Share Drop-Shipping sites here!

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I like these two...

eForChina - Electronics Wholesale,Free Shipping Online Shop, Drop Ship From China
Game Accessories Wholesale/Retail - Eachgame International(HK) Co.,Ltd.

ChinaBuye - China Online Shop for Gadgets and Clothing, Buy cheap for Dropship and Wholesale with Free shipping!
Drop Ship Wholesale Products, Dropship Company, Dropshipping Suppliers

Nice lists, that covers most niches!

HTML Code:
1. <a href="" target="_blank">Video Game Accessories and Distribution at Wholesale Prices</a><br />
2. <a href="" target="_blank">KeyLlama Hardware Keyloggers, Smaller, Smarter Hardware Keyloggers</a><br />
3. <a href="" target="_blank">Discount Perfume,Discount Cologne and Discount Fragrances at</a><br />
4. <a href="" target="_blank">Wholesale Cell Phone Accessories | Batteries, Faceplates, Car Chargers, Bluetooth Headsets | Pacific Cellular Supply</a><br />
5. <a href="" target="_blank">Wholesale Baby Gifts Baskets | Dropship Baby Shower Favors | Drop Ship Baby Gifts</a><br />
6. <a href="" target="_blank">WYNIT Distribution, LLC | Consumer Electronics, Outdoor, Photo Specialty Retail, Security, Technical Graphics, Housewares, Tran</a><br />
7. <a href="" target="_blank">Thunderball Marketing Inc. Electronics, Digital Cameras, DJ Equipment, Stereos, Mp3 Players, Distributors</a><br />
8. <a href="" target="_blank">Wholesale Baby gifts by Baby Aspen</a><br />
9. <a href="" target="_blank">IWGAC: Gifts, Collectibles, Cast Iron, Home Decor, Wholesale, Drop Ship</a><br />
10.<a href="" target="_blank">Index of /</a><br />
11.<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />
12.http://<br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Child Educational Toys - Baby, Kid, Young Adult - The Original Toy Company - Home</a><br />
13.<a href="" target="_blank">Educators Resource</a><br />
14.<a href="" target="_blank">Akadema Manufacturers of Baseball Gloves, Softball Gloves, Baseball Equipment</a><br />
15.<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />
16.<a href="" target="_blank">Drop ship Wholesale Jewelry Wholesaler &amp; Drop Shipping</a><br />
17.<a href="" target="_blank">Teak Cedar and Rattan Outdoor Adirondack Furniture Selections</a><br />
18.<a href="" target="_blank">Cheapest Car Spoilers | Custom Billet Grilles | Billet Grills and Rear Wings</a><br />
19.<a href="" target="_blank">Rubber Stamps - Huge Selection of Rubber Stamps - Fast Ship</a><br />
20.<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />
21.<a href="" target="_blank"> - DMAE, Wrinkle Serum(s), Facial moisturizer(s), Skin Care, Natural Skin Care, Facial Toner(s), Wrinkle Cream(s), Facial Cleanser(s), Natural Facial Cleanser(s)</a><br />
22.<a href="" target="_blank">The Original Freddy - Freddy &amp; Friends, LLC</a><br />
23.<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />
24.<a href="" target="_blank">Wholesale 18 Inch Doll Clothes and Furniture</a><br />
25.<a href="" target="_blank">CB Distributing -- Wholesale distributor of wireless communications and other electronics</a><br />
26.<a href="" target="_blank">Wedding Favors and Party Favors by Kate Aspen</a><br />
27.<a href="" target="_blank">Little Miss Liberty Round Crib Company - Home</a>
- These links taken from Yasser's post on page 3.
Share some sites, I'd like to check out others!
#dropshipping #share #sites
  • Here is what I mentioned about Doba in a previous thread about Doba.

    I haven't reviewed yet, but once I get a moment I'll review it too.

    Steer clear of Doba, and this is why:

    My previous review:
    "A quick rundown of the numbers (which I teach in my eBooks) will quickly show you that their products do NOT show a profit.

    Here is their pitch: "This is how much the item is FOR SALE for on eBay" and "This is how much we charge you for it"

    What they don't tell you: "This is how much our dropshipping fee is" "This is how much we charge in shipping" "This is how much the item ACTUALLY SELLS FOR"

    The problem with most dropshipping companies that are 'eBay certified' (meaning they paid eBay a fee to say that) is that they lure you in based on an 'MSRP'.

    I will say this now: "Nothing on eBay has EVER sold for an MSRP... Never once, never ever, and never will."

    Here another thing - No item ever sells at the MAP price either!

    So one might wonder - can you ever do dropshipping on eBay then?

    Yup... been teaching it for years. ... but you need to leverage yourself first.

    Read my intro (foundational) eBook (they've been a pretty big hit on WF right now) and you'll get a pretty good foundation.

    Believe me. .. Doba was pretty easy to pick apart. I signed up for a free trial, had their salesman call me.

    He hung up on me after he said this: "Well, since you OBVIOUSLY have everything already figured out, it looks like we have nothing to talk about *click*"

    I just smile."
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7497885].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author timpears
      Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post

      Here is what I mentioned about Doba in a previous thread about Doba.

      I haven't reviewed yet, but once I get a moment I'll review it too.

      Steer clear of Doba, and this is why:

      My previous review:
      "A quick rundown of the numbers (which I teach in my eBooks) will quickly show you that their products do NOT show a profit.

      Here is their pitch: "This is how much the item is FOR SALE for on eBay" and "This is how much we charge you for it"

      What they don't tell you: "This is how much our dropshipping fee is" "This is how much we charge in shipping" "This is how much the item ACTUALLY SELLS FOR"

      The problem with most dropshipping companies that are 'eBay certified' (meaning they paid eBay a fee to say that) is that they lure you in based on an 'MSRP'.

      I will say this now: "Nothing on eBay has EVER sold for an MSRP... Never once, never ever, and never will."

      Here another thing - No item ever sells at the MAP price either!

      So one might wonder - can you ever do dropshipping on eBay then?

      Yup... been teaching it for years. ... but you need to leverage yourself first.

      Read my free eBook (they've been a pretty big hit on WF right now) and you'll get a pretty good foundation.

      Believe me. .. Doba was pretty easy to pick apart. I signed up for a free trial, had their salesman call me.

      He hung up on me after he said this: "Well, since you OBVIOUSLY have everything already figured out, it looks like we have nothing to talk about *click*"

      I just smile."
      Ain't it the truth. These folks are all the same. Try to take advantage of people desperate to make some money. Charge them a good sized fee and then let them find out the truth. If their gig was so go, they wouldn't need to charge a fee, they would make money on the product sales. You can often go to Walmart and buy stuff cheaper.

      Pay attention to what AuctionDebtEliminator tells you. He knows his stuff. I read his report and some more information from him, it is full of useful information. His paid report is well worth the money. If this is the route you want to go, I highly recommend it.

      Tim Pears

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7807553].message }}
      • Originally Posted by timpears View Post

        Ain't it the truth. These folks are all the same. Try to take advantage of people desperate to make some money. Charge them a good sized fee and then let them find out the truth. If their gig was so go, they wouldn't need to charge a fee, they would make money on the product sales. You can often go to Walmart and buy stuff cheaper.

        Pay attention to what AuctionDebtEliminator tells you. He knows his stuff. I read his report and some more information from him, it is full of useful information. His paid report is well worth the money. If this is the route you want to go, I highly recommend it.
        Thank you so much timpears!

        Originally Posted by ThaVeteran View Post

        Slightly off topic but I just joined and wanted to thank the Auction Debt Eliminator for his posts on this site. About a week ago I read something from him/downloaded his Ebook/sold my first item on Ebay. Will most certainly be purchasing the additional offering he has later this week
        Thank you too, ThaVeteran - thank you both for the plug.

        I love hearing of your successes and how well you do. There is no more gratifying feeling than seeing the fruits of YOUR labors. Well done on your sales!
        Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7832007].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tony Dean
      Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post

      Here is what I mentioned about Doba in a previous thread about Doba.

      I haven't reviewed yet, but once I get a moment I'll review it too.

      Steer clear of Doba, and this is why:

      My previous review:
      "A quick rundown of the numbers (which I teach in my eBooks) will quickly show you that their products do NOT show a profit.

      Here is their pitch: "This is how much the item is FOR SALE for on eBay" and "This is how much we charge you for it"

      What they don't tell you: "This is how much our dropshipping fee is" "This is how much we charge in shipping" "This is how much the item ACTUALLY SELLS FOR"

      The problem with most dropshipping companies that are 'eBay certified' (meaning they paid eBay a fee to say that) is that they lure you in based on an 'MSRP'.

      I will say this now: "Nothing on eBay has EVER sold for an MSRP... Never once, never ever, and never will."

      Here another thing - No item ever sells at the MAP price either!

      So one might wonder - can you ever do dropshipping on eBay then?

      Yup... been teaching it for years. ... but you need to leverage yourself first.

      Read my free eBook (they've been a pretty big hit on WF right now) and you'll get a pretty good foundation.

      Believe me. .. Doba was pretty easy to pick apart. I signed up for a free trial, had their salesman call me.

      He hung up on me after he said this: "Well, since you OBVIOUSLY have everything already figured out, it looks like we have nothing to talk about *click*"

      I just smile."
      Do they charge a 'membership fee'? If they do they are scammers!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7967102].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Si Parker
      Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post

      I will say this now: "Nothing on eBay has EVER sold for an MSRP... Never once, never ever, and never will."
      This is not really true.

      There are quite a lot of items which sell on ebay for the standard retail price.

      did you try and buy a wii when it came out just before christmas?

      new powerbooks and other top end white goods.

      Some kitchen appliances

      There are plenty of examples where you can make some money in this way.

      However i do agree with the rest of your statement. most dropshippers are crap and try to get you into a false sense of security with exaggerated claims.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7987382].message }}
      • Originally Posted by sip View Post

        This is not really true.

        There are quite a lot of items which sell on ebay for the standard retail price.

        did you try and buy a wii when it came out just before christmas?

        new powerbooks and other top end white goods.

        Some kitchen appliances

        There are plenty of examples where you can make some money in this way.

        However i do agree with the rest of your statement. most dropshippers are crap and try to get you into a false sense of security with exaggerated claims.

        I thank you for the comment.

        I think we can all agree that there are some crazy - really crazy people out there. People that make completely irrational decisions for the sake of 'being first' - even willing to sacrifice their first born for the sake of having the 'latest gizmo' 72 hours before everyone else.

        For example, when the latest Apple product comes out.

        It is true that you'll see products selling at INCREDIBLY inflated prices for just a few days when an announcement comes out - and hipsters will pay stupid... ridiculously stupid prices for items.

        Now my statement was meant to be hyperbole to make the point that this type of business is completely unsustainable. You cannot buy iPads, iPhones, and Nike shoes on Black Friday and sell them for one day and live for an entire year off the hype and craziness of people who cannot live on a budget - or fiscal sanity.
        Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7987420].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author linhh98
      Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post

      Here is what I mentioned about Doba in a previous thread about Doba.

      I haven't reviewed yet, but once I get a moment I'll review it too.

      Steer clear of Doba, and this is why:

      My previous review:
      "A quick rundown of the numbers (which I teach in my eBooks) will quickly show you that their products do NOT show a profit.

      Here is their pitch: "This is how much the item is FOR SALE for on eBay" and "This is how much we charge you for it"

      What they don't tell you: "This is how much our dropshipping fee is" "This is how much we charge in shipping" "This is how much the item ACTUALLY SELLS FOR"

      The problem with most dropshipping companies that are 'eBay certified' (meaning they paid eBay a fee to say that) is that they lure you in based on an 'MSRP'.

      I will say this now: "Nothing on eBay has EVER sold for an MSRP... Never once, never ever, and never will."

      Here another thing - No item ever sells at the MAP price either!

      So one might wonder - can you ever do dropshipping on eBay then?

      Yup... been teaching it for years. ... but you need to leverage yourself first.

      Read my free eBook (they've been a pretty big hit on WF right now) and you'll get a pretty good foundation.

      Believe me. .. Doba was pretty easy to pick apart. I signed up for a free trial, had their salesman call me.

      He hung up on me after he said this: "Well, since you OBVIOUSLY have everything already figured out, it looks like we have nothing to talk about *click*"

      I just smile."
      A piece of Sh.... wait my time....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9603427].message }}
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7497926].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I've heard nothing but bad things about Doba also.

    I am using ChinaBuye,, and some other niche wholesalers for the specific products that I sell ... those I found by digging deep into Google.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7501970].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagr79
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      I've heard nothing but bad things about Doba also.

      I am using ChinaBuye,, and some other niche wholesalers for the specific products that I sell ... those I found by digging deep into Google.
      Does aliexpress offer dropshipping or you just buy in bulk then resell them?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7890414].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JasonLD
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      I've heard nothing but bad things about Doba also.

      I am using ChinaBuye,, and some other niche wholesalers for the specific products that I sell ... those I found by digging deep into Google.
      I tried doba last year and there was no margin for profit there. i recently signed up with only to find out that there prices aren't very good for a profit either. I'm so frustrated because I want to find a legit dropshipper so I can start making profits but they all seem to be priced to high for profits.. still searching for a good one though.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9099942].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Importexport
        Originally Posted by JasonLD View Post

        I tried doba last year and there was no margin for profit there. i recently signed up with only to find out that there prices aren't very good for a profit either. I'm so frustrated because I want to find a legit dropshipper so I can start making profits but they all seem to be priced to high for profits.. still searching for a good one though.
        This is a never ending story.

        "No margin for profit" and the same thing is stated in many different ways in posts in this thread.

        There is a high profit alternative to dropshipping. You can buy small quantities direct from overseas manufacturers. Think outside the dropshipping box. See what a warrior posted in another thread: " I have contacted some manufacturers already (from links he supplies) and I am just shocked at the low prices they offer for products I am researching. Forget Alibaba, Global Resource, whatever."

        If you want to read all that he said, here is the thread: ebook about import from China
        Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9100690].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author redalerta
          Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

          This is a never ending story.

          "No margin for profit" and the same thing is stated in many different ways in posts in this thread.

          There is a high profit alternative to dropshipping. You can buy small quantities direct from overseas manufacturers. Think outside the dropshipping box. See what a warrior posted in another thread: " I have contacted some manufacturers already (from links he supplies) and I am just shocked at the low prices they offer for products I am researching. Forget Alibaba, Global Resource, whatever."

          If you want to read all that he said, here is the thread: ebook about import from China
          "No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10082609].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TheSecretsOfSEO
    Same, i hear bad about Doba but i listed it anyways for the sake of having it up. I have used it before, and it's fine.
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7503433].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Anton543
      If you are in the US or UK, how long does it take for China Wholesale to get the products to the customers?

      How do you guys make China to the US dropshipping work? I can see them taking at least a week tot he get the product to the customers. These days most people want next day or within 3 days at most for deliveries. How then do you guys get round delay problem?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7503974].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Fernando1954
        Originally Posted by Anton543 View Post

        If you are in the US or UK, how long does it take for China Wholesale to get the products to the customers?

        How do you guys make China to the US dropshipping work? I can see them taking at least a week tot he get the product to the customers. These days most people want next day or within 3 days at most for deliveries. How then do you guys get round delay problem?

        You just make it clear on your delivery page with something like

        Our items are based in the UK, US and China. The majority of our orders are dispatched from either the US or China.

        Send everything tracked, when I used the above none took more than 6 days to arrive. Once you find good seller products you can order and keep them yourself and send out from US,UK.

        Would not recommend doing this on Ebay the buyers there are unforgiving I have found, from your own web site should be no problem.

        For any newbies this is a good thing to keep in mind if you go the dropship route

        You are engaged in Business to Business (B2B) trade

        There are good profits to be made, but they are not guaranteed on every transaction.

        There will be some instances, with your dropshipment, when you will have to "take it on the chin" and break even or even lose on that particular transaction.

        Hard truth to a newbie, but this is how it is and this will happen somewhere along the line.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7506515].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Irn7997
        Originally Posted by Anton543 View Post

        If you are in the US or UK, how long does it take for China Wholesale to get the products to the customers?

        How do you guys make China to the US dropshipping work? I can see them taking at least a week tot he get the product to the customers. These days most people want next day or within 3 days at most for deliveries. How then do you guys get round delay problem?
        I dropship from china yes it can take upto 30 days always state delivery times in sales that way there's no suprise I sell every day like this
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9342880].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Frostedbutts
    How are the shipping times on products ordered from China? I've been finding US suppliers instead, even if it's at a higher cost.

    Or are you guys carrying stock?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7504194].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MaxRebos
      Originally Posted by Frostedbutts View Post

      How are the shipping times on products ordered from China? I've been finding US suppliers instead, even if it's at a higher cost.

      Or are you guys carrying stock?
      I have been dropshipping for over 10 years. A long time ago I did dropship from one company in China, turned out he was selling fake flash drives

      anyway, the TWO big reasons to stay away from overseas dropshipping is many marketplaces such as Bestbuy or Rakuten require tracking be posted to the sale within 2 days of the customers purchase. If you do not post a tracking number you do not get paid for the sale. They can also cancel the sale on you if you do not post a tracking number in a few days after that 2 day period, even if the order shipped, but you did not post a tracking number, your order gets canceled, your customer still gets the order since it did ship, and you do not get paid by these marketplaces. So you are out the cost of the item to your dropshipper and the money your customer paid you. Plus these marketplaces require delivery to the customer within 3 to 10 days.

      #2 reason is most marketplaces require a return policy, usually 15 or 30 days. so not your customer purchased an item, they want to return it, does the place in China allow returns? If so, now your customer has to return the item to CHINA! how much will that cost your customer? Most will not pay the extremely high postage to return the item to china. so they will leave you bad feedback which will hurt you getting future sales from new people when they see your feedback.

      If you live in the USA and you are going to dropship (carry no inventory) only deal with USA vendors. If you are going to carry inventory (you are not dropshipping), then the return comes back to you and you are stuck with it and you lose money.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9269650].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author alksense
    I know the point of this thread is to share drop ship services but before anyone commits to a monthly fee I just want to share my opinion... I strongly advise against using paid services like World Wide Brands and Doba to get access to drop shippers.

    I have worked with hundreds of drop ship suppliers over the years and I have never once had to pay for access to their products. The brands/suppliers I look to sell for are happy to take me on as an online retailer because they believe I am going to increase their sales.

    From my experience; members of paid drop ship services constantly undercut each other and leave no room for any real profit.

    I look for brands/suppliers to sell for that enforce MAP policies (Minimum Advertised Price) and they make it so even a company like Amazon can't undercut me. This protects their brand and protects my profits.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7504265].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author vne5
      Hey all my company LMCreatives is based in Beijing. I am originally from the USA but now have my printing company here. We offer Personalized iPhone cases (selling like crazy right now), photo ceramic tiles, mugs, etc. I am looking for folks interested in drop-shipping our products. You sell it for whatever price you like, we have a wholesale minimum price minimum, and it costs you nothing to partner with us. If you are interested, please PM me. You can check out a quick promo page: LMCreatives. Thanks and happy holidays! Michael
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7505899].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BigSistah16
        i'm going to check this out. Has anybody got any feedback on this comapny?

