payments from platform + taking some % to himself for his time. Do authors do things like this? I did my research on the subject and it looks like the only option.

    Please let me know your thoughts, I'm not expert on the ebooks market, and any suggestions will be very useful for me.


    Amazon KDP doesn't pay by PayPal, they deposit
    royalties directly into your bank account. They may
    also pay with checks.

    You should research what your actual options are.
    Find an internet marketer in your nation and see how
    they are getting paid.

    People in the U.S. probably would not be interested
    in your workaround because we are able to publish
    books all day long and keep the proceeds.

    Develop your books and do as much as you can
    because it's better to be an established author that
    has products, rather than someone with "plans."
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11811564].message }}
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