Suppliers Stock Levels

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I am using woocommerce ( for my first store). Going to be using prestashop or another platform for my second store. Someone asked a question similar to this last week and I couldn't find it to re-read it.

How do you all keep track of stock ( this obviously doesn't apply to anyone that has actual physical inventory!) Do you spend an hour or so a night checking each supplier to make sure THEY aren't out of stock?

One supplier I am using has a stock feed. How in the world I use that is beyond me. I'd really hate to find out when a customer orders that my supplier is out of stock. With x amount of people ordering from that one supplier each and everyday, I can imagine that stock can go pretty quickly.

Any way to manage this other than just keep checking their website? I have ALOT of products! Id be checking forever.
#levels #stock #suppliers
  • Profile picture of the author york
    How do you all keep track of stock ( this obviously doesn't apply to anyone that has actual physical inventory!) Do you spend an hour or so a night checking each supplier to make sure THEY aren't out of stock?
    You would simply use this software:

    Drop Ship Management Software

    Hope this helps!
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