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    • Profile picture of the author OnlineStoreHelp
      Originally Posted by alksense View Post

      I know the point of this thread is to share drop ship services but before anyone commits to a monthly fee I just want to share my opinion... I strongly advise against using paid services like World Wide Brands and Doba to get access to drop shippers.

      I have worked with hundreds of drop ship suppliers over the years and I have never once had to pay for access to their products. The brands/suppliers I look to sell for are happy to take me on as an online retailer because they believe I am going to increase their sales.

      From my experience; members of paid drop ship services constantly undercut each other and leave no room for any real profit.

      I look for brands/suppliers to sell for that enforce MAP policies (Minimum Advertised Price) and they make it so even a company like Amazon can't undercut me. This protects their brand and protects my profits.
      I gotta agree with this. In my opinion, there is only one time to "pay for access" and that is if you are private labeling their product. In that case they have set up fees associated with your labeling that needs to be covered. In that minor case I don't mind paying a 1 time set up fee.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7810356].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ww55
      Hey Alk, How about a list of suppliers you like?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7977439].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Importexport
        Originally Posted by ww55 View Post

        Hey Alk, How about a list of suppliers you like?
        I don't see any posts by Alk, so maybe you were referring to my most recent post, Post #95?

        I do not have any lists of dropshippers or wholesalers. In fact I avoid them like the plague because I want my book readers to obtain maximum profits.
        Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7977466].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author alksense
        Originally Posted by ww55 View Post

        Hey Alk, How about a list of suppliers you like?

        None of my supplier lists are available for sharing

        I can tell you that I didn't purchase them or find them on any database that offers instant access to millions of products (via a middleman).

        I build all of my supplier lists (in Excel) whenever I enter a new niche and they consist of suppliers who do not sell directly to the public and who enforce pricing controls for their retailers.

        To find your own suppliers I would recommend looking at who your competitors (or potential competitors) are selling for and contacting those brands directly and asking them if they enforce a MAP policy. There are other steps to determine profitability but this is a great place to start

        Good Luck!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7978829].message }}
        • Originally Posted by alksense View Post


          None of my supplier lists are available for sharing

          I can tell you that I didn't purchase them or find them on any database that offers instant access to millions of products (via a middleman).

          I build all of my supplier lists (in Excel) whenever I enter a new niche and they consist of suppliers who do not sell directly to the public and who enforce pricing controls for their retailers.

          To find your own suppliers I would recommend looking at who your competitors (or potential competitors) are selling for and contacting those brands directly and asking them if they enforce a MAP policy. There are other steps to determine profitability but this is a great place to start

          Good Luck!
          Which is how it should be done anyway.

          Whenever you have a supplier, you NEVER give it away.

          I've never gotten my suppliers from a 'list' and I would never share them with anyone either.

          In fact, I've even had people ask me to 'see my eBay listings for an example' or 'let me watch you list an item'.

          It's all code for: "Let me figure out what you sell".

          I keep my products under lock-and-key for a reason, and it's for my niche protection.

          I went through all of the trouble of finding my supplier, negotiating, listings, testing, building my empire, etc. And now, why would I give that away willy-nilly?

          One thing I do disagree with, though, is working with suppliers that have a 'MAP' policy. It's broken all of the time, and if I cannot make a profit on their products unless I acquire them under MAP, then I move on.

          I go at them with the pricing I can pay, and if that cannot be accommodated, then it's their loss.

          (If I'm going the supplier route, which I'm not as big of a fan of as selling smaller quantities with larger margins)

          But, all in all, I think people need to realize that if you ARE going the supplier route, you need to get your elbows and knees dirty and bloody, and find a supplier not from lists... and never ask anyone who they source from.

          -Auction Debt Eliminator-
          Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7979701].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Adeelhassan
          i like this site rencently i purchased nokia lumia a smartphones in deal price|only best deals free worldwide shipping l First for Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops and Accessories.
          Buy Cell Phones for Sale - price and specification of Nokia lumia android windows phone htc blackberry samsung galaxy Lg Mobiles apple phone and many more. Find and compare the best prices and deals on Cell Phones! Easily filter & compare 1136 results starting at Less than $40 from manufacturers like Samsung and HTC buy
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8173123].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Importexport
            Originally Posted by Adeelhassan View Post

            i like this site rencently i purchased nokia lumia a smartphones in deal price Onlineshopworldwide shipping l First for Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops and Accessories.
            Buy Cell Phones for Sale - onlineshopps price and specification of Nokia lumia android windows phone htc blackberry samsung galaxy Lg Mobiles apple phone and many more. Find and compare the best prices and deals on Cell Phones! Easily filter & compare 1136 results starting at Less than $40 from manufacturers like Samsung and HTC buy
            Oh! Oh! Here we go again. Big brand names can lead buyers into big trouble. I have previously posted warnings about the risks, but there will always be some who will gamble.
            Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8174372].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MaxRebos
      Originally Posted by Anton Louis View Post

      I know the point of this thread is to share drop ship services but before anyone commits to a monthly fee I just want to share my opinion... I strongly advise against using paid services like World Wide Brands and Doba to get access to drop shippers.

      I have worked with hundreds of drop ship suppliers over the years and I have never once had to pay for access to their products. The brands/suppliers I look to sell for are happy to take me on as an online retailer because they believe I am going to increase their sales.

      From my experience; members of paid drop ship services constantly undercut each other and leave no room for any real profit.

      I look for brands/suppliers to sell for that enforce MAP policies (Minimum Advertised Price) and they make it so even a company like Amazon can't undercut me. This protects their brand and protects my profits.
      I have been dropship selling for over 10 years. no monthly fees. Many lines my vendors carry have MAP pricing, BUT.... many sellers all over the internet still undercut and sell under MAP. you cannot do anything about it.

      I might buy WIDGET ABC from Joes Widget company. This has a MAP
      My competitor buys the same Widget from Sallies Widget company, this has a MAP also, Sallies does care about the MAP policy, so the seller who buys from Sallies can sell for whatever they want. but buys from Joes can get cut off.

      So you can take a chance and sell below MAP and see if you get caught. I admit, I have many items online under map pricing and have for years. some of my vendors sell the same items, one says there is a MAP and one says there isn't.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9269622].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author startup
      You re absolutely right... and being careful about the types of products to minimize returns is critical..

      Maverick Arbitrage Secrets - If you can follow a simple, step by step blueprint, you can start your own Product Arbitrage Business, starting with ZERO cash, today!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378855].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Entrepreneur123
      Hey looking for some legit drop shipping sites. I would appreciate if you can help me out. Thanks
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      • Profile picture of the author Laurenze
        Just found out recently about Pressera services outsourcing everything from printed tees to canvas shoes.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheSecretsOfSEO
    What are some free sites like eForChina?...
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Here's a list of 64 wholesalers in various niches attached
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    • Profile picture of the author Julia Russo
      How can you profit at ChinaBuye? They only give you a 1% discount?
      Wholesale/drop ship tutorials--LEARN HOW and where to get drop shippers
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7631043].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mvirtual
        Originally Posted by Julia Russo View Post

        How can you profit at ChinaBuye? They only give you a 1% discount?
        I am also interested how you can make any profit with only 1% discount?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7962509].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Importexport
          Originally Posted by mvirtual View Post

          I am also interested how you can make any profit with only 1% discount?
          Why bother? Do people really want to work like slaves for dropship suppliers?

          I and the franchisees in the importing business I ran in 4 countries for 22 years would not even consider a product if we could not multiply its total landed cost by 250% to arrive at a selling price. That was the bread and butter items, but for the icing on the cake, we made profits far in excess of that.

          Small volumes were no problem, because I taught them how to get suppliers to allow very small orders even though they quoted big MOQs.

          Those who see dropshipping as the only way to operate a retail business often do so because they have limited capital, and they know that eBay is full of sellers with hundreds or thousands of product lines.

          One of the smartest members I have read on WF, auctiondebteliminator, teaches that it is far better to sell a smaller volume at high profit margins than a large volume at small margins. I agree with him entirely. You have a limited amount of time available, so why not use that time to the greatest advantage?

          If you can find your own niche, you can buy small quantities direct from the factory, and in most cases make more on a single high profit sale than you can on 10 sales with a low profit margin. You do not need a lot of capital to import direct.

          On one occasion I had a single order for 1,000 items which I sold for $21,000. My landed cost was $3,000. How did I determine the selling price? I knew how much the buyer could afford to pay, so I charged accordingly. I multiplied my landed cost by 700%. It was a niche product, competition was almost non-existent, and the product was essential for the customer to have.

          Think outside the square. There are ways to find niche products without jumping on some successful seller's bandwaggon.

          Importing is easy.
          Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7963576].message }}
          • Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

            One of the smartest members I have read on WF, auctiondebteliminator, teaches that it is far better to sell a smaller volume at high profit margins than a large volume at small margins. I agree with him entirely. You have a limited amount of time available, so why not use that time to the greatest advantage?
            Hey thanks for the plug!

            It is true. There are plenty of people that adopt the 'sell high volume of products with the greatest time investment possible for the lowest return, for the sake of 'convenience' that I will never, ever understand.

            When you're able to spend time EXPANDING your empire, and not 'processing orders', you're leveraged to do great things.

            -Auction Debt Eliminator-
            Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7966164].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ThaVeteran
      I don't know if you even realize what a huge gift this list is for someone who has worked in retail many years, is trying to break into the online world and basically has no road map established just yet...a heartfelt thank you.Now, I've just got to figure out what to do with it, lol.
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    • Profile picture of the author Wardenclyffe
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Here's a list of 64 wholesalers in various niches attached
      Thank you Suzanne!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8955476].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author EelKat
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Here's a list of 64 wholesalers in various niches attached
      OMG! { { { { { { hugs } } } } } } THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

      I have been looking to start a door to door sales business (like Avon) only just me on my own and NOT working as a rep for a company. I wanted to do a quasi-Avon+Passion Parties type business with beauty products, jewelry, lingerie, and sex toys. The thing that was stopping me from moving forward was, access to a supplier to drop ship sex toys - I've spent the last 2 years looking high and low for a sex toy drop shipper, just couldn't find one (Google was NOT being helpful). You've got 3 of them on your list! Thank you so much, that is JUST EXACTLY what I was looking for.

      My review of Flamboyant Nipples: The Site That Supports KKK Anti-Gay Terrorist Crimes
      Info on my Novels is HERE. History of Stephen King's Thinner Gypsies is HERE.

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  • Profile picture of the author ruby2011
    Here are my findings:

    Want to recover lost data on iPhone? Check this tutorial to fully restore deleted files from iPhone just in 3 clicks.

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  • Profile picture of the author gadgetgirls is also a good China electronics dropshipper with no additional charges when creating a account.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7613262].message }}
  • Charges when creating an account and competitiveness in the market (with negotiable prices) are another.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7613662].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Joni D
    I bought a one time payment membership to Worldwidebrands cause they did all the investigation for me, who has time to find companies and research them? unless someone knows of a fast way to find them, but how do you know if they are trustworthy and a good deal?
    I got my membership for 1/2 price, get on the newsletter and sign up, buy when it's discounted. Also with Chris Malta's partners, they have given a discount with purchase of their products in the past. ( that's how I got mine, chris does a slight discount sometimes)
    Remember before you buy anything -- google: product (name) coupon code, product discount etc. You will be surprised at the deals that are out there if you google it first.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7613744].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author James1212
      I did the same with World wide brands, but I never found anything great with them.
      that was five years ago, I still jump on the site to see what's new.

      Mike Schlecht

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  • Profile picture of the author napoleonfirst
    Salehoo is a website that can help you a lot. The price is very affordable and they even have a tool that will do a market research for you to help you sell more items.
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  • Profile picture of the author rana1863
    Hi, First of all thanks to everyone for making this thread so informative for any newbies like me. I was in fact searching for all this info from past few days or so. By reading all above posts, I now have pretty clear understanding of how drop-shipping works. Just a few more confusions that I would love to be answered by experienced guys here:

    One question is already answered in a post above that extra days involved in shipping from china to US/UK is somehow manageable. But what about the shipping costs? I personally think shipping from China to US/UK is not cheap. So how do you guys manage this?

    Another thing is if it's a must to purchase items in advance or bulk? I know purchasing bulk can bring the discount, but I wanna know if bulk orders are must? Or if it's like when I closed a sale, I just pay for one item and it's shipped to the destination?
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  • When you're researching an item, you need to know your market worth first. That is a given. Not what they are FOR SALE FOR, but what they are SELLING for.

    Then, when you take your deductions -- particularly shipping, you need to 'bulk' them together in a COST TO ACQUIRE PER UNIT.

    Then, when you take all of those deductions FROM the ACTUAL market worth, what you are REALLY looking for is the total bottom line.

    You should never concern yourself too much with the 'shipping costs' even if they are 'high'.

    What your TRUE driving force is your BOTTOM LINE.

    If, even after all deductions, you are making a good profit, PER UNIT... it is a 'go'. If not, it's a no go.

    But these decisions are done after extensive data-collection BEFORE you even BUY A THING!

    It's what I've been teaching for years - and too many people do it backwards.

    They buy stuff, sell a unit a month, and have a garage full of garbage that yields a loss every time they sell it --- yet they continue to sell it to 'cut their losses' when in the BEGINNING they could have predicted this beforehand.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7620447].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rana1863
      Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post

      When you're researching an item, you need to know your market worth first. That is a given. Not what they are FOR SALE FOR, but what they are SELLING for.

      Then, when you take your deductions -- particularly shipping, you need to 'bulk' them together in a COST TO ACQUIRE PER UNIT.

      Then, when you take all of those deductions FROM the ACTUAL market worth, what you are REALLY looking for is the total bottom line.

      You should never concern yourself too much with the 'shipping costs' even if they are 'high'.

      What your TRUE driving force is your BOTTOM LINE.

      If, even after all deductions, you are making a good profit, PER UNIT... it is a 'go'. If not, it's a no go.

      But these decisions are done after extensive data-collection BEFORE you even BUY A THING!

      It's what I've been teaching for years - and too many people do it backwards.

      They buy stuff, sell a unit a month, and have a garage full of garbage that yields a loss every time they sell it --- yet they continue to sell it to 'cut their losses' when in the BEGINNING they could have predicted this beforehand.
      Thanks for your detailed reply. One more thing, how can we decide on the quality of a product without even seeing it physically? Some products may look nice and good in images, but in actual they can be roughly made, or of very cheap material, or sometimes size may not be what shown in images, how can this be managed?
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  • If you're having them manufactured, then YOU are in charge of the specifications and the QA....

    You have them send you some of their batches and you inspect them.

    Many times a [good] supplier will send you samples anyway, so you can inspect them at that point as well.

    There is nothing wrong with purchasing a sample or two - this small investment will potentially save you THOUSANDS in opportunity cost.

    There is nothing wrong with spending 50 dollars to know 'this wasn't a good supplier'.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7620609].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ThaVeteran
      Slightly off topic but I just joined and wanted to thank the Auction Debt Eliminator for his posts on this site. About a week ago I read something from him/downloaded his Ebook/sold my first item on Ebay. Will most certainly be purchasing the additional offering he has later this week
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      • Profile picture of the author Kiboko
        I also like his informative posts "Auctiondebteliminator" but note that there is always a CATCH. See his signature - I registered for the "Sign up for One on One eBay Coaching" and REGRETTED Later. So watch out for all the other offers that will follow that free ebook and do your due diligence before you pay any monies for the One on One eBay Coaching.

        Let me know if you need further information.

        Hungry for leads to your business?
        Yes, without proper traffic, its zero leads, its zero sales. This is the Number 1 Problem that stops 97% of marketers dead in their tracks - lack of TRAFFIC.

        Guaranteed quality service here -

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  • Profile picture of the author ramonakicks
    when you drop ship what pictures are you using
    because they all have the company watermark on them
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  • If I have my samples, I'm taking my own pictures! I can easily get a 'photographer friend' to get some professional pictures for pretty much NOTHING. (Especially if they owe a favor)

    And, if you have your own pictures - you automatically set yourself apart from everyone else that has the SAME pictures. Instant exclusivity.

    I'm not about to be a 'follower'.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7622277].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ramonakicks
    when i used to sell on ebay i would include a business card and thank you note and sometimes a coupon

    since you have no control over shipping what are you guys doing to ensure repeat business......mail them out separately/emails
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7622553].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dalemetal
      You would have your customer info in a list, for sure!
      Affiliate links aren't allowed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Prowebstakht
    thanks for the dropshipping sites @ Dubbiet
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    • Profile picture of the author TheSecretsOfSEO
      Originally Posted by Prowebstakht View Post

      thanks for the dropshipping sites @ Dubbiet
      I just curious to know more drop-shipping sites! Ur welcome
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7807009].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author infomaniacs
    I use alibaba and have good and bad experiences. The worst part is customers have to wait sooo long to receive their goods
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  • Profile picture of the author asian897
    Cute Cheap Clothing You can try this website if you want to dropship women fashion clothing.
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    • Profile picture of the author vaitomarnocu
      For the prices listed in the website,how much profit do i gain? 5 Cents?Is pretty expensive,and there's not dropshipping.Perhaps.the store belongs to you?
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    I am looking for furniture drop shippers? I thought I found one at Rustic Furniture | Wholesale Rustic Furniture | Rustic Furnishings but then found out they do not supply eCommerce sites. Boo Hoo!

    My preference is for the rustic, but I could do most things. Any help would be appreciated.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    I look at the stuff on these sites and see a lot of cheap junk i wojld never consider buying. Do people actually buy this crap

    Stuff like phones and lap tops or tablets etc, I check what they go for on eBay and there isn't 15% margin. Just enough to cover your expenses I wold say, after Paypal and eBay fees, there isn't a hell of a lot left if any.

    What am i missing?

    Tim Pears

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7810545].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Genesis1
    I kinda found Golden List of Dropshippers listed by niche. They are approved with time and quality. hope it helps.

    Wholesale Dropshippers Directory
    High Quality Backpage, Kijiji, Gumtree Classified Ads Posting Services. Service that brings Value. Get Traffic & Increase SEO at the same time! Prices are starting from 0.09$ per AD. PM Me for more info
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7814610].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MSutton
      Originally Posted by Genesis1 View Post

      I kinda found Golden List of Dropshippers listed by niche. They are approved with time and quality. hope it helps.

      Wholesale Dropshippers Directory
      wholesalecentral is on of the worst places to find wholesalers, let alone dropshippers. Most companies listed as dropshipers are not even dropshippers and many of the ones that do dropship are merely 2nd level aggregators.

