Building a list in ecommerce etc niches?!?

8 replies
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OK, so I know list building will work in niches such as weight loss, forex, dating, and anything that is basically on Clickbank.

What I wanted to know, is can building a list work for more general non hobby type niches? My guess is no, as if a person is looking to buy a portable dvd player for example - then that is what they are looking to do...... You could create a PPC ad for them to land on your site, and perhaps give them a free portable dvd player buying guide to signing up (which opt in will prob be poor compared to weight loss/mmo) but what about after that? - What do you try and sell them?
#building #ecommerce #list #niches
  • Profile picture of the author IMAdam
    Originally Posted by adam westrop View Post

    OK, so I know list building will work in niches such as weight loss, forex, dating, and anything that is basically on Clickbank.

    What I wanted to know, is can building a list work for more general non hobby type niches? My guess is no, as if a person is looking to buy a portable dvd player for example - then that is what they are looking to do...... You could create a PPC ad for them to land on your site, and perhaps give them a free portable dvd player buying guide to signing up (which opt in will prob be poor compared to weight loss/mmo) but what about after that? - What do you try and sell them?
    Hi Adam,

    In MY experience not every niche market is conducive to building a list. I know many claim you should build a list in any niche, market to it and you can keep on selling to it for ever and ever and...And maybe some are successful with that approach, but I have not seen it work that way in reality.

    Having said that, what you should always strive in doing, on any marketing, is to test things your self UNLESS, you can verify someone has done what you want to accomplish and you can mimic those results successfully. So put up a sign up box and test.Send technology related news to build up trust and soft sell and see if it works for you.

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  • Profile picture of the author Maui Joe
    Of course the answer is yes. And it depends on the demographic. No matter how you break down a demographic, there are some buying/action tendancies which tend to be true for a substantial portion of that group. How do you think Amazon and other huge online retailers make a good portion of their income? Demographics. They can deduce sex and age based on what I've purchased or looked at. And using that information they can send me emails targeting things I'd probably be interested in.

    In other words, cross-selling works. Learn the demo, research what that demo likes, and give it to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Building a list for ANY website where you sell products or services is a good idea. That being said, you are going to have a lot better results in markets where there's a need for follow up purchases or related products you can market to them as Maui Joe said.
    Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
    We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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  • Profile picture of the author shintaiguy
    Part of your niche research should be choosing suitable products that complement the initial sale. No good fulfilling a want or need and having nothing to follow up with.

    Eg. Dating - wedding - baby - parenting - tutoring etc Or Dog Training - Advanced DT - Accessoories - Food or Debt Management - Credit repair - Credit Cards

    Make a longer term plan and give out plenty of help & information between pitches.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    IT can be difficult to amass a massive list like this in a "compact" niche such as ecommerce niches.

    But, you wouldn't need a very large list for it to be profitable.

    It could potentially be more profitable compared to an Internet marketing niche, because the majority of them are hammered with daily ads.

    But if you get a rare niche, it will be more... "Fruitful" I'd wager.

    As far as actually building a niche is the easier part. You can buy targetted traffic, and target articles for SEO.

    But, targeted traffic via PPC would be a good bet. Also, if you engage some "ninja" tactics via PPV you could probably get some leads.

    It will be much faster to buy the leads via paid traffic imo.

    Search engine traffic might convert better, but will take a while.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Lee
    If someone buys a portable DVD player, they might need headphones, cleaning or scratch repair kits, storage for DVDs, cables to hook the DVD player to a TV, and of course DVDs. People who buy those types of items are very often into the gaming or computers niches so there is a desire for other electronics items. These are all items that you could try to sell to them. Just think about the other things that go with the purchased item.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by adam westrop View Post

    OK, so I know list building will work in niches such as weight loss, forex, dating, and anything that is basically on Clickbank.

    What I wanted to know, is can building a list work for more general non hobby type niches?
    Most of the major companies use a list to blast out specials on their products. I'd say it's as important for any ecommerce site as it is for a niche site. I get email from Amazon all the time and Sears, Lowes, etc... all the places that I've done business with sends out emails regularly.
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  • Profile picture of the author danthadj
    Research your niche and see if there are products you can sell in that niche or sub niche

    If so make them and sell

    This will build a list of buyers for you which s a real asset

    Hope this helps

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