      Anyone can pretend to be a wholesaler on wholesale central. All you need is a mere $300 to open up an account and set up shop. I know, because I called them up pretending to be interested in setting up a supplier account and that is all they wanted was $300 and I could setup a supplier account.

      While there are some (very few) wholesalers on there who do have decent wholesale pricing, the vast majority are 2 or 3 times removed from the manufacturer so their prices are either right at street retail or even above street retail prices. Many of them are just trying to resell stuff from the really large fake wholesalers like Dollardays - whose prices are all at street retail and many are way above street retail. They are a joke and they allow people to set up dropship accounts. Then those people mark up the product and now the price is even more astronomical than it already was.

      Many of them are just resellers of BNF wholesale, Dollardays, and SMC. It's all really just a big joke. But I guess the reason wholesalecentral is still around after all these years is because there is s sucker born every minute.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnyEnglish
    No matter which company/seller you used please take a look at seller feedback or make small order first.. Might get scammed if you make first large order with no reputable seller.. I did and got scammed
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    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by JohnyEnglish View Post

      No matter which company/seller you used please take a look at seller feedback or make small order first.. Might get scammed if you make first large order with no reputable seller.. I did and got scammed
      Let this be a warning to all.

      Once again I see a multitude of dubious sites being suggested for sourcing. IF you have done your homework, with thorough product research including cost of sales, then start looking for suppliers.

      Sadly so many seem to rely on the expert advice of forum posters. Well to some extent, JohnyEnglish is an expert on being scammed. He knows how easily it can happen, so to me that sounds like sound advice.

      As for sourcing in general, I teach that after your initial research, sourcing is the next most critical part of your enterprise. The importing process is a breeze for those who follow my methods, but sourcing needs special care.

      Many suggested sourcing sites are recommended on forums by the owners of those sourcing portals. At least, if you don't want to spend a small amount to get the whole story, do what JohnyEnglish did. Look for feedback, but better still look up or if the site is in the US look up BBB. You won't find any portals from my very small list of safe sites showing up with complaints in such places, but at least you will have fair warning about many of the risky sites that are constantly being recommended to warriors.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7839101].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author snuke
        To those who hwant to brand and market their own products, you can get manufacturers to make your products for you. UET International Corporation is a producer in the philippines of knitted products and they have a low minimum order like 1000 pieces. People like strideline are using them and they are catering to smaller sellers. You can get custom logos knitted right into the items or use embroidery with custom labels and everything.

        Jump Start Your Direct Advertising with 1000's of YouTube influencer's contact info. Direct advertising means better ROI. KB Leads

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7839481].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Importexport
          Originally Posted by snuke View Post

          To those who hwant to brand and market their own products, you can get manufacturers to make your products for you. UET International Corporation is a producer in the philippines of knitted products and they have a low minimum order like 1000 pieces. People like strideline are using them and they are catering to smaller sellers. You can get custom logos knitted right into the items or use embroidery with custom labels and everything.
          UET International Corporation may well be a completely legitimate supplier, and I am in no way suggesting it is not, but snuke's post represents an example of a forum post that people might rely on.

          I hope it is a good one for those who choose to follow through with snuke's suggestion, but as with every sourcing site or supplier suggested, remember it is only sensible to thoroughly check out every lead.

          Out of curiosity I did a quick check and came away slightly puzzled. They appear to have modern manufacturing facilities in the Philippines, but they also boast of having 40 suppliers in China. Are they manufacturers or traders? It seems that they are both so they may provide the best of both worlds. Maybe not. It would need a lot more checking to see how reliable they are.

          I note that they are listed on alibaba as unverified.

          All this just reinforces my earlier post in which I stated that sourcing is the second most critical part of your new enterprise. I teach how to negotiate very small orders with suppliers who quote big M.O.Q.'s such as the 1,000 pcs referred to by snuke.
          Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7839618].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author internetsales
            I tried internet reselling for years. I tried the Chinese drop shippers but that never worked. I would advise my customers to allow 3-4 weeks for delivery but I always still received emails after a week or 2 asking where their item was. Then I stopped using a drop shipper for a while but could never make enough sales. Last year I started using Discounted Halloween Decor Discount Christmas Decor as my drop shipper and seen a tremendous boost in my sales. It's a US based company so they can ship pretty quick and they don't charge anything extra to drop ship.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8428792].message }}
            • Originally Posted by internetsales View Post

              I tried internet reselling for years. I tried the Chinese drop shippers but that never worked. I would advise my customers to allow 3-4 weeks for delivery but I always still received emails after a week or 2 asking where their item was. Then I stopped using a drop shipper for a while but could never make enough sales. Last year I started using Discounted Halloween Decor Discount Christmas Decor as my drop shipper and seen a tremendous boost in my sales. It's a US based company so they can ship pretty quick and they don't charge anything extra to drop ship.
              Here's my question, InternetSales,

              Why, after all of your hard work and dedication - trial, error, and hardship- would you ever reveal who your dropshipper was?

              I mean, dropshipping is hard enough.

              I don't recommend doing it ever (even though there is a demand for it and my clients/students ask me questions on how to do it)

              But if you were to have, say, and eBay store selling these items - and you go selling these items and then broadcasting your source, you'd pretty much be opening up yourself to some unwanted competition.

              I find it silly when people ask me for 'credibility' or 'proof' that I actually sell on eBay and demand to see my store or else they won't sign up for my program. Especially when it teaches 'principles' and not 'what to sell'.

              That's okay. You don't need to. You're missing out on helping yourself - not me - I'm okay with keeping my competition at bay, and there are plenty of people wanting to sign up without that ridiculous stipulation.

              That's just my word of caution. Don't give out your money tree.
              Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8429840].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author internetsales
                Duly noted DebtEliminator. I guess I figure that even if someone is using the same drop shipper as I am it doesn't necessarily mean we will be selling the same items. I have a friend I'm helping out with his internet selling and I referred him to my drop shipper. He's making sales and hasn't been direct competition for me.
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              • Profile picture of the author timpears
                Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post

                Here's my question, InternetSales,

                Why, after all of your hard work and dedication - trial, error, and hardship- would you ever reveal who your dropshipper was?

                I mean, dropshipping is hard enough.

                I don't recommend doing it ever (even though there is a demand for it and my clients/students ask me questions on how to do it)

                But if you were to have, say, and eBay store selling these items - and you go selling these items and then broadcasting your source, you'd pretty much be opening up yourself to some unwanted competition.
                I was selling on eBay some years ago, and there were people selling sources. I had a business where I took in around one thousand dollars a day into my PayPal account. eBay used to have a payment processor before they bought PayPal, and they had a limit on the money you could get in a month, and I had to have that increased multiple times. But anyway.

                As i said there were people selling sources and one was the place I bought from. It got to a point where I could not sell one of my main products because someone was selling for less than the lowest price you could buy it from the supplier. Not sure what his purpose was as he was losing a few dollars on each sale. I know I was selling 100 plus per week of that product, and many others I was selling. Eventually we just quit as it was not worth the time we spent, andf I had myself working four hours per day prior to going to work, and all day on the weekends. Plus my wife and her daughter working all day long packaging products for UPS and the post office.

                All that down the drain because someone sold out my source. A golden source of multiple great sellers on eBay.

                Tim Pears

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            • Profile picture of the author Vanilla Gorilla
              Originally Posted by internetsales View Post

              I tried internet reselling for years. I tried the Chinese drop shippers but that never worked. I would advise my customers to allow 3-4 weeks for delivery but I always still received emails after a week or 2 asking where their item was. Then I stopped using a drop shipper for a while but could never make enough sales. Last year I started using Discounted Halloween Decor Discount Christmas Decor as my drop shipper and seen a tremendous boost in my sales. It's a US based company so they can ship pretty quick and they don't charge anything extra to drop ship.
              I have a sneaking suspicion that the site you listed is actually yours. i checked out the prices. For instance, the "Halloween Talking Haunted Ash Urn" is listed at $29.99. They are listed everywhere else for $31. Some profit margin that is :rolleyes:
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          • Profile picture of the author Recession_Proof
            Finding a wholesale electronics supplier that is willing to dropship to your customers can be a challenging task. They have to be on time with delivery, have great customer service & support, and they must leave you with a profit margin after all of your marketplace fees. A company that needs to be added to this list is Welcome to Electronix HQ there's a great customer support team that is setup to help beginner and veteran sellers alike. Anyone interested in the computer or electronics niche should give them a call.
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          • Profile picture of the author robgee123
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            • Profile picture of the author cjshu99
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              • Profile picture of the author Importexport
                Originally Posted by cjshu99 View Post

                Which plan do you use? It seems the basic plan ( 67 year ) would do just fine.
                Don't forget in addition to the basic plan fee you also have the monthly fee if you want to sell on eBay, or the higher monthly fee if you want to sell on Amazon, and don't forget the monthly fee for data feed.

                I can never understand why people will pay out their hard earned money to locate supplies at wholesale prices when they can pay out nothing (except the small cost of my book) and learn how easy it is to buy direct from overseas manufacturers at real ex-factory prices.

                These are the prices paid by the wholesalers. You may think you are getting good prices from wholesalers, but once you get these ex-factory prices from the manufacturers you will know just how much money you have been throwing away. It is mind boggling.
                Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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      • Profile picture of the author wessj
        Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

        Let this be a warning to all.

        Once again I see a multitude of dubious sites being suggested for sourcing. IF you have done your homework, with thorough product research including cost of sales, then start looking for suppliers.

        Sadly so many seem to rely on the expert advice of forum posters. Well to some extent, JohnyEnglish is an expert on being scammed. He knows how easily it can happen, so to me that sounds like sound advice.

        As for sourcing in general, I teach that after your initial research, sourcing is the next most critical part of your enterprise. The importing process is a breeze for those who follow my methods, but sourcing needs special care.

        Many suggested sourcing sites are recommended on forums by the owners of those sourcing portals. At least, if you don't want to spend a small amount to get the whole story, do what JohnyEnglish did. Look for feedback, but better still look up or if the site is in the US look up BBB. You won't find any portals from my very small list of safe sites showing up with complaints in such places, but at least you will have fair warning about many of the risky sites that are constantly being recommended to warriors.

        I agree with everything your saying but as for i wouldn't trust anything on the site. Its one of the biggest scams on the web as i have first hand experience. if a competitor puts a fake report up it will never be taken down even if its fake! The company emails you asking for money (a lot of money) to reply to the complaint. Theres a guy in Australia sueing them and even the judge has said its an unethical but anyway rant over lol.

        I used to drop ship but its risky as hell and when a customer calls you up asking where there item is after two weeks you look like a .... when you cant even tell them with confidence if it has been dispatched. Save your money buy wholesale its usually cheaper and safer.
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        • Profile picture of the author Importexport
          Originally Posted by wessj View Post

          I agree with everything your saying but as for i wouldn't trust anything on the site. Its one of the biggest scams on the web as i have first hand experience. if a competitor puts a fake report up it will never be taken down even if its fake! The company emails you asking for money (a lot of money) to reply to the complaint. Theres a guy in Australia sueing them and even the judge has said its an unethical but anyway rant over lol.

          I used to drop ship but its risky as hell and when a customer calls you up asking where there item is after two weeks you look like a .... when you cant even tell them with confidence if it has been dispatched. Save your money buy wholesale its usually cheaper and safer.
          @wessj, It seems that you did not read the fine print on the Ripoffreport website. If any business gets a bad report they don't have to pay a cent to post a rebuttal. They just go online and state their case. Some businesses do it very successfully and I have seen some bad reports turned into a very positive outcome for the supplier.

          I think you must be referring to the extra service that is offered for a fee. In effect it amounts to a review of their business practices relating to customer service issues, and it provides help to correct any weaknesses and build better customer relations.

          Regarding your comment: "Save your money buy wholesale its usually cheaper and safer." I agree, but I would like to add that if you buy direct from the real manufacturer overseas, you will be buying at an even better price way below what you would pay a wholesaler. It is not always so easy to buy direct from local manufacturers.
          Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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          • Profile picture of the author jarp87
            I have been using Aliexpress for almost 2 years, and yes there has been some scammer but maybe in 50 purchases 1 is scammer and provide fake tracking number. But just like Ebay, check their reviews, feedback, # of orders, prices. etc.

            If its to good to be true you might be a scammed.

            The good thing is that you can open a dispute. but yes downside its dispute takes a few days to close and you have to wait a few more days to get the money, but till the day i have only be scammed maybe 10 times. and 5 times i lost the money but because i wasnt checking the dead line (using a new supplier) to receive the package .

            when i find a really low price i buy it and send it to me, so i can check it and see if its legit or not. that way im only loosing my money not a customers. if dont receive i open a dispute.

            There are really some good people there, i chat often with some and ask them for discounts in 2 or 3 pieces lots. and they give it to me. i could say in some way we are friends.

            so yep aliexpress its filled with scammers, but you can use AE as dropshipper.

            I have found some items which gives me a profit of $20 a piece in a $40 order.
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            • Profile picture of the author Importexport
              Originally Posted by jarp87 View Post

              I have been using Aliexpress for almost 2 years, and yes there has been some scammer but maybe in 50 purchases 1 is scammer and provide fake tracking number. But just like Ebay, check their reviews, feedback, # of orders, prices. etc.

              If its to good to be true you might be a scammed.

              The good thing is that you can open a dispute. but yes downside its dispute takes a few days to close and you have to wait a few more days to get the money, but till the day i have only be scammed maybe 10 times. and 5 times i lost the money but because i wasnt checking the dead line (using a new supplier) to receive the package .

              when i find a really low price i buy it and send it to me, so i can check it and see if its legit or not. that way im only loosing my money not a customers. if dont receive i open a dispute.

              There are really some good people there, i chat often with some and ask them for discounts in 2 or 3 pieces lots. and they give it to me. i could say in some way we are friends.

              so yep aliexpress its filled with scammers, but you can use AE as dropshipper.

              I have found some items which gives me a profit of $20 a piece in a $40 order.
              I can hardly believe my eyes when reading this post! "Only scammed maybe 10 times." !!! "so yep aliexpress its filled with scammers, but you can use AE as dropshipper."

              I began importing in 1987 and I have never ever been scammed. Safe sourcing is possible and should be the only way people buy overseas unless they enjoy Russian Roulette.

              I franchised my importing business in four countries and the large number of franchisees that I had who sourced their own supplies following my system also were never scammed. I sold my franchise system and retired, but since then I have taught hundreds of newbie importers and only one of them has been scammed and he brought it on himself. See my post #21 on the thread How to find a real electronics manufacturer from China

              By the way if you have to cehck out to see if the product is legit is seems like you are importing and reselling big brand name products. That is a dangerous game and could get you into big trouble if you are doing that.
              Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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              • Profile picture of the author jarp87
                Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

                I can hardly believe my eyes when reading this post! "Only scammed maybe 10 times." !!! "so yep aliexpress its filled with scammers, but you can use AE as dropshipper."

                I began importing in 1987 and I have never ever been scammed. Safe sourcing is possible and should be the only way people buy overseas unless they enjoy Russian Roulette.
                I forgot to add those 10 times i have been scammed, order was for $5 to $10. and still i go my money back after a dispute. 3 or 4 times i lost the $, but in 2 years after +2000 orders, its fine by me. no big deal. And no, im not selling branded products.

                oh and by "legit" i meant that the seller is actually selling and shipping the products he offers. i do this when its a new seller or a real low priced item. i didnt mean to check the brand or something. sorry my native language is spanish, my bad there.
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      • Profile picture of the author startup
        due diligence is critical but you can be misled by sites that are purported review sites as well.. Best to take time...collect facts, start small and test the credibility incrementally in my view

        Maverick Arbitrage Secrets - If you can follow a simple, step by step blueprint, you can start your own Product Arbitrage Business, starting with ZERO cash, today!

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    • Recently bought a WSO on drop shipping on Ebay. I'm struggling to find drop shippers myself. The one I'm using now on ebay, the cost is say,10 but the shipping is 20, making a 10 dollar product 30 dollars, plus the fees from Paypal and Ebay, and the profit I want. It's too high for any sensible person to want. Also I was told to go with China drop shippers. But I think maybe that wasn't good advice. I'm not sure. I just want to drop ship on ebay, and I spend hours each day researching and tweaking listings and waiting, but NOTHING comes of it. Someone, please help me. I swear I'm committed and trying hard at this, and I need the money.
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      • Profile picture of the author Importexport
        Originally Posted by 01123581321345589144 View Post

        Recently bought a WSO on drop shipping on Ebay. I'm struggling to find drop shippers myself. The one I'm using now on ebay, the cost is say,10 but the shipping is 20, making a 10 dollar product 30 dollars, plus the fees from Paypal and Ebay, and the profit I want. It's too high for any sensible person to want. Also I was told to go with China drop shippers. But I think maybe that wasn't good advice. I'm not sure. I just want to drop ship on ebay, and I spend hours each day researching and tweaking listings and waiting, but NOTHING comes of it. Someone, please help me. I swear I'm committed and trying hard at this, and I need the money.
        I don't know how much you paid for your WSO, but I hope it was cheap.

        Using Chinese dropshippers is like swimming upstream.
        • They will invariably also compete with you.
        • Their return policies will require you to pay for your customers' return shipping to China. Customers will not be happy, so will you pay it?
        • Chinese suppliers habitually understate shipment values and this can lead to problems for your customers. Customs know real values and if they see a fake invoice they may flag your customer's name and address so that any future shipments get special attention.
        • Few real Chinese manufacturers dropship. You will be dealing with wholesalers who add a big margin to the price they pay, so although their prices may look low, you could buy at much lower prices by going direct.
        For some more information on a better alternative, please see my posts #255 and 265 above.
        Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9392005].message }}
      • What my question is: Why would you want to dropship on eBay if the profits are so low? In fact, you'd have to process 100 items for a 500 dollar profits, many times.

        Why not sell a FEW items for higher profits? Your time is a lot more valuable than processing orders all day for nothing. Yes, I used to dropship. A lot. And people still want my advice on it, so I give it. My hope is that it might be a catalyst for people to then think: "Okay, so where is my dropshipper getting this? And, how can I increase my profits?"

        That's how an entrepreneur thinks. Generally, if someone is looking to get a 'short-cut' it'll take them a LOT longer to get to their destination.


        Originally Posted by 01123581321345589144 View Post

        Recently bought a WSO on drop shipping on Ebay. I'm struggling to find drop shippers myself. The one I'm using now on ebay, the cost is say,10 but the shipping is 20, making a 10 dollar product 30 dollars, plus the fees from Paypal and Ebay, and the profit I want. It's too high for any sensible person to want. Also I was told to go with China drop shippers. But I think maybe that wasn't good advice. I'm not sure. I just want to drop ship on ebay, and I spend hours each day researching and tweaking listings and waiting, but NOTHING comes of it. Someone, please help me. I swear I'm committed and trying hard at this, and I need the money.
        Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
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  • Profile picture of the author steveblom
    Thanks everyone for some great lists of suppliers, and some great insight from some ecommerce veterans.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cyberdog1
    If you're in the UK and have a need for gothic niche then Dropship Nemesis Now & Alchemy Gothic worked for me when I first started out.

    The site is terrible and needs updating but the service and system is perfect
    Most think that it was God who created man in his own image but it was us who created God in ours.

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  • Profile picture of the author ThaVeteran
    Forgive me if someone has already commented on this site I'm about to mention but I am interested to know if anyone has used just stumbled across it and I get a,"this is too good to be true" feeling based on a "name brand" item on their site that I see selling for much much more on places like ebay and amazon. But then again I am new and this may be just how great wholesale works-I have no idea but would appreciate knowing if anyone has dealt with them or if the products are fakes. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author GetExperienced
    How about I shed some light on this thread. We have recently opened our products to wholesale and drop-shipping customers over the past 3 months.

    We have quite a few people making some really good money (with no nonsense "subscriber fees".

    We allow 2 options.

    1 - Wholesale purchases directly to your home or store.


    2 - The ability to Dropship directly to your customers via your backend. Wholesale pricing is available for legitimate businesses and there is only a small fee to drop ship to the customer.

    In fact many of these "drop ship aggregation guys" just pull feeds from us. In fact we started moving away from working with them, because they destroy the ability of the hard working guys like yourself to stay competitive of make any profit.

    You can signup for our online drop ship program here.

    Sell our products online

    Or promote our products and earn cold cash!

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  • Profile picture of the author GetExperienced
    Oh, and stay away from those China sites..

    They sell trash. That's why everything is like $1-3

    Sell our products online

    Or promote our products and earn cold cash!

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7843946].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author eric w
      Man.....first let me say that there is some good info in this thread, however many of the sources listed are not the best choices getting products to sell. Listen, I've taught people how to make money on ebay by dropshipping and much of it starts with mindset/perception...(no, not the "secret" type of stuff where someone tells you to post notes on the mirror and every morning.......well, you get the idea)

      Most of you mentioning dropshipping or asking about dropshipping almost always say it as if it's independent and in its own little dark corner of china. Anytime dropshipping is heard, what follows is usually china or some overseas company that people complain about.

      Here's what I want to get that product to your customer so that you make a profit. That means whoever can send that product.........for example....Walmart can send a product to your customer, Target can send it, Staples can send it, Costco, BestBuy, etc, etc.

      You see, when you hear the word dropshipping, most of the companies I just mentioned don't come to's always China.

      You can cash in on ebay without china.....Big Time! I've done it for years, including dozens of times in the past 3 weeks!

      So, I'm hoping I can give you a better, no, no,.....the reality of dropshipping!

      Don't get stuck with this perception of dropshipping = china. There are ways to use many USA and "non china" countries to dropship profitably on ebay.

      Just my 2 cents.
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      • Profile picture of the author audioreo
        Originally Posted by eric w View Post

        Man.....first let me say that there is some good info in this thread, however many of the sources listed are not the best choices getting products to sell. Listen, I've taught people how to make money on ebay by dropshipping and much of it starts with mindset/perception...(no, not the "secret" type of stuff where someone tells you to post notes on the mirror and every morning.......well, you get the idea)

        Most of you mentioning dropshipping or asking about dropshipping almost always say it as if it's independent and in its own little dark corner of china. Anytime dropshipping is heard, what follows is usually china or some overseas company that people complain about.

        Here's what I want to get that product to your customer so that you make a profit. That means whoever can send that product.........for example....Walmart can send a product to your customer, Target can send it, Staples can send it, Costco, BestBuy, etc, etc.

        You see, when you hear the word dropshipping, most of the companies I just mentioned don't come to's always China.

        You can cash in on ebay without china.....Big Time! I've done it for years, including dozens of times in the past 3 weeks!

        So, I'm hoping I can give you a better, no, no,.....the reality of dropshipping!

        Don't get stuck with this perception of dropshipping = china. There are ways to use many USA and "non china" countries to dropship profitably on ebay.

        Just my 2 cents.
        Where can i know more info about this method?
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    • Profile picture of the author timpears
      That is a hell of a site. I did a search on Google for:

      E27 3W 60 LED White LED Light Bulb (12V)
      USD8.13 USD9.03
      Suggested Price: USD 12.54
      Free shipping & US Warehouse

      I found retailer. Trusty Amazon, check out the item, same thing as best as I can tell. E27 White Light 60 Led (3.0w 12v) E27 White Light 60 Led (3.0w 12v)... $3.62, and Tmart is going to give me $3.50 off and sell it to me for $9.03, but at least there is no shipping. I don't think so. These drop shippers are all the same. Thety take advantage of unsuspecting people.

      Tim Pears

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      • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
        Originally Posted by timpears View Post

        That is a hell of a site. I did a search on Google for:

        E27 3W 60 LED White LED Light Bulb (12V)
        USD8.13 USD9.03
        Suggested Price: USD 12.54
        Free shipping & US Warehouse

        I found retailer. Trusty Amazon, check out the item, same thing as best as I can tell. E27 White Light 60 Led (3.0w 12v) Light Bulb: Home Improvement
        $3.62, and Tmart is going to give me $3.50 off and sell it to me for $9.03, but at least there is no shipping. I don't think so. These drop shippers are all the same. Thety take advantage of unsuspecting people.
        How they going to sell it for you for $9.03 if it worth $3.62 t Amazon? All their products are overpriced, Buy at Amazon sell it to them and make money..
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7969091].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Importexport
          Originally Posted by wizbiz View Post

          How they going to sell it for you for $9.03 if it worth $3.62 t Amazon? All their products are overpriced, Buy at Amazon sell it to them and make money..
          I think Timpears was speaking tongue in cheek.

          What he has found is typical of the problems many find with dropshipping. Suppliers are selling in competition with their own customers at prices the same as, or in this case below, what they want to charge resellers.

          The simple solution is twofold:
          1. Find a product that is not being sold by every man and his dog.
          2. Buy direct from the factory.

          1 is up to you. 2 is where I can help. I teach how to safely source and buy small quantities direct from the factories at genuine ex-factory prices. You can bypass the dropshippers and buy from the places they buy from - the manufacturers.

          The profit margins will amaze you and if you follow my methods you will find that importing is as easy as buying within your own country.
          Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7970132].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author EbizKamil
      recommend women clothing dropship site - manufacturer base in Europe: molly dress
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    • Profile picture of the author trytotop
      I have been working with "Chinavasion".

      Got contact with head team members and have a platinium seller account (Highest level).

      I have a really nice partnership with them and looking to develop it further.

      Contact by private message or Skype : assani.m

      Your inputs are welcomed.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10301575].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author violet0176
        Originally Posted by trytotop View Post

        I have been working with "Chinavasion".

        Got contact with head team members and have a platinium seller account (Highest level).

        I have a really nice partnership with them and looking to develop it further.

        Contact by private message or Skype : assani.m

        Your inputs are welcomed.
        They buy those "Platinum Ratings." It's meaningless.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10301753].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RMC
    I can suggest a good clothing drop-shipper:
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    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      When will budding entrepreneurs learn that buying goods commercially overseas is not quite the same as going to your local 7/11?

      You possibly know the proprietor, or if not, at least you know who 7/11 are. You know that if you pay for the goods you can actually walk out of the store with the goods. You don't pay them today and hope that they will deliver the goods to you in a week, or two, or ten, if ever.

      So why let anyone just casually say "Go to and find suppliers who will give you a great deal", and then do what they say?

      International trading can be done safely and profitably and that is what I teach in my book. Unfortunately I see so many people get burnt because they have read something on a forum and acted upon it as if it is gospel.

      I know what problems people cause themselves that way, because I daily receive emails from ones who have, and they are asking me to help them out of their mess. If they had invested a little time and money in finding out what is involved before they become "international traders", they would not lose the much larger sums many of them cry to me about.

      I am a soft touch (correction I was a soft touch) and I helped out many people with advice that they should have paid for, but now I simply direct them to my website.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7849728].message }}
      • Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

        When will budding entrepreneurs learn that buying goods commercially overseas is not quite the same as going to your local 7/11?

        You possibly know the proprietor, or if not, at least you know who 7/11 are. You know that if you pay for the goods you can actually walk out of the store with the goods. You don't pay them today and hope that they will deliver the goods to you in a week, or two, or ten, if ever.

        So why let anyone just casually say "Go to and find suppliers who will give you a great deal", and then do what they say?

        International trading can be done safely and profitably and that is what I teach in my book. Unfortunately I see so many people get burnt because they have read something on a forum and acted upon it as if it is gospel.

        I know what problems people cause themselves that way, because I daily receive emails from ones who have, and they are asking me to help them out of their mess. If they had invested a little time and money in finding out what is involved before they become "international traders", they would not lose the much larger sums many of them cry to me about.

        I am a soft touch (correction I was a soft touch) and I helped out many people with advice that they should have paid for, but now I simply direct them to my website.
        ImportExport - I think you and I have been saying the same things in this thread (and other threads) mentioning this same thing.

        Can dropshipping be done on eBay? (And other venues?)

        Well, yes, it can. But it is really, really, hard. And you're also doing it for paltry profit margins.

        If it takes you 10 minutes for processing the order and paying the invoices per order - for 5 dollars in profit, you're essentially being paid 30 dollars an hour. Not much to wag a stick at.

        A true entrepreneur says to themselves: "How can I maximize my profit with my input?"

        Do I teach dropshipping? Yes, I do. Because there IS a demand for it - but the nuances, leverage needed, and time needed to do it RIGHT is very difficult, and it isn't a matter of: "Hey, here's a good dropshipper - now GO"

        It takes FINDING a good niche, that is in demand, has low(er) competition, it takes YOU having the right LEVERAGE to approach a supplier, it takes a VERY SPECIFIC negotiation tactic where you find a very specific price per product based on the market worth, etc.

        And there are specific types of dropshippers you need to look for as well.

        Ever see a dropshipper sell product for the exact same price it sells for on eBay? Yeah, they do that on purpose - and it's actually a good sign for retailers that HAVE the necessary negotiation leverage.

        Easy? No. And it really shouldn't be. Possible? Yes.

        The best way to make money? Probably not. But unless you know what you're doing, it's a very rough road.

        So, to everyone reading this thread - please, do your HOMEWORK, get your LEVERAGE, and don't just 'pick a dropshipper and start selling the products' because at BEST you'll sell products for a 'break even'.

        And how long to businesses stay in business selling at break even?
        Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7890359].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    my 2 cents with ebay small business;

    I make little little business as reseller in ebay (europe). So begin to sell in limit account, that means my 2 years old ebay account is limited in moment to 25 items.

    So I can only sell items who has high profit marge.

    And there is the huge problem, I have 4 distributors who makes dropship too, but in most time it's very hard to find products who are selling on good fix price on ebay (look at ended auctions)

    The most products from my 4 distributors, when I calculate the VAT and shipping, I have zero ZERO profit, the most sellers in ebay sell this same item for lower price as I buy it as a reseller.

    So this can not be real?
    I think my distributors are not Importers they are reseller too.

    And after looking hours of hours in the internet,when I find a dropshipper who is an Importeur, or an relly croo wholeseller, yes he offers dropship, but I must buy packaging unit for each item.

    So it's hard for me to find 10 products which I can sell for little profit in ebay-max. 20 euros per item profit, more is not possible, sell 5 of them I make 100 euros in month, who I can get re- invest in my affiliate business.

    But dear marketers- can that be real true?
    I most find dropshippers who give me more better reseller prices without packaging unit.

    Where I find them in the EU?

    News: Now I see an UK dropshipper who has sexy dessous/lingerie.
    So the bad; a sexy latex dress with strings, cost me with shipping about 25 euros (price uk convert in euros+shipping+VAT)

    And I be shocked when I lurge around in ebay on ended auctions to search similiar latex dresses;
    All the selled items in ebay (fix price) are way down,lesser than my price I must pay to these UK dropshipper.

    Shocked; leg avenue baydolls, hah, tears in my eyes; they sell that same item for lesser than the half price on ebay, I should pay to these uk dropshipper.

    Should I be drunken......? Or is that dropship business impossible?

    Does anyone have tips for me?
    I need products that I can sell with 20 euros or more profit marge on ebay (fix price)

    best wishes
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    • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
      Originally Posted by marco005 View Post

      The most products from my 4 distributors, when I calculate the VAT and shipping, I have zero ZERO profit, the most sellers in ebay sell this same item for lower price as I buy it as a reseller.
      So this can not be real?
      I think my distributors are not Importers they are reseller too.
      This is real, No Wholesale/Distributor will ever beat ebay prices. You can take any link from page ONE and check with eBay, You can instead buy on ebay and sell it to those "Wholesalers" with profit. The only way to profit is to grab closeout store products or stolen goods I hear stories how Wallmart employes where selling stuff on Ebay, otherwise there is ZERO profit after PayPal/Ebay fees and such competition. Can you believe it I saw something like iPhone 5 Hard Case priced 0.01 "FREE" Shipping and said it's from China??? How the heck they can deliver FREE from China? Nonsense. Try to beat that!

      And what most irritating is that some of those Wholesalers are also place their Items on ebay.
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  • 2 questions -

    Why haven't you requested a higher selling limit,

    And why are you selling products at a break even? That doesn't look like a good business plan at all - especially since you've calculated BEFOREHAND that they would break you even.

    It doesn't make sense that you'd spend all of that time listing products, making listings, processing orders, and everything to break even.

    In my book, that's a net loss.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7932525].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    @Auctiondebteliminator; sorry that I have it not bring short to the point;

    I don't find dropshio suppliers wo give me really good reseller prices- to make a bigger ebay profit that is the point I don't find them.

    The suppliers I have found the most must be mniddlemen, a middlemen reseller who buys by another middlemen that is not business.

    But in europe I get no adresses, there are some platforms, but you must pay for to get dropshipper adresses, not a good option.

    And there are many of them who has a shop B2C Shop with the same products, a big negative sign, it is the same when you not make sales as an affiliate then the vendor of the product you promoting has a sales page with opt in, it is the same- you will fall.

    Hm, try to get higher seller limit on ebay or inlimited and make a shop with 500-800 products when I get a selling rate of 10% (20-30% is rare in europe) with selling 80 products I can make profit but I need better dropshipper supplier prices.

    But there is another problem; an ebay shop with 500-800 products you must make manual per hand (turbolister only works with windows-I have linux) and another big problem;

    Paypal freeze money cimplet for 21 days by new sellers (but what is a new seller?) I be 2 years on ebay.

    So when paypal freeze the complete money for 21 days, I can not play the dropshipper- you understand?

    That is why I will fly under the radar with my limited seller account, so I not must use paypal.
    But I need 10-20 good products who are good selling on ebay with an good profit marge.

    That is problem, who I find them?

    Here a real example; eksa trade (germany)

    There is a product; Clatronic Fritteuse FR 2881,
    my price is; 25,95(!) +VAT+shipping 6 euros.

    And the ebay competitor sell that same item (fix price) for 21,74-25,99 euro.

    That is what I most find of such "dropshipper", they make a price who I can not sell on ebay.

    I need tips and adresses of real big wholesalers who can make be far better prices without buy package unit.

    best wishes
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    Yeah I agree in that my doba experience was pretty bleak. Really the best way that I found drop shippers was to do a search in google with product name and add the wholesaler or dropshipper as addendum. Then get your own product with resale rights and use amazon to drop ship for you.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7934560].message }}
  • Here's what my experience was.

    I admit it, I started dropshipping - but it was a chore, and it took FOREVER. But I did have a selling history with other means. (What I do recommend you do, and what I teach)

    Then I though to myself - 'where does my dropshipper get these items?! I'm sure if I get this item from their source, I'd get a higher margin!'

    So, after months of investigation, I found them, and yes, I started wholesaling. Buying in bulk quantities.

    But then I thought - 'why not manufacture the item myself?' So I contacted a manufacturer in China, purchased 18,000 units at a time, and had a huge container load dropped off at my home every quarter.

    The point is, whenever you start selling, as a business, you ALWAYS want to maximize profit, and time. And it always takes you to the 'bottom of the food chain'.

    And you know what? I STILL go to offline product sources - because the profits can EASILY waste dropshippers prices - any day and every day.

    Can dropshipping be done? Yes. But it is hard. And it takes a long, long time for meager profits and no more convenience of processing '10 hours of orders' for a 30 minute trip to the post office for the SAME profits.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7936956].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    @Auctiondebteliminator; you have great success!

    But without capital you can not buy packaking units by big wholesaler or china manufacturer.

    Without capital the only 2 choices you have is dropship and buiy from wholesaler with out buying packaking units per item.

    And for ebay you must have a little seller history, so that paypal not freeze your money for 9 or 21 days, so you can pay your wholesaler.

    But when I type keyword+wholesaler in google, is bring most time bs.
    A wholesaler sells to you a wholeseller too-this business not works.

    You must buy from Importeur direct when its possible, the most sells here with bulk packaging units per item.

    So there is the difference, find a dropshipper or wholesaler (most dropshioppers are to expensive with shipping costs extra) who give you real wholesaler prices, that is what you in this example; this is what I need. Search in google with keyword+wholesaler I have no success.

    And in the past I had a import company 12 years long, this company is go bankcrupt. I start from zero again.
    I can tell you, no serious business man, or of theese who have an University statement in business management,

    Non of theese will grab their own capital or bank credit and buying container from asia and hope that they sell fast the container! Nobody does nake such a business, this is hope and dream.

    The most of theese who are Import container from China- these containers are preordered ware always!

    Lol, say thuis to your bankster you will have credit to buy container ware- with this you make so high profit on ebay, the bankster will ask you this;You have order documents from yous customers?

    Import only preordered ware! OK 20-25% of them you have on stock, not more, rest is always preordered.
    So the "elite" makes business not the normal folks.

    I knowing to handle wholesale business, when I have a dristributor I know he has the items who he offered in stocks, so I can sell it on ebay first without capital, ebay money comes to my bank account-on same day I pay the distributor,2 days later I have the item on my adress- and then on same day I sned to my customers.

    best wishes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7937473].message }}
  • Notice this sentence:

    "And you know what? I STILL go to offline product sources - because the profits can EASILY waste dropshippers prices - any day and every day."

    This requires little (if NO capital) to get, and still has HIGH profit margins.

    Which is why I still do it - a LOT.

    And as far as credit? I (personally and as a business) have a credit score of ZERO.

    Why? Because I do not have debt. Nor will I ever. Too risky, and everything is purchased with cash. It's a great system lost with businesses today - which is why too many of them go bankrupt.

    When you have no debt, and pay with cash, you're okay when things don't work out. But when things DON'T work out - you're screwed.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7938455].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    you offer offline product services on ebay?
    I see in europe market to offer webdesign or such things, ebeay cunsumer are not interesting in such
    business services, of course business services is the future you don't need money to make money (or very very little).

    best wishes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7938561].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Penn86
      I'm new to importing products for resale and thought I'd share this from KingHuman on YT "DON'T BUY ANY NAME BRAND MERCHANDISE OUT OF CHINA!!!
      There are TONS of fake & counterfeit goods being sold out of China sites such as BEWARE!!!! Use your head!!! There just isn't any way you're going to be able to buy iPads for $60. If it seems too good to be true... IT IS!!!" He talks about a newbie getting burned buying a big lot of cheap "ipods" from China and now can't sell them because they're counterfeit junk.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7939541].message }}
      • Originally Posted by Penn86 View Post

        I'm new to importing products for resale and thought I'd share this from KingHuman on YT "DON'T BUY ANY NAME BRAND MERCHANDISE OUT OF CHINA!!!
        There are TONS of fake & counterfeit goods being sold out of China sites such as BEWARE!!!! Use your head!!! There just isn't any way you're going to be able to buy iPads for $60. If it seems too good to be true... IT IS!!!" He talks about a newbie getting burned buying a big lot of cheap "ipods" from China and now can't sell them because they're counterfeit junk.
        You either want to laugh, or cry at this.

        Because now you own paperweights. Or trash, really.

        Sell one of them, you you're violating parallel trade laws.
        Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7939972].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KingMedia
    Best to choose a drop shipper who does not sell their own products.

    I did a lot of digging, found a lot of "wholesale" dropshippers who sell on ebay/amazon using ghost companies (themselves!) while selling way under MAP...

    Hard to compete that way. Best to have your own product so you control the flow.

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  • Profile picture of the author Wibble
    Anyone know of a dropshipper of teeth whitening products? Ideally, who ship to the UK with good reliability? Thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7947900].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author daddyoh
      It's really not very hard to find your own dropshippers. It does take a bit of time but at least you'll know how. The original product manufacturers usually have a dropshipping program. You just have to contact them and ask. Pick up the phone and call. Find your own suppliers.

      Many manufacturers, importers or distributors that aren't advertising to the world that they dropship, will in fact dropship their products for you. Not all, but many.

      Look on their "Become a Dealer" page, "Contact Us" page, "Distributor Agreement" page or call them and usually you will find out that they WILL Dropship. If you can't find any information on their site about dropshipping, call them and ask. Don't forget to ask them about their policies and prices.

      Many vendors have online payment systems set up, but beware of suppliers who aren't giving you true wholesale pricing. Real wholesale suppliers normally deal with businesses only (not the general public) and require tax IDs to do business.

      Resellers (you) will typically have Tax ID numbers in the State they are doing business, which is generally a prerequisite for buying at wholesale. Often, buying power is afforded to those companies that buy in bulk, allowing for significant discounts.

      Be aware that you will need some combination of a business name, resellers license/permit, Business License and/or State Tax ID number (it's all the same thing, but the name will vary depending on what State they are in) in order to purchase merchandise from most if not all of the sources you find. If they don't require any of these documents, they are probably not true wholesalers.

      So do yourself a big favor and go get those documents now because you will need them anyway!

      Otherwise you will be stuck buying from NON-LEGIT companies calling themselves wholesalers, but in reality these are just middlemen who buy from the REAL wholesale companies, and then sell to unsuspecting folks like yourself, in hopes of making a profit off of you!

      Don't let that happen! Get your business license which only costs from $50-$150 depending on what City or State you are in and then get a resellers permit which is free to apply for. It's the smartest, most profitable way to go, for sure! The site you want to buy from will tell you what paperwork you need.
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  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    I can speak only for the german ebay market, the prices are drastic dropped down, you get tears in the eyes when you look under "ended auctions" (beendete auktionen).

    Dessous, lingerie, babydoll,catsuits drastic dropped; 6 euros, 8, euros, 9 euros, 11 euros......most include shipping anno 2007 the prices whas 2x times up! (19euros ,21 euros, 25 euros)

    Fish flakefeed (I think it can be a niche) the same result......

    When I will make a little shop with 100 items, so the sales rate in germay is not so high, you make perhaps 15 sales in a month or you must use google base too to make additional sales(?)

    It is very hard to find products where you have a profit marge after ebay fees from 15-25 euros for each item, products that you can easy and fast sell with fixed price.

    In moment I don't find such products (niches), selling services like webdesign or so, is not convert to sales on ebay, this is not on buyer demand.

    I not a powerseller, so I be stay away to sell products over 60 euros, they will not buy by me, start from the ground, baking small little buns.....and then you can grow up in ebay.

    Hard to find a niche with high profit marge products that can sell easy and fast with fixed price,damn.
    My mind is blocked in moment, I get no ideas.........

    best wishes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7951033].message }}
  • Being a powerseller has no bearing on whether or not someone will buy from you - no matter the price.

    Just remember, when you SELL an item - you always want to SELL the product AND yourself.

    And by all means, NEVER sell an item that won't make you a profit! It's incredibly important to predict profit, and NEGOTIATE costs to acquire with suppliers BEFORE you sell.

    You HAVE to know the market worth of the item before going to suppliers to negotiate, and you HAVE to know the actual cost to acquire minus deductions that will CREATE a profit.

    And if a supplier won't negotiate? That's fine! Don't work with them - at least you'll know via ACTUAL data and numbers they won't be a good partner to work with.

    -Auction Debt Eliminator-
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7953868].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    That sound hearing good that I not must be a powerseller to make good money on ebay.

    I have found costco it looks interesting this could be a chance, but I need an duty/Import agent who makes the settlement with the duty authorities, paying the Import tax (19%) and I get shhipping my package to my home.

    Does the pckage from costco goes to the german airport or trough the import duty authorities?
    I must ask costco, will have an eye on this platform, but UPS has an Import duty service....

    I will stay tuned further about this I think the best choice to make profit with ebay is import-dropshipping.

    best wishes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7954331].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by marco005 View Post


      That sound hearing good that I not must be a powerseller to make good money on ebay.

      I have found costco it looks interesting this could be a chance, but I need an duty/Import agent who makes the settlement with the duty authorities, paying the Import tax (19%) and I get shhipping my package to my home.

      Does the pckage from costco goes to the german airport or trough the import duty authorities?
      I must ask costco, will have an eye on this platform, but UPS has an Import duty service....

      I will stay tuned further about this I think the best choice to make profit with ebay is import-dropshipping.

      best wishes
      Hi Marco,

      There is a Costco in the UK, and membership is not as expensive as in the US. In addition to that you would have the advantages of dealing with an EU country, including much lower freight costs. If Costco send parcels to you via air courier door to door you do not have to worry about the Customs clearance process, and they collect from you any duty and VAT payable. On small value shipments duty and VAT are usually not collected.

      With this in mind, you should know that the general public can buy direct from Costco, and your membership discount only gives you a tiny 5% discount.

      If you have a few hundred Euros to invest, you might consider buying small quantities of just a few product types direct from the factories in China. It can be done, as I have taught the many people who have read my book.

      By using direct import you can obtain huge profit margins, which allows you to sell a smaller quantity and a smaller range and effectively make more money for less effort.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7955445].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dgolightly
    I am looking for a drop shipping site (preferably US) that would have medical items like blood pressure monitors, heart rate monitors, diabetes products, etc. I have a site for open heart surgery survivors and am trying to find a way to monetize it. I put amazon affiliate products on it but there is not much money in that. Any ideas of quality products that can be drop shipped and still make a profit? Thanks, Debbie
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7956011].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    Wow, thanks for that information people!

    But I be little afraud about chinese suppliers, on ebay I can ship in 3-6 days to my costumers, but with a chinese supplier I wait 10-20 days for my orders, in this time I can not deliver on ebay, or I must invest little money and buy some products to have on stock.

    EU suppliers would be an ideal choice when the rabate is ok, or an US wholesaler , I think please correct me if Im wrong, they ship fast in a few days not 20 days as the chinese(?)

    best wishes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7956926].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    What the hell.........about costco uk;

    "At this current time we are unable to validate Costco Membership's taken up outside of the UK when registering a UK account on Our customer support team will however gladly perform a membership validation check with the foreign Costco membership source country if brought to their attention, and will happily refund back the 5% surcharge applied to the applicable order. Simply call our Freephone number 0800 0324 324 and quote your order number for assistance".

    Membership outside the UK is not possible, my God.....

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7956963].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005 Im sure it is an whoelsale directorie where I must pay for a membership to get supplier addresses, I don't want such things.

    I search for an type of high demand watches, I type this in google;

    keyword watches dropshipper
    keyword watches dropshipping

    keyword watches uk dropshipper
    keyword watches china dropshipper


    full load of membership wholesale directories,like alibaba, dhgate and so on and so on.......

    My God lost time and energy for what? Search for a hope, dream?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7957319].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    does costs membership?
    on tmart I don't find an answer what are the does drop ship rates? the same as the shipping rates?


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7957333].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    Lol, I have test it sign up on tmart and what I must see?

    Most is Hong Kong warehouse no UK (UK deliver faster) and the product image you can not use from tmart, they are all watermarked.

    And then ,my god, a high demand item who costs $3,25 for this one item ship costs with dhl faster deliver in 3-5 days is $18,65 !!!!! For this 1 item, when I make order 20 items they calculate 20x $18,65 ship cost.

    Wholesaledeals Loooooooool, I search for my low price item (silicone watch) they show me "your price" lol it be around 5,45c british pound, under the item a comparison table with big lies like that; your price; 5,45 (british pund) sold on ebay; 29,39 pund looooool, what criminal big lies.

    Look at ebay germany silicon watches are high demand but they are sold for 2,50 euros, 3,50 euros.......not 29 british pounds.

    This is complete BS ansd waste of time such wholesale databases.
    It is only profitable when the european wholesale dropshipper or china dropshipper can make 1 time shipping fee, so I must buy little bulks of them 30-50 watches and pay only 1 time shipping fee, but then the price goes over $15 it costs me extra dhl/fedex charges to handle the import/duty process.

    It is not worth by buying 50 silicone watches there I not make profit on ebay, I must buying 500 or so.
    Not possible without capital.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7958059].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by marco005 View Post


      Lol, I have test it sign up on tmart and what I must see?

      Most is Hong Kong warehouse no UK (UK deliver faster) and the product image you can not use from tmart, they are all watermarked.

      And then ,my god, a high demand item who costs $3,25 for this one item ship costs with dhl faster deliver in 3-5 days is $18,65 !!!!! For this 1 item, when I make order 20 items they calculate 20x $18,65 ship cost.

      Wholesaledeals Loooooooool, I search for my low price item (silicone watch) they show me "your price" lol it be around 5,45c british pound, under the item a comparison table with big lies like that; your price; 5,45 (british pund) sold on ebay; 29,39 pund looooool, what criminal big lies.

      Look at ebay germany silicon watches are high demand but they are sold for 2,50 euros, 3,50 euros.......not 29 british pounds.

      This is complete BS ansd waste of time such wholesale databases.
      It is only profitable when the european wholesale dropshipper or china dropshipper can make 1 time shipping fee, so I must buy little bulks of them 30-50 watches and pay only 1 time shipping fee, but then the price goes over $15 it costs me extra dhl/fedex charges to handle the import/duty process.

      It is not worth by buying 50 silicone watches there I not make profit on ebay, I must buying 500 or so.
      Not possible without capital.

      Hi Marco,

      I must be getting soft in my old age, but if you PM your email address to me I will send you free of charge a copy of my book "Import Direct From China and other Countries For Ebay Profits."

      Please no other requests for free copies.

      Marco has tried so hard but is floundering, and I believe I can help. Although watches comprised only a tiny part of our business, I know the watch industry quite well. During the 22 years I ran my importing business I and my franchisees in 4 countries often imported watches in quite small quantities.

      We would certainly never look in the places Marco has been looking, but we went straight to the manufacturers. The watch manufacturing industry in HK is still very much like a cottage industry, with mainly small businesses assembling watches from components they buy from various sources. Small orders can easily be done if you approach them the right way. There are a few large factories also, and even they will supply small orders if you use my approach.

      Most Chinese watches have Japanese movements, such as Seiko. As a result, complaints were rare, and when someone did complain, the watches were so cheap to buy that we simply replaced them, no questions asked.

      Marco, my book will teach you in 31 pages all you need to know about safely sourcing any product you could dream of, and how to buy small quantities even if the manufacturers quote a large MOQ. As for the importing part, if you follow my methods you will find it incredibly easy. No need to learn all the rules.

      I have felt sorry for Marco's fruitless efforts and hope I will be excused for the apparent self-promotion in this post. I see a lot of members on this forum willing to spend large sums to buy dropship or wholesale memberships because they don't know any better and my comments may help them too.

      What I am explaining here to Marco may benefit a lot of members by alerting them to the fact that there is a way to avoid the low margin dropshipping business model, ignoring the old wives tales about how hard importing can be, and the false story constantly being repeated that you have to buy large quantities if you buy from the factories.

      I have had a lifetime of experience in shipping, export, and import, but I was forced to retire due to heart surgery. Writing my book and providing the ongoing support to budding entrepreneurs like Marco keeps my brain active, and it gives me great pleasure when my proteges tell me of their success.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7959523].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    yes it is very hard to find the right product which you can buy on small orders and sell for good profit on ebay and amazon.

    Thanks again to Importexport who has send me his ebook. This is great I recommed it.special for noobs who will start such a import business. This ebook is simmple written but explain it in detail,with this know-how you will find the right suppliers/ the right places.

    I have looking on silicone watches who are high demand in ebay germany, but they sold out not for high price, they are sold (ended auctions) for 1,90 euros, 2,50, euros, 3,90 euros not higher.
    So I have found a supplier in china who makes small order of 100 pieces different colors for $1,20 (0,91 euro) with import/duty taxes then up to 1,80 euro, so I cann sell this watch for 2,90 or 3,90 euro + shipping cost on ebay.
    FOB. So whith import/ custom duty, tax when the watch costs complet $1,80

    Note: ebay auction costs are 1,50 euro, I do include these costs in the shipping costs. But 1-2 euro profit marge for each watch is very low. So you must make every week 40 auctions, so you sell 10-15 watches every week and make a profit from 40 wathces in a month= 40- 80 euros.

    So I think silicone watch, yes I need no much capital to buy them , but this are not the right products to make profit on ebay or amazon.

    best wishes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7968598].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by marco005 View Post


      yes it is very hard to find the right product which you can buy on small orders and sell for good profit on ebay and amazon.

      Thanks again to Importexport who has send me his ebook. This is great I recommed it.special for noobs who will start such a import business. This ebook is simmple written but explain it in detail,with this know-how you will find the right suppliers/ the right places.

      I have looking on silicone watches who are high demand in ebay germany, but they sold out not for high price, they are sold (ended auctions) for 1,90 euros, 2,50, euros, 3,90 euros not higher.
      So I have found a supplier in china who makes small order of 100 pieces different colors for $1,20 (0,91 euro) with import/duty taxes then up to 1,80 euro, so I cann sell this watch for 2,90 or 3,90 euro + shipping cost on ebay.
      FOB. So whith import/ custom duty, tax when the watch costs complet $1,80

      Note: ebay auction costs are 1,50 euro, I do include these costs in the shipping costs. But 1-2 euro profit marge for each watch is very low. So you must make every week 40 auctions, so you sell 10-15 watches every week and make a profit from 40 wathces in a month= 40- 80 euros.

      So I think silicone watch, yes I need no much capital to buy them , but this are not the right products to make profit on ebay or amazon.

      best wishes
      Hi Marco,

      Thanks for your kind comments about my book,

      With the information in the book you will be able to find many products other than the big sellers that have so many people selling them that you have difficulty getting a good margin.

      Don't forget to go straight to the factories where you will get the best prices, much better than if you buy from wholesalers. As you now know, I give follow up support to my book buyers, so if you need more help to get them to quote on small orders send an email to my email address in the book.

      Keep trying. I am sure we will have you making a good profit if you can decide on the right product. Read the suggestions about finding a niche.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7968618].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    yes buy cheaper from azon and sell it on ebay for higher price, this can work.
    But on my own experience, you need many times, is an uneffective method, you sit hours of hours, day after day on your pc, to find 10-20 cheaper products on azon to sell higher on ebay.

    That is the reality about these method.

    best wishes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7971536].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005


    From my own experience I see this;

    When you make bid auctions + buy now (without having ebay shop) , most people will bidding, no "buy now". And the result of this is, that you get 50% of the "buy now" price, you not make profit you loose money. See the bid sold prices (complerte auctions) in, for most items you will get tears in the eyes when you see how cheap the ebay people buy.

    When you make only "buy now" auctions, people will not buy your item, high demand or not, most (90% of them) will no buy.

    So "buy now" auctions works best only when you have an ebay shop, so my theory.(?)

    best wishes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7974455].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author swiftronics
    If you're looking for Wholesale or Drop-ship electronics, please contact me for details.

    Skype: techtenacy
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7989147].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
      Originally Posted by swiftronics View Post

      If you're looking for Wholesale or Drop-ship electronics, please contact me for details.

      Skype: techtenacy
      Do NOT use this company! I placed the same order 3 times over and not once did I get a correct tracking number, all I got was excuses. Finally had to open PayPal disputes for my last order as well as a refund that was placed by them but failed. First time I have seen a refund fail, how the heck does a refund fail unless something shady is going on?

      Furthermore both of the threads they started here on WF have since been taken down, that doesn't surprise me at this point. I'm not saying they are crooks for sure but they are for sure extremely incompetent, I don't think they could find sand at the beach!.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8303383].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bjloper
        Originally Posted by DreamTFK View Post

        Do NOT use this company! I placed the same order 3 times over and not once did I get a correct tracking number, all I got was excuses. Finally had to open PayPal disputes for my last order as well as a refund that was placed by them but failed. First time I have seen a refund fail, how the heck does a refund fail unless something shady is going on?

        Furthermore both of the threads they started here on WF have since been taken down, that doesn't surprise me at this point. I'm not saying they are crooks for sure but they are for sure extremely incompetent, I don't think they could find sand at the beach!.
        Ouch! Someone just ask me if I would recommend them, sorry to hear this happened to you. They're not crooks tho, if you have a large clientele like this company, personally I would be surprised if there is no neg feedback, I would agree they need more customer service. All of the orders I placed with them were received, nothing out of place and no funny business, they've been professionals about it, one took a week to process another had a paypal inquiry, and I was not told by paypoop about it, I had to find out for myself by calling paypal, those orders were delivered on time. I'm going on my fifth order with techtenacy and no problems yet.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8311863].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Importexport
          Originally Posted by bjloper View Post

          Ouch! Someone just ask me if I would recommend them, sorry to hear this happened to you. They're not crooks tho, if you have a large clientele like this company, personally I would be surprised if there is no neg feedback, I would agree they need more customer service. All of the orders I placed with them were received, nothing out of place and no funny business, they've been professionals about it, one took a week to process another had a paypal inquiry, and I was not told by paypoop about it, I had to find out for myself by calling paypal, those orders were delivered on time. I'm going on my fifth order with techtenacy and no problems yet.
          My question is why on earth do people persist with suppliers or B2B sites that get plenty of negative reviews?

          There are safe B2B sites that I recommend to my readers and they have never had a negative review. I have been importing for 22 years without the ripoffs and scams that so many people experience.

          Why risk your money? It's hard enough to make in the first place.
          Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8311947].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
            Originally Posted by bjloper View Post

            Ouch! Someone just ask me if I would recommend them, sorry to hear this happened to you. They're not crooks tho, if you have a large clientele like this company, personally I would be surprised if there is no neg feedback, I would agree they need more customer service. All of the orders I placed with them were received, nothing out of place and no funny business, they've been professionals about it, one took a week to process another had a paypal inquiry, and I was not told by paypoop about it, I had to find out for myself by calling paypal, those orders were delivered on time. I'm going on my fifth order with techtenacy and no problems yet.
            Yeh that seemed to be the consensus but I could not get a simple order of 3 iPhones sent to me no matter how hard I tried, it was ridiculous! They were really spotty on e-mail replies and left me hanging for hours to find a tracking number which I never got because I don't think it even existed. Now they don't even respond to me on Skype like I'm the jerk even though I was extremely patient! Wish I could post the Skype conversations here but they are too long lol

            Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

            I have been importing for 22 years without the ripoffs and scams that so many people experience.

            Why risk your money? It's hard enough to make in the first place.
            This was my first new supplier in quite some time and they are USA so it's not importing.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8311961].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Importexport
              This was my first new supplier in quite some time and they are USA so it's not importing.[/QUOTE]
              The first point I was making is that you should not persevere with any supplier who gets bad reviews. There are plenty of suppliers out there.

              The second point, relating to other posts on this thread was that you can safely buy from China if you look in the right places. There are many manufacturers there who will do the right thing by you. I know how to find them because I have been doing it for so long.
              Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8311998].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author bjloper
            Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

            My question is why on earth do people persist with suppliers or B2B sites that get plenty of negative reviews?
            I am done importing from China, I keep my changes locally, the stories I have will scare some newbies away. Also, why not B2B?? this is not my first supplier, I have others which are simply very remarkable and local. I have never been ripoff dealing b2b, as with my exp w/ Chinese manufacturers/suppliers.

            Originally Posted by DreamTFK View Post

            Yeh that seemed to be the consensus but I could not get a simple order of 3 iPhones sent to me no matter how hard I tried, it was ridiculous! They were really spotty on e-mail replies and left me hanging for hours to find a tracking number which I never got because I don't think it even existed.
            I also got two incorrect tracking numbers in my last orders, very messy, one was for Valdosta, Georgia and another for Orlando, Florida, I live in Lake View, NY.. huge mess in their part. Of course, they still had very positive fb on here, TFK, you had a conversation on the same thread I remembered, I asked for references and they all came positive, business is all about risks, a few mistakes to me are forgiven, no business is perfect in my opinion.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8312158].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
              Originally Posted by bjloper View Post

              I also got two incorrect tracking numbers in my last orders, very messy, one was for Valdosta, Georgia and another for Orlando, Florida, I live in Lake View, NY.. huge mess in their part.
              Haha I got the one for Georgia as well and I live in Orlando so that was probably me yet the items never arrived! Howard even had the audacity to tell me that USPS attempted delivery 3 times and left notices which was complete bs. When I asked for the tracking# so I could call USPS and give them hell he dissapeared.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8313512].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author bjloper
                Originally Posted by DreamTFK View Post

                Haha I got the one for Georgia as well and I live in Orlando so that was probably me yet the items never arrived! Howard even had the audacity to tell me that USPS attempted delivery 3 times and left notices which was complete bs. When I asked for the tracking# so I could call USPS and give them hell he dissapeared.
                Oh, ok, I stayed close looking at the first one which was delivered in GA, but what I found striking was they all mentioned 'delivered' on the status and some had 'notices left' and so on,, by the time my confusion was over, I did get my package delivered to Ny. USPS does tries to redeliver one more time,,, the sender can request a third time, if the packaged is not picked-up within 30 days, it returns to the sender. Also, the company can arrange the package be returned earlier for a minimal fee, this is done regularly when businesses avoid having packages limbo at sorting facilities, specially if its not insured.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8314686].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Importexport
              Originally Posted by bjloper View Post

              I am done importing from China, I keep my changes locally, the stories I have will scare some newbies away. Also, why not B2B?? this is not my first supplier, I have others which are simply very remarkable and local. I have never been ripoff dealing b2b, as with my exp w/ Chinese manufacturers/suppliers.
              I was talking about B2B sourcing portals that are so often mentioned on this forum, such as Alibaba, Aliexpress, GlobalSources, and a lot of the smaller ones too.

              Don't knock Chinese suppliers just because you have not known the right way to safely locate reliable ones. If you have had bad experiences with Chinese manufacturers, you have been looking in the wrong place. Do you know what process is used by most B2B sourcing portals in verifying a supplier? Answer: They check that the business really exists - Period! Does that make you feel safe in dealing with verified suppliers? Do you know that most suppliers listed on most B2B sourcing portals as manufacturers are NOT manufacturers?

              There are safe sites where you can find thoroughly verified suppliers who are genuine manufacturers and who will supply small quantities at real ex-factory prices if you approach them the right way. There are also ways to ensure that quality control meets your requirements (without hiring inspection agents in China), and I even teach a simple trick that can help buyers get a monthly account.

              Most resellers seem to blow it on their first email to Chinese suppliers, because they begin by telling them that they are just starting up a business, or their first question is: "What is your MOQ?" Manufacturers generally quote big MOQs to discourage little people from bothering them, but it is possible to negotiate smaller orders. I constantly teach that and preach that, but the myth of huge orders being required to deal direct with manufacturers still persists.
              Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8313645].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Igor Pauer

    114.000 pcs of silver jewelry physically in stock. Diamond jewelry also available (in stock).
    We are direct producer. We dropship worldwide. Details of our affiliate, dropship and wholesale program find here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7990750].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by Igor Pauer View Post

      Jewelry is one of the easiest product lines to source direct from the factory in China.(HK or Taipei)

      Much of the industry is very small, and a lot of it can be found in HK or Taipei, making personal visits quite easy and economical.

      For those who cannot or will not spend the time or money to travel, sourcing from a safe site is obligatory, but not the multitude of sites that I see blithely mentioned on the forum time after time.

      While I say it is one of the easiest product types to source direct, it is also one that abounds with dodgy suppliers, some of whom never supply anything beyond a sample to get you in.

      Buying from drop shippers in this product category is throwing away huge potential profits. I know, because during 22 years of importing I and my franchisees often imported sterling silver items that we would sell for 8 to 10 times what they cost landed. Try matching that by buying from a dropship wholesaler.

      And no, you do not have to place big orders. I teach how to buy small quantities even if a factory quotes big MOQ.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7990817].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tony Dean
      Originally Posted by Igor Pauer View Post

      You want to redo your website it's pretty unreadable, the black background is atrocious.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8005523].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Igor Pauer
    Importexport: Our factory is located inside EU - thus european law apply (2 years guarantee, no mess with taxes...). And yes - we never wanted to be the cheapest one in the world. I am sure you can always find no-name, "reliable", "big" supplier with 1pc MOQ somewhere in Pakistan, India, China or wherever, where you can send money and pray to receive something close enough to silver and/or gold

    114.000 pcs of silver jewelry physically in stock. Diamond jewelry also available (in stock).
    We are direct producer. We dropship worldwide. Details of our affiliate, dropship and wholesale program find here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7990853].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by Igor Pauer View Post

      Importexport: Our factory is located inside EU - thus european law apply (2 years guarantee, no mess with taxes...). And yes - we never wanted to be the cheapest one in the world. I am sure you can always find no-name, "reliable", "big" supplier with 1pc MOQ somewhere in Pakistan, India, China or wherever, where you can send money and pray to receive something close enough to silver and/or gold
      I am not theorizing. I have done this for 22 years, and my franchisees in 4 countries, including in two EU countries, are still doing it successfully several years after my retirement.

      Your response is understandable, because numerous people are silly enough to send money and hope that they will receive the goods. Their risks are made greater by their careless or uneducated sourcing methods. Many of them order from supposed wholesalers or dropshippers who offer extra low prices. Greed causes the buyers to take silly risks.

      With my numerous franchisees placing millions of dollars in orders from various countries (mainly China) over 22 years, not a single one has paid for goods and not received them.

      I teach how to safely source small or large quantities direct from genuine manufacturers, not the ones to be found on many sourcing sites who pretend to be manufacturers.

      The franchisees, from a wide range of former occupations, none with the faintest idea about importing, quickly learned how simple importing could be, because I simplified it for them.

      By the way, jewelery was a very small part of the business, and although the business does occasionally handle gold items, I discouraged my franchisees from dealing in solid gold items, but sterling silver has always been a great profit earner.

      Quality control has never been a problem with any of the wide range of products imported (not only jewelery) because of the methods we used to enforce our standards.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7994195].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alex Stone
        So much great info in this thread.

        Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

        I teach how to safely source small or large quantities direct from genuine manufacturers, not the ones to be found on many sourcing sites who pretend to be manufacturers.

        How do I find the "genuine manufacturer" and not some "imposter" without actually visiting the facility?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8252100].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Importexport
          Originally Posted by Alex Stone View Post

          So much great info in this thread.

          How do I find the "genuine manufacturer" and not some "imposter" without actually visiting the facility?
          Hi Alex,

          Visiting the factory is always a good idea if you can. Face to face contact with suppliers is hard to beat.

          But ... even if you visit the factory there is no guarantee that the supplier owns the factory. As I mentioned in an earlier post, Chinese people like to please and will often tell you what they think you want to hear, and "yes" is a very flexible word to Chinese business people.

          If you ask "Is this your factory", they will usually say yes, even if it is not. So how do you tell?

          I explain in detail in my book, but just briefly, you need to have the supplier's business card to look at. Turn it over to the side printed in Chinese and compare the Chinese characters of the business name with the Chinese characters shown on the sign at the factory. If they match, it is almost certainly owned by the supplier.

          This method is not infallible though. Many, if not most, Chinese businesses operate under at least 3 different company names, so the name on the factory may be different to the name on the business card. Also, unlike in western countries, many factories are located in high rise buildings, and there could be 20 or even 50 different factories in one building.

          Some I have visited do not even have the business name displayed.

          There are ways to check from a distance if you can't visit China, but I can't go into detail here because it takes about 4 pages in my book.

          There is only one way I know to be really sure. There is one B2B sourcing portal that properly checks out suppliers before listing them, and if they are listed as manufacturers you can be very sure that they are. They even confirm fair work practices. Most of the popular and heavily advertised sites don't bother checking manufacturing capability, so they have huge numbers of resellers, wholesalers, traders and middle men listed all calling themselves manufacturers.

          It is very important to know whether or not you are dealing with a genuine manufacturer, because they are the ones who can give you the best price. The difference in price can be phenomenal. If you are in business to make a profit, why pay more than you have to?
          Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8253517].message }}
  • I can't tell you how many people I've taught over the years who AGAINST MY ADVICE told me 'Hey! I got these AWESOME products that have high margins, but I got them from China, and I thiiiiiiiiiiiink they might be fakes'.

    I agree with ImportExport.

    Silly risks tend to get people to look at bottom lines and forget to ask one crucial question: 'Is this TOO good to be true?'

    That is why he and I BOTH teach to only source from reliable places.

    Igor, I'm not sure you're going to win this argument against him.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7994560].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TheSecretsOfSEO
      Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post

      I can't tell you how many people I've taught over the years who AGAINST MY ADVICE told me 'Hey! I got these AWESOME products that have high margins, but I got them from China, and I thiiiiiiiiiiiink they might be fakes'.

      I agree with ImportExport.

      Silly risks tend to get people to look at bottom lines and forget to ask one crucial question: 'Is this TOO good to be true?'

      That is why he and I BOTH teach to only source from reliable places.

      Igor, I'm not sure you're going to win this argument against him.
      Yeah, selling low quality items on eBay may seem like a quick rich scheme but it bites you in the back once the customer receives the product. The key of eBay is to truly provide the customer a quality experience with you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7994644].message }}
      • Originally Posted by TheSecretsOfSEO View Post

        Yeah, selling low quality items on eBay may seem like a quick rich scheme but it bites you in the back once the customer receives the product. The key of eBay is to truly provide the customer a quality experience with you.
        Well, yes and no.

        I mean, you CAN sell 'broken' and 'used' and even 'low quality' items on eBay and even have a low rate of returns and high satisfaction rate.

        You just need to ACCURATELY represent it as so!

        If you're targeting the right audience, and accurately SELLING (not describing, I've never liked that term) and accurately selling YOURSELF as the seller, then you shouldn't have a problem.

        Your turnover can be high, satisfaction high, and your DSRs can also be high- even if it seems counter-intuitive. Even seen how many broken cell phones sell on eBay?
        Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8001482].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Autrey
    Can anybody tell me which dropshippers this guy is using?

    Home page
    Tosh furniture ? DA Stores?

    He says he isn't using Tosh or DA stores but I can't figure out who.

    Here is his flippa auction

    The good thing about this business is that "People don't succeed cause they aim too high and miss, no, they aim too low... and hit. Most people don't aim at all." (Les Brown)

    Not us... Not marketers. We live far above mediocrity. Always keep this in mind at all times..

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8064639].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vanilla Gorilla
      looks like Tosh. They're insanely tough to get direct from the manufacturer. I'd be willing to bet that guy uses DOBA or some other middleman service. Actually, looking at what the guy posted about profit margins, I am 100% certain that he buys through a middleman. Personally, I wouldn't mess with the suppliers that guy uses. Afterall, he's selling that site for a reason.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8065578].message }}
  • Also, I do doubt his revenue claims as well.

    Site Explorer Results - Summary - Majestic SEO - SEMrush's main report for domain

    The history just isn't there.

    Even if he had PPC generating his sales, he isn't selling his PPC campaigns with the package deal. He's selling the site.

    There is no backlink history, there is no domain history, there is no Google archive history, there is no Alexa history (even though this is a marketer's history, I know)

    I'm incredibly wary of there sales pitch on this.

    Yes, they could have truthful visits, revenue, and profits - but the sustainability is completely false - if it was generated by a PPC campaign - which is NOT part of the website package - and could be generated by a third party anyway.

    ---something else to consider from this site too.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8068356].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    @Igor Pauer; yes you have a great site about jewelry.

    For us the reseller you give 40% discount, look at this example:

    Silver chain 925, 40 cm length for 29,44€, you give me 40% discount= 17,66€ reseller price.

    But look on ebay under complete listings sort by most bids- you see that such an item is solded on ebay for a maximum price from 9,50-13,50€.

    Wow what an profit marge I
    So in a real reseller business, I must buy these silver chain for max. 5€, so all prices over that is not a real reseller prioce, I lost money and the bigger chinese import ebay powerseller are always beaten me out.

    best wishes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8070382].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by marco005 View Post


      @Igor Pauer; yes you have a great site about jewelry.

      For us the reseller you give 40% discount, look at this example:

      Silver chain 925, 40 cm length for 29,44€, you give me 40% discount= 17,66€ reseller price.

      But look on ebay under complete listings sort by most bids- you see that such an item is solded on ebay for a maximum price from 9,50-13,50€.

      Wow what an profit marge I
      So in a real reseller business, I must buy these silver chain for max. 5€, so all prices over that is not a real reseller prioce, I lost money and the bigger chinese import ebay powerseller are always beaten me out.

      best wishes
      Hi Marco,

      I have mentioned in previous posts that the only way to make good profits is to buy direct from the manufacturers.

      I am now about to throw a cat among the pigeons! You can buy silver chain by the kg, also buy some fittings (called findings) and with a pair of pliers you will have many 40cm chains at a price that will give you heaps of profit for a few minutes work.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8073918].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Igor Pauer
    @Importexport: There is also much better way: Simply buy a silver wire, old chain machine and you can make 100 kg of chains per day even much cheaper

    Or even better: Buy silver droplets, machine and make your own wire for even better profit.

    Or even better: Buy silver mine and make your own droplets for even better profit.

    There is always way to make higher profit - but the question is if this is what you want? If somebody is asking for dropshipping - I am nearly sure, he do not want to mess with production, nor he want to keep stock

    @Marco: Silver chain price depends on design and weight too, not only length. But you are right - we are not cheapest in the world and we definitely do not want to be. Certain quality have certain price - you are not expecting your BMW to be priced like Kia.

    114.000 pcs of silver jewelry physically in stock. Diamond jewelry also available (in stock).
    We are direct producer. We dropship worldwide. Details of our affiliate, dropship and wholesale program find here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8073967].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yasser
    Nice lists, that covers most niches
    1. Video Game Accessories and Distribution at Wholesale Prices
    2. KeyLlama Hardware Keyloggers, Smaller, Smarter Hardware Keyloggers
    3. Discount Perfume,Discount Cologne and Discount Fragrances at
    4. Wholesale Cell Phone Accessories | Batteries, Faceplates, Car Chargers, Bluetooth Headsets | Pacific Cellular Supply
    5. Wholesale Baby Gifts Baskets | Dropship Baby Shower Favors | Drop Ship Baby Gifts
    6. WYNIT Distribution, LLC | Consumer Electronics, Outdoor, Photo Specialty Retail, Security, Technical Graphics, Housewares, Tran$Act
    7. Thunderball Marketing Inc. Electronics, Digital Cameras, DJ Equipment, Stereos, Mp3 Players, Distributors
    8. Wholesale Baby gifts by Baby Aspen
    9. IWGAC: Gifts, Collectibles, Cast Iron, Home Decor, Wholesale, Drop Ship
    10.Index of /
    Child Educational Toys - Baby, Kid, Young Adult - The Original Toy Company - Home
    13.Educators Resource
    14.Akadema Manufacturers of Baseball Gloves, Softball Gloves, Baseball Equipment
    16.Drop ship Wholesale Jewelry Wholesaler & Drop Shipping
    17.Teak Cedar and Rattan Outdoor Adirondack Furniture Selections
    18.Cheapest Car Spoilers | Custom Billet Grilles | Billet Grills and Rear Wings
    19.Rubber Stamps - Huge Selection of Rubber Stamps - Fast Ship
    20. - DMAE, Wrinkle Serum(s), Facial moisturizer(s), Skin Care, Natural Skin Care, Facial Toner(s), Wrinkle Cream(s), Facial Cleanser(s), Natural Facial Cleanser(s)
    22.The Original Freddy - Freddy & Friends, LLC
    24.Wholesale 18 Inch Doll Clothes and Furniture
    25.CB Distributing -- Wholesale distributor of wireless communications and other electronics
    26.Wedding Favors and Party Favors by Kate Aspen
    27.Little Miss Liberty Round Crib Company - Home
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8173435].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Paul Moss
      Originally Posted by yasser View Post

      Nice lists, that covers most niches ...
      This thread is a goldmine of information. Thanks for the list yasser as well.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8253950].message }}
      • Originally Posted by Paul Moss View Post

        This thread is a goldmine of information. Thanks for the list yasser as well.
        Admittedly a goldmine that's been picked dry and depleted.

        I really wish people would go at ecommerce a different way (using the tactics I mentioned just in this thread)

        You don't want to just get a 'list of dropshippers' and then 'GO'.

        Again, it's all in the history. Signing up just everyone saturates markets, makes no one sell items, and in the long-run, puts suppliers out of business. (unless they over-inflate their prices like they do)

        That's why you ALWAYS see prices sell on a site like eBay, at the EXACT price on their wholesale pricelist.

        It's not a coincidence. It's done on purpose to keep the people 'learning the process' out and the people with the necessary leverage at least a shot.

        Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8274220].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cplayers
    Wow, some good information, I missing one thing where do I go to set up an ecommerce site? How are the products added etc?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8174866].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Miraclem
    How much money does dropshippers average a month?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8175158].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by Miraclem View Post

      How much money does dropshippers average a month?
      Not nearly as much as someone who buys direct from the manufacturer.

      Sorry, but there is no such thing as a monthly average across the extremely wide field of dropshipping or of direct importing for that matter.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8175227].message }}
      • This is exactly correct. To maximize your products buy directly from the wholesaler or manufacturer.


        Learn How we turned a $20 Investment at Dollar Tree into a $100,000 business in 6 months, Part-Time. All the details here:

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9395396].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Importexport
          Originally Posted by Brown Box Suppliers View Post

          This is exactly correct. To maximize your products buy directly from the wholesaler or manufacturer.

          To maximize your profits you should buy directly from the manufacturer, not from the wholesaler.

          That is not easy to do when buying locally because most manufacturers will only sell through distributors or wholesalers. That means you must pay the manufacturer's price + the big profit markup that the wholesalers add.

          It is very easy to do when you buy from manufacturers overseas because they want your business and are happy to sell direct. They don't care if you have a business plan, reseller's license, tax no. etc. If you can pay, they will supply, and theyw ill supply at the ex-factory price without the wholesaler's markup.

          The hard part is finding genuine manufacturers and then get them to supply you with small quantities. Hint: don't bother looking on EC21,, Alibaba, Aliexpress, DHGate, Tradegate, IndiaMart,, GlobalSources,, Tradekey, etc, where almost everyone is listed as a manufacturer, but only a few of them really are.

          I teach how to find the real manufacturers safely, using safe sourcing sites, and then how to import the easy way.

          I provide a lot of helpful information on the forum but one thing I won't do is publish details of my sourcing sites because that would only lead people to rush in without knowing all the other things they need to know.
          Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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    • Profile picture of the author alksense
      Originally Posted by Miraclem View Post

      How much money does dropshippers average a month?
      There's no fixed amount... this thread might help you though:
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  • Profile picture of the author msingh97

    You the man! I am so impressed by you! I am gonna join your membership this week. See you in the inside bud!
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  • Profile picture of the author fitnessguy88
    This might sound kind of dumb, but I am a newbie, and I was wondering: How do these China Electronics products sell? Whenever I google them, they show up on the China Wholesale/Dropship websites, and I don't know how I could sell them on my ecommerce website, when China Electronics dropshippers are selling them so much cheaper. Could somebody please explain how this works?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8292999].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by fitnessguy88 View Post

      This might sound kind of dumb, but I am a newbie, and I was wondering: How do these China Electronics products sell? Whenever I google them, they show up on the China Wholesale/Dropship websites, and I don't know how I could sell them on my ecommerce website, when China Electronics dropshippers are selling them so much cheaper. Could somebody please explain how this works?
      There is a simple solution. Forget about the wholesalers and buy small quantities direct from the manufacturers in China. That is where the wholesalers buy from and you can too.

      Ignore the myth about huge orders being necessary to buy direct. Over 22 years of operating my importing business prior to retirement, I placed many small orders and I NEVER bought from wholesalers.

      Although I frequently placed large orders as business grew, often my import shipments were valued as low as $100, and the profit margins I enjoyed would make those who buy from wholesalers drool.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8294138].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author fitnessguy88
        Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

        There is a simple solution. Forget about the wholesalers and buy small quantities direct from the manufacturers in China. That is where the wholesalers buy from and you can too.

        Ignore the myth about huge orders being necessary to buy direct. Over 22 years of operating my importing business prior to retirement, I placed many small orders and I NEVER bought from wholesalers.

        Although I frequently placed large orders as business grew, often my import shipments were valued as low as $100, and the profit margins I enjoyed would make those who buy from wholesalers drool.
        Thanks for the helpful info! I have one more question: will these products from china actually sell?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8298075].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Importexport
          Originally Posted by Importexport
          There is a simple solution. Forget about the wholesalers and buy small quantities direct from the manufacturers in China. That is where the wholesalers buy from and you can too.

          Ignore the myth about huge orders being necessary to buy direct. Over 22 years of operating my importing business prior to retirement, I placed many small orders and I NEVER bought from wholesalers.

          Although I frequently placed large orders as business grew, often my import shipments were valued as low as $100, and the profit margins I enjoyed would make those who buy from wholesalers drool. [/quote]

          Originally Posted by fitnessguy88 View Post

          Thanks for the helpful info! I have one more question: will these products from china actually sell?
          Ah! The $64,000 question ..................

          I cannot answer yes and I cannot answer no, for the simple reason that there are so many variables.

          What I can definitely say is that using my system you can find salable products in China at prices that can give you massive profits. I now have hundreds of people in 11 countries using my book, so they must have found something to sell at a good profit.

          I can't say more on that without being accused of self promotion and I am not allowed to publish earnings claims even ones that other people have reported to me.

          Once you get your first quotes for small quantities from genuine manufacturers in China you will suddenly discover what dropship resellers have been missing out on.

          I am not an armchair expert. For 22 years prior to my health enforced retirement I ran an importing business that I franchised in 4 countries.
          Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8298142].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author fitnessguy88
            Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

            Originally Posted by Importexport
            There is a simple solution. Forget about the wholesalers and buy small quantities direct from the manufacturers in China. That is where the wholesalers buy from and you can too.

            Ignore the myth about huge orders being necessary to buy direct. Over 22 years of operating my importing business prior to retirement, I placed many small orders and I NEVER bought from wholesalers.

            Although I frequently placed large orders as business grew, often my import shipments were valued as low as $100, and the profit margins I enjoyed would make those who buy from wholesalers drool.

            Ah! The $64,000 question ..................

            I cannot answer yes and I cannot answer no, for the simple reason that there are so many variables.

            What I can definitely say is that using my system you can find salable products in China at prices that can give you massive profits. I now have hundreds of people in 11 countries using my book, so they must have found something to sell at a good profit.

            I can't say more on that without being accused of self promotion and I am not allowed to publish earnings claims even ones that other people have reported to me.

            Once you get your first quotes for small quantities from genuine manufacturers in China you will suddenly discover what dropship resellers have been missing out on.

            I am not an armchair expert. For 22 years prior to my health enforced retirement I ran an importing business that I franchised in 4 countries.[/QUOTE]

            I am interested in dropshipping electronics from websites like and Do you think its possible to make a profit doing that? Thanks again for your help!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8298284].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Importexport
              ALWAYS check reviews if you are going to buy offshore, but take care. One of the review sites has huge number of 5 star reviews, but when you check them out on Ripoff Report | Scams, reviews, complaints, lawsuits and frauds. File a report, post your review. Consumers educating consumers. you will find a large number of extremely bad experiences by people who say they have been ripped off when buying from that site. I also did a quick review check on the other site and only 1/3 of the reviews are positive, the other 2/3 are extremely negative, with warnings never to deal with that site.

              How do some of these sites and sellers get so many good reviews? They buy them. As I have pointed out on several posts, there is a huge online industry providing feedback and good reviews for payment.

              Why not play it safe? I only recommend a few very safe B2B sourcing sites. None of them list dropship suppliers. If you buy from dropship suppliers you are giving away a lot of your profit, because they buy from the manufacturers and add their very substantial margins before they sell to you.

              You can buy direct from the manufacturers just like they do, even for small orders and pocket all the profit yourself.
              Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8298867].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author fitnessguy88
                Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

                ALWAYS check reviews if you are going to buy offshore, but take care. One of the review sites has huge number of 5 star reviews, but when you check them out on Ripoff Report | Scams, reviews, complaints, lawsuits and frauds. File a report, post your review. Consumers educating consumers. you will find a large number of extremely bad experiences by people who say they have been ripped off when buying from that site. I also did a quick review check on the other site and only 1/3 of the reviews are positive, the other 2/3 are extremely negative, with warnings never to deal with that site.

                How do some of these sites and sellers get so many good reviews? They buy them. As I have pointed out on several posts, there is a huge online industry providing feedback and good reviews for payment.

                Why not play it safe? I only recommend a few very safe B2B sourcing sites. None of them list dropship suppliers. If you buy from dropship suppliers you are giving away a lot of your profit, because they buy from the manufacturers and add their very substantial margins before they sell to you.

                You can buy direct from the manufacturers just like they do, even for small orders and pocket all the profit yourself.
                How do I buy direct from the manufacturers? Also, do the manufacturers dropship? Because I am more interested in starting a dropshipping business, not a business where I hold inventory myself.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8298877].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Importexport
                  Originally Posted by fitnessguy88 View Post

                  How do I buy direct from the manufacturers?
                  First you need to find real manufacturers. If you go to most of the B2B portals that are frequently recommended on this forum you will find hundreds or even thousands of suppliers listed as manufacturers, but MOST OF THEM ARE NOT REAL MANUFACTURERS.

                  I teach how to identify genuine manufacturers, but I can't publish it all on the forum because it takes up 3 full A4 pages. There is a shortcut because one website has done all the hard work for buyers and they not only verify that the business really is a manufacturer, but also that they comply with fair labor rules, have the production capacity they claim etc.

                  Many B2B websites list "verified" suppliers, including many that pretend to be manufacturers. The verification process is very basic and only establishes that the business actually exists. A few suppliers on those sites pay extra for an inspection and for some of them that can show that they really do manufacture, but it can be hit and miss finding those verified by inspection suppliers.

                  It gets very complicated and that means that the average person looking for suppliers will just accept what they see on the website. They won't look at all the fine print like I have, and what's more, they don't have the 22 years importing experience that I have.

                  I suggest you look for people who offer importing guides like I do, (there are plenty of them) and work out which of them can provide you with the proper guidance you need for safe sourcing and simple importing. Please compare. Don't just take my word for it.
                  Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8298924].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author redalerta
        Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

        There is a simple solution. Forget about the wholesalers and buy small quantities direct from the manufacturers in China. That is where the wholesalers buy from and you can too.

        Ignore the myth about huge orders being necessary to buy direct. Over 22 years of operating my importing business prior to retirement, I placed many small orders and I NEVER bought from wholesalers.

        Although I frequently placed large orders as business grew, often my import shipments were valued as low as $100, and the profit margins I enjoyed would make those who buy from wholesalers drool.
        Isn't there any price difference buying between 10 pcs to 100 pcs or more?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10081759].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Importexport
          Originally Posted by redalerta View Post

          Isn't there any price difference buying between 10 pcs to 100 pcs or more?
          There may be a small difference, but usually not enough to take the risk. If you are completely satisfied that the supplier is genuine and the product quality is good, there is a benefit in reducing per unit freight cost by ordering 100 instead of 10.

          There is a myth that says that you must order very big quantities to get very low prices. That is not how most Chinese businesses work. Discounts for quantity are relatively small.

          If for example you double their MOQ, the discount might be 10% if you are lucky.
          Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10081894].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author redalerta
            Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

            There may be a small difference, but usually not enough to take the risk. If you are completely satisfied that the supplier is genuine and the product quality is good, there is a benefit in reducing per unit freight cost by ordering 100 instead of 10.

            There is a myth that says that you must order very big quantities to get very low prices. That is not how most Chinese businesses work. Discounts for quantity are relatively small.

            If for example you double their MOQ, the discount might be 10% if you are lucky.
            when you import product into Usa, You must pay import duty and taxes so how can I compete for seller who buys at aliexpress or other online drop shipper in China? because they dont pay any import duty and taxes.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10082789].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Importexport
              Originally Posted by redalerta View Post

              when you import product into Usa, You must pay import duty and taxes so how can I compete for seller who buys at aliexpress or other online drop shipper in China? because they dont pay any import duty and taxes.
              If a seller is using a supplier on Aliexpress as a dropshipper or any of the Chinese dropshipping sites and the item goes direct to the seller's customer, the customer could be liable to pay duty and tax.

              It is worth remembering that virtually every Chinese dropshipper competes directly with the resellers who are their own customers. Also the margins they offer are pathetically low.

              Buying small quanitites direct from genuine manufacturers in China will still get you profits that dropship resellers can only dream about.
              Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10083514].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TSOS
    Wow all the great information here truly helped me find a great drop shipping site!
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    • Originally Posted by TSOS View Post

      Wow all the great information here truly helped me find a great drop shipping site!
      Care to share the site, it is the title of this thread after all...
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  • Profile picture of the author johnzhang
    you 'd better buy directly from china than drop ship ,that is my idea.!
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  • Profile picture of the author fitnessguy88
    Hi everyone,

    I have a quick question about What are some good products to sell from there? Should I stay away from the mobile phones?

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  • Profile picture of the author Rymen1993
    I wanted to work with Chinabuye but I ordered a sample of few watches a month ago. And still, I didn't received them :/. I heard that Chinavasion are good.
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  • Profile picture of the author hndsign
    Many thanks for this topic. Previous, i just know Dhgate, focalprice and aliexpress
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  • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
    Anyone heard of this company? They seem too good to be true: Pirana Mobile Phones Llp
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  • Profile picture of the author PrimaDNA1989
    I have a question which might come across as a newbie question so forgive me in advance. What if the product is faulty/not delivered/late, do you as the middle man then have to find a replacement supplier immediately to deliver said goods? That worries me about this method of online marketing. Again probably a stupid question but I do not know where else to post this.
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    • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
      Originally Posted by PrimaDNA1989 View Post

      I have a question which might come across as a newbie question so forgive me in advance. What if the product is faulty/not delivered/late, do you as the middle man then have to find a replacement supplier immediately to deliver said goods? That worries me about this method of online marketing. Again probably a stupid question but I do not know where else to post this.

      A legitimate operation should take care of this for you and back the product they ship on your behalf. Of course talk is cheap and they might tell you whatever you want to hear over the phone before they have your money.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8418894].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by PrimaDNA1989 View Post

      I have a question which might come across as a newbie question so forgive me in advance. What if the product is faulty/not delivered/late, do you as the middle man then have to find a replacement supplier immediately to deliver said goods? That worries me about this method of online marketing. Again probably a stupid question but I do not know where else to post this.
      You may be the middle man but legally you are the one responsible to your customer. You are right to be concerned about the problems you describe.

      As DreamTFK said, a legitimate operation should back up what they sell, but in reality that does not always happen.

      If you are dealing with a local dropship supplier you have a better chance of getting proper backup, but that is not always so, as many posters on WF have complained. If you are dealing with Chinese dropshippers that you have found on the popular sourcing websites so often recommended on the forum - good luck.

      It is always a good idea to have more than one supplier for your goods, but this will not often be possible, so should problems occur you will have to do the best you can to keep your customers happy. Go the extra mile in offering replacements, refunds, discounts on future orders, or whatever you can do to pacify them. That may cost you, but it would probably be better than suffering a lot of bad feedback.

      Why not take control of your own business by buying a small inventory direct from real manufacturers overseas? Profit margins will amaze you.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8419700].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author messy13
    Thanks for the great posts here, i've found so much information that i know where to start now. It's my first forum i've joined, i wish i had done it a lot earlier!
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  • Profile picture of the author Januardi91
    hallo, i'm newbie, and i really excited with ebay and dropshipping, thank you for all of your kindness to share your valuable experiences on dropshipping. ,..
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  • Profile picture of the author articlesarthors
    I have been trying to find a drop shipper for surf boards, snowboards and skate boards but haven't been able to. There has to be someone out there that knows of a couple.
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    • Profile picture of the author Vanilla Gorilla
      Originally Posted by articlesarthors View Post

      I have been trying to find a drop shipper for surf boards, snowboards and skate boards but haven't been able to. There has to be someone out there that knows of a couple.
      contact some manufacturers on alibaba. They may not dropship per se, but you could probably get a small shipment in and start with ebay or amazon until you have the funds to upscale.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8438033].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Importexport
        Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla View Post

        contact some manufacturers on alibaba. They may not dropship per se, but you could probably get a small shipment in and start with ebay or amazon until you have the funds to upscale.
        articlesarthors, please see my post which is at the top of this page. It may make you think twice before casually searching for suppliers.

        It is your money you are spending, so don't you think it is worth careful research?

        You will find it difficult to convince a real manufacturer to supply less than their large Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) if you take the approach that I have often seen recommended on this forum. MOQs are there to deter people like you. If you contact manufacturers and ask what's your MOQ? you will rarely get an answer.

        Why do I emphasize "Real Manufacturers"? Two reasons -
        1. Buying direct from manufacturers will provide much, much more profit than buying through resellers, wholesalers, traders and middle men, and particularly dropshippers, even when you buy small quantities.
        2. Most of the popular and heavily advertised sites don't bother checking manufacturing capability, so they have huge numbers of resellers, wholesalers, traders and middle men listed all calling themselves manufacturers.
        Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8438803].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ghosttent
    I suggest you Customized Good Quality Products from China Manufacturer One-Stop service which provides custom promotional products directly from China.
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  • Profile picture of the author qashkai
    has anyone got a reliable android tablet dropshipper? i'm struggling to find one that isn't regarded as bad
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  • Profile picture of the author mediamarket
    Boycott the Doba and paid services they do nothing but sell you access to drop shipper
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  • Profile picture of the author jcjonas
    I am looking for a supplier of childrens toys. Could be in the US or China. They do not have to be a dropshipper but I am looking to stock up with small quantities at first - 15 to 50 pieces. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8449430].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author T_R_O_N_I_X
      Originally Posted by jcjonas View Post

      I am looking for a supplier of childrens toys. Could be in the US or China. They do not have to be a dropshipper but I am looking to stock up with small quantities at first - 15 to 50 pieces. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


      Unfortunately, I don't have any expertise in suppliers for toys. However, I'd suggest researching if there is anyplace local to you that sales pallets of mixed products.

      That's how I got my start. Buying $500 pallets of mixed products. You can also try I know they sell everything from consumer electronics to toys as well.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8449456].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by jcjonas View Post

      I am looking for a supplier of childrens toys. Could be in the US or China. They do not have to be a dropshipper but I am looking to stock up with small quantities at first - 15 to 50 pieces. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


      Hi Jeff,

      China is the toy capital of the world. If buying from China there are a lot of factors to consider.
      • Avoid brand names.
      • Buy direct from the factory - yes, you can buy small quantities.
      • Make sure the supplier really is a manufacturer. Most who claim to be such are not.
      • Remember that freight charges can relate to dimensions as well as weight, so smaller, lighter items may be preferable, particularly if high value.
      • Beware of freight quotes on a per lb or per ton basis. Get quotes on a per shipment basis.
      • Make sure you meet safety standards. Don't just rely on the supplier's copy of certification papers. They are not always genuine.
      • Check out the sourcing sites suggested on forums before using them. Many, if not most, have many adverse reviews.
      If you do succeed in finding real manufacturers you will be amazed at the low prices and high profit margins possible. Ignore the MOQs quoted and negotiate smaller orders.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8453255].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author LCjr
    Hello Iam a nubie, and I am looking for a dropshipper that caries Cheerleading apperal specialy SHOES.
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  • Profile picture of the author DownRiteDeals
    Thanks everyone for all the useful info
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  • Profile picture of the author Chaudhrysohail drop ships over 1000 jewelry items and hundreds of wireless accessories. Product ships the same day. Their quality is excellent. These guys are based in las vegas.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nguy0279
    This forum is awesome. I have been trying to find suppliers to dropship but with no luck so far. Have used salehoo, and even signed up for esource deals site (don't remember the actual name). When I think I have found a good product to dropship, I would always check the prices on ebay and amazon. As stated by all the posters the profit margin is non-existent. After two years of searching and spending cash for information on business sources I have realized that dropshipping is way to difficult to earn a profit. I started to research into finding a manufacturing company as a source but the MOQ are so high.

    However, I cant stop trying. Just need to dig deeper and keep at it. Looks like the best way is to find a manufacturer as a supplier.

    Will just keep reading and learning from all of you. Thanks for the information.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8727547].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by Nguy0279 View Post

      This forum is awesome. I have been trying to find suppliers to dropship but with no luck so far. Have used salehoo, and even signed up for esource deals site (don't remember the actual name). When I think I have found a good product to dropship, I would always check the prices on ebay and amazon. As stated by all the posters the profit margin is non-existent. After two years of searching and spending cash for information on business sources I have realized that dropshipping is way to difficult to earn a profit. I started to research into finding a manufacturing company as a source but the MOQ are so high.

      However, I cant stop trying. Just need to dig deeper and keep at it. Looks like the best way is to find a manufacturer as a supplier.

      Will just keep reading and learning from all of you. Thanks for the information.
      Hi Nguy,

      Don't let those big MOQs stop you from entering the world of high profit importing. The main reason they are there is to put off people like you, but you can ignore them.

      I have taught hundreds of people how to order small quantities from genuine manufacturers overseas regardless of the big MOQs they quote. It all depends on using the right approach. You will find it difficult to convince a real manufacturer to supply less than their large Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) if you take the approach that I have often seen recommended on this forum

      Most newbies blow it in their first contact email. One of the most common mistakes is to tell the supplier that you are just starting up, but there are other things to avoid saying, and there are great ways to get the suppliers to want to deal with you.

      Local suppliers require a lot more from you than overseas suppliers do, but newbies tend to make the same approach to a manufacturer in China as they would to a local one. Suppliers in China aren't interested in your reseller's license or your tax number. They are keen to do business provided you seem professional.

      Traders and wholesalers are far less flexible than real manufacturers when it comes to MOQs. There are good reasons why, and I will explain if you ask. The point is that you must find genuine manufacturers if you want to make mind blowing profits.

      Most "manufacturers" listed on the popular sourcing sites are in fact traders or wholesalers. This is one reason why I only recommend a couple of sites where I know that those listed are genuine.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8728592].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tssword - Swords from Spain - Damascene Jewelry and Giftware
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  • Profile picture of the author gangtato
    Thanks for your sharing sir. It's very usefull for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author celebcaleb
    Originally Posted by timpears View Post

    All that down the drain because someone sold out my source. A golden source of multiple great sellers on eBay.
    I used to think that drop shipping was worth it till you mentioned this. I'm not saying that one person's saying is going to sway me but you are a respected member here and you obviously know what you're talking about. If you don't mind me asking are you doing any drop shipping at all Tim as of now?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8731872].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author timpears
      Originally Posted by celebcaleb View Post

      I used to think that drop shipping was worth it till you mentioned this. I'm not saying that one person's saying is going to sway me but you are a respected member here and you obviously know what you're talking about. If you don't mind me asking are you doing any drop shipping at all Tim as of now?
      Mo, I am not doing any drop shipping. I only did a small amount, and it was not reliable as my supply ran out one time nd I had to lie to the buyer and tell her I shipped her the last one we had and it must have got lost in the mail. I refunded her the money. She was very nice and gave me positive feedback because i treated her well. But I was embarrassed, and I don't want to do that again.

      I am going to buy some product from China as soon as i can make up my mind on quantity, and send them to Amazon to sell for me.

      Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author airbush
    Has somebody tried
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    • Profile picture of the author aviatorius
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  • Profile picture of the author Singlepile
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796569].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by Singlepile View Post

      Add : Online shopping - Electronics, Industrial Accessories, Music Instruments, Lighting and more -

      Music instrument: Specialists In Guitars - Effects pedals | Musical Instruments
      Are these affiliate links?

      Both of these sites are owned by the same Chinese company.

      Even if I was dropshipping I would not buy from suppliers who compete with their own customers.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796612].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author manykwartz
    This thread is really helpful. Thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8826617].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author akickincrowd
    I used Doba before, bad news. It was a terrible waste of money
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  • Profile picture of the author discountdealerz
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8863476].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Etoot
    Here are some drop shipping sites which will help you indeed;


    And blah blah!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8885744].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Anton Louis
      Originally Posted by Etoot View Post

      Here are some drop shipping sites which will help you indeed;


      And blah blah!
      There are a bunch of threads on here bashing Doba. I've never used them but I know they are a middleman supplier so I understand where the neg reviews are coming from. You always want to go direct.

      There are also a lot of members of WWB who post positive feedback about them right here on WF and it seems like people who don't use them always complain about the high membership fee.

      I personally source suppliers by reverse engineering my competitors sites and I don't think there is a better way to do it. It's free and you avoid the fake middlemen suppliers.

      PRO TIP: You never want to work with anyone who advertises their company as a drop ship supplier. Searches for "my niche + drop shipper" will almost always result in your finding middlemen who leave you with no room for profits.

      Hope that helps,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8887372].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Importexport
        Regarding, I missed out mentioning a short thread that dealt with that business. Only 11 posts, but worth reading if you are considering using them for sourcing dropship supplies.

        Has Any One Used
        Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8887753].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author feedia
    I am a partner in - A small company that offers reseller and drop shipping programs. No fee to join, and you always know your exact cost, because all items ship for free!

    -Some items are truly wholesale (actually imported for the company) and some items are offered at very deep discounts.
    -Most Items ship within 5-10 business days (in the U.S. only), as long as it is in stock.
    -We do not sell on ebay (and our products have limited competition - especially compared to other items)
    -We accept all major debit/credit cards.
    -We don't send an invoice with Drop Shipments

    Any other questions? Just ask me!

    Thank You,
    Lane - Community for Sharing Articles - Contests - Deals - Games

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8887323].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author punk14may best for online Hand and Power Tools

    Product delivered in 2 days only.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8906158].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TheGreatDress
      I'm accepting 40 business or applicants looking for drop-shipping in the United States in the following categories.

      • Office School Supplies
      • Electronics and Media
      • Accessories Fashion
      • Baby Care products
      • Housewares
      • Party Supplies and much much more!
      Registration online is required via a form, business information and such. I personally will provide you with a list and catalog, after complete registration.

      *We required a $5 registration fee, that will be refunded to you after your first sale with us.

      Contact me via our Skype User Name: Odopi-sales
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8913401].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
        Originally Posted by TheGreatDress View Post

        I'm accepting 40 business or applicants looking for drop-shipping in the United States in the following categories.

        • Office School Supplies
        • Electronics and Media
        • Accessories Fashion
        • Baby Care products
        • Housewares
        • Party Supplies and much much more!
        Registration online is required via a form, business information and such. I personally will provide you with a list and catalog, after complete registration.

        *We required a $5 registration fee, that will be refunded to you after your first sale with us.

        Contact me via our Skype User Name: Odopi-sales
        Do not I repeat DO NOT attempt to do any business at all with TheGreatDress (says her name is Rebecca). I tried ordering electronics from this person who lied to me about the items being shipped out, would not provide tracking information and ignored my e-mails.

        I eventually had to open chargeback disputes after he/she REFUSED to provide a tracking number. Furthermore they were very nasty after realizing that I figured out they were scamming me. Once things went south I could barely understand the e-mails because their broken English was so bad.

        Feel free to PM me and I will send you copies of the e-mails from this person - STAY AWAY!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8913438].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TheGreatDress
          Originally Posted by DreamTFK View Post

          Do not I repeat DO NOT attempt to do any business at all with TheGreatDress (says her name is Rebecca). I tried ordering electronics from this person who lied to me about the items being shipped out, would not provide tracking information and ignored my e-mails.

          I eventually had to open chargeback disputes after he/she REFUSED to provide a tracking number. Furthermore they were very nasty after realizing that I figured out they were scamming me. Once things went south I could barely understand the e-mails because their broken English was so bad.

          Feel free to PM me and I will send you copies of the e-mails from this person - STAY AWAY!
          That's not exactly true, you ordered from me and then you filed for a charge-back, you also forgot to add, that I had to hold your package with the carrier after this happened.

          And of course all the insults which were started by you unprofessionally. You also forgot to tell the users here that you received a full refund. And that your bank canceled the charge back. You, yourself created this whole incident because you had no patience what so ever!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8913527].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
            Originally Posted by TheGreatDress View Post

            That's not exactly true, you ordered from me and then you filed for a charge-back, you also forgot to add, that I had to hold your package with the carrier after this happened.
            100% true.

            If you called the carrier to stop the "package" what tracking number did you provide when they asked for it and why would you not give it to me after days of me requesting it??? Don't lie to these people you scammer, almost 1 year since signing up and you have 11 posts two of which are here!

            I have e-mail proof of everything. Do not give this person any of your money you have been warned!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8913603].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author TheGreatDress
              Originally Posted by DreamTFK View Post

              100% true.

              If you called the carrier to stop the "package" what tracking number did you provide when they asked for it and why would you not give it to me after days of me requesting it??? Don't lie to these people you scammer, almost 1 year since signing up and you have 11 posts two of which are here!

              I have e-mail proof of everything. Do not give this person any of your money you have been warned!
              All I am gong to say is you have no idea, you came to me first of all, only because we had the holiday's delayed your order, you went to file a dispute with the merchant card.

              You call me a scammer and you disputed the charge immediately after the sale, I never took any monies from you. I even refunded you the full amount, and your bank simply closed the dispute after my risk department sent all your emails, and tracking information even the phone number to call the carrier.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8913692].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
                Originally Posted by TheGreatDress View Post

                All I am gong to say is you have no idea, you came to me first of all, only because we had the holiday's delayed your order, you went to file a dispute with the merchant card.

                You call me a scammer and you disputed the charge immediately after the sale, I never took any monies from you. I even refunded you the full amount, and your bank simply closed the dispute after my risk department sent all your emails, and tracking information even the phone number to call the carrier.
                Was gonna let this lie but received an e-mail today from another Warrior who is on to these chumps and their scams. It is a husband/wife team living in Massachusetts (I thought it odd they were ALL from MA lol) and they go by many business names eg. TechTenacy, Swiftronics, MassTechOutlet and by many fake individual names eg. Jacob Sinoco, Henry Nelson along with many handles on many forums to lure in their pray.

                I have opened tickets to get TheGreatDress (Rebecca Loper) banned but I'm sure she will just create a new account. I am hoping more people find this thread and avoid these crooks but here is a copy of the 2 e-mails I received today, sorry for the length!

                I saw your post, you got into an argument with masstechoutlet on the

                Props to ya for revealing the scammer.

                I have been bargaining and going back and forth with these guys for days. NO shipment or nothing! I lost a dispute with Mass tech for $1329.56, but I filed for small claims court in Massachusetts.

                The guy's name is bryan mccue and rebecca lopper from somerville, MA. and I go this info from the city clerk of somerville three days ago.

                I'm also reporting her because she faked a company and never paid me the shipment of goods, so I billed for collections to the wrong business and they mail me back saying she was not part of that company. Which in MA is a crime, so I filed a police report and they are investigating her for false pretense.

                Also, MASSTECHOUTLET or MASS TECH LLC goes by the name if Dan2Friend and was sh*it listed by bl****** forums months before they were scamming other people on the Warrior.


                Just letting you know to stay away from this people but DO NOT do business with anybody that appears saying they are from the state of MASSACHUSETTS because they have your email and simply are scamming you.

                My name is ****, so any questions just tell me, if you know anything else just let me know, I was a detective for 20 years for the State Police in Massachusetts and they simply ****ed with the wrong person.

                And a follow up reply to me...

                Mass tech LLC is being operated by MASS Technology Outlet LLC by the name of bryan mccue.

                Dan2friend is being operated by Swiftronics Inc also by Mass technology outlet. Techtenacy is being operated by swiftronics and is not a real business in New Jersey. Swiftronics is an ebay powerseller from Canada being used as a cover to scamm users online, he is not involved in this, see thread above.

                This user is connected to over 14 scamms on the Bl****World and other forums alike. DO NOT fall for him if he approaches you, use another email and when you start searching suppliers again.

                Do not worry because I will pursue these guys in MASSACHUSETTS COURT, and they're being investigated deeply by the MASS STATE POLICE DEPT.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8933659].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Wardenclyffe
                  Originally Posted by DreamTFK View Post

                  Was gonna let this lie but received an e-mail today from another Warrior who is on to these chumps and their scams. It is a husband/wife team living in Massachusetts (I thought it odd they were ALL from MA lol) and they go by many business names eg. TechTenacy, Swiftronics, MassTechOutlet and by many fake individual names eg. Jacob Sinoco, Henry Nelson along with many handles on many forums to lure in their pray.

                  I have opened tickets to get TheGreatDress (Rebecca Loper) banned but I'm sure she will just create a new account. I am hoping more people find this thread and avoid these crooks but here is a copy of the 2 e-mails I received today, sorry for the length!

                  I saw your post, you got into an argument with masstechoutlet on the

                  Props to ya for revealing the scammer.

                  I have been bargaining and going back and forth with these guys for days. NO shipment or nothing! I lost a dispute with Mass tech for $1329.56, but I filed for small claims court in Massachusetts.

                  The guy's name is bryan mccue and rebecca lopper from somerville, MA. and I go this info from the city clerk of somerville three days ago.

                  I'm also reporting her because she faked a company and never paid me the shipment of goods, so I billed for collections to the wrong business and they mail me back saying she was not part of that company. Which in MA is a crime, so I filed a police report and they are investigating her for false pretense.

                  Also, MASSTECHOUTLET or MASS TECH LLC goes by the name if Dan2Friend and was sh*it listed by bl****** forums months before they were scamming other people on the Warrior.


                  Just letting you know to stay away from this people but DO NOT do business with anybody that appears saying they are from the state of MASSACHUSETTS because they have your email and simply are scamming you.

                  My name is ****, so any questions just tell me, if you know anything else just let me know, I was a detective for 20 years for the State Police in Massachusetts and they simply ****ed with the wrong person.

                  And a follow up reply to me...

                  Mass tech LLC is being operated by MASS Technology Outlet LLC by the name of bryan mccue.

                  Dan2friend is being operated by Swiftronics Inc also by Mass technology outlet. Techtenacy is being operated by swiftronics and is not a real business in New Jersey. Swiftronics is an ebay powerseller from Canada being used as a cover to scamm users online, he is not involved in this, see thread above.

                  This user is connected to over 14 scamms on the Bl****World and other forums alike. DO NOT fall for him if he approaches you, use another email and when you start searching suppliers again.

                  Do not worry because I will pursue these guys in MASSACHUSETTS COURT, and they're being investigated deeply by the MASS STATE POLICE DEPT.
                  Thank you DreamTFK!
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8955490].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author befrazier1
                    I love this forum, because you guys really can save people money and time, sorry that you got burned. I have purchased some other products in the last few months without coming to the forum first knowing I should since I was unfamiliar with the seller. Thank goodness I only purchased the initial product and not the oto's.

                    Thanks again.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9125149].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author angel4decale
        Can you PM the information to apply?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8946045].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author timpears
      Originally Posted by punk14may View Post best for online Hand and Power Tools

      Product delivered in 2 days only.
      I can't understand this post. I see items selling for list price, so how would they make a good drop shipper?

      Tim Pears

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8958052].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NathanJames
    Anybody use Sammy Dress?, they do dropshipping too and want to try them but reluctant to do it, they are base in HongKong. Sammy Dress for Less: Cheap Clothes, Latest Fashion |

    buy & sell mom,kid items | Priceables
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8936044].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by NathanJames View Post

      Anybody use Sammy Dress?, they do dropshipping too and want to try them but reluctant to do it, they are base in HongKong. Sammy Dress for Less: Cheap Clothes, Latest Fashion |

      buy & sell mom,kid items | Priceables
      Before anyone uses such a site they should do 2 things:
      • Look at reviews. Not the fake ones that so many sites have paid for, but you can find genuine ones if you search carefully. After all it is your money you are risking.. One of the first places I would look is Just check this link to see what customers think of SammyDress http://
      • Read the fine print. Even if the goods are faulty or not delivered, SammyDress offer only a partial refund.
      Why buy from a site that competes with you? Why buy wholesale when you can buy direct from the real manufacturers even in small quantities if you use the right approach?
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8936878].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mjzim40
    I am offering a WSO on a leading dropshipping pro
    gram through this online wholesale Site and the majority of products are sold at prices that instant profits by selling on ebay or Amazon.

    Check it out here:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8956886].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bonzo1968
    I just found this site today and i will tell ya it should be mandatory reading for anybody that is looking to work from home. I have owned Brick&Mortar stores since i was 22. Because of a sudden illness i had to sell my company and start something from home and i will say you guys/gals have some terrific ideas. Now just to weed out whats real and whats not.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8957978].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    It does not matter which drop shipper I look up, I can never find prices lower than I find on eBay or Amazon. How in hell would anyone make money buying for higher than you can sell in these teo venues?

    Tim Pears

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8958100].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Etoot
    How about ?