Inventory Management - Online and Offline synch ecommerce store

13 replies
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Does anyone know of an app, or way to take a picture of a physical product, and have it uploaded to your ecommerce website automatically, allowing you to fill in price and other fields? (Preferrably with WooCommerce).

Then when it's sold, the system would remove it based on inventory levels (if was just 1 of them).

Right now the ones I found for inventory management were:

A friend of mine sells unique items, and uploading all the items to the ecommerce store, only to have them sold within his store would be a big hassle (if he had to remove them once sold).

It would be much easier to take a picture of an item with a phone or iPad (and have it auto populate your ecommerce store) vs having to take pictures with your phone, then upload to an ecommerce shop and fill out price, details, etc.

The uniqueness of the items and quick sell rate within the store make this more difficult to a) upload all inventory levels b) keep up with sold inventory

Alternative is to have no ecommerce store, or only list the slow selling items

Would appreciate a viewpoint from someone that has done it successfully.
#ecommerce #inventory #management #offline #online #store #synch
  • Profile picture of the author Ryce
    I think you can use Superep from to suit your needs
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Anton
    Thank you Ryce

    Not sure if this is it, but looks like it could be a solution. Going to look more into it
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    • Profile picture of the author Ryce
      Originally Posted by Matthew Anton View Post

      Thank you Ryce

      Not sure if this is it, but looks like it could be a solution. Going to look more into it
      I think it will cover at least the inventory sync issue and maybe you could get it sync with your site with an API...

      at the end of the day you can always get what you want but its about ROI and how much you can invest.

      please keep me posted and good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Solid Commerce
    Hi Matthew,

    I definitely think Solid Commerce might be a tool that would suit your needs. It was designed with multichannel inventory management in mind (and has since grown into an end-to-end eCommerce platform with a ton of functionality).

    One of the core uses for Solid Commerce is exactly what you're talking about -- syncing up inventory across multiple channels, marketplaces, and stores. When inventory sells on one channel, the inventory for other channels will automatically update and stay synced, so the selling process is nice and streamlined.

    With a system like QuickBooks POS or ConnectedBusiness, you (or your friend) would easily be able to use Solid Commerce to keep inventory nice and synced between your physical store, a webstore, and a marketplace like eBay or Amazon (or Sears or Rakuten, etc, etc).

    It also takes care of things like repricing on Amazon (among a TON of other features) to help you keep the competitive edge.

    You can check out or you can PM me for some more info if you'd like.

    Hope that helps!

    _ Sean B.
    Solid Commerce

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    • Profile picture of the author Ryce
      Originally Posted by Solid Commerce View Post

      Hi Matthew,

      I definitely think Solid Commerce might be a tool that would suit your needs. It was designed with multichannel inventory management in mind (and has since grown into an end-to-end eCommerce platform with a ton of functionality).

      One of the core uses for Solid Commerce is exactly what you're talking about -- syncing up inventory across multiple channels, marketplaces, and stores. When inventory sells on one channel, the inventory for other channels will automatically update and stay synced, so the selling process is nice and streamlined.

      With a system like QuickBooks POS or ConnectedBusiness, you (or your friend) would easily be able to use Solid Commerce to keep inventory nice and synced between your physical store, a webstore, and a marketplace like eBay or Amazon (or Sears or Rakuten, etc, etc).

      It also takes care of things like repricing on Amazon (among a TON of other features) to help you keep the competitive edge.

      You can check out or you can PM me for some more info if you'd like.

      Hope that helps!
      Seems to be a very well thought software project

      youtube link: Solid Commerce Demo
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Anton
    Thanks for input. Can you take pictures with your iPad or phone with solidcommerce and have it uploaded to your store via an app?

    Does it integrate with Woocommerce?
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    • Profile picture of the author n_touch
      It sounds like you are trying to sync with the POS that they are using in store. A lot of what you are doing will matter the POS system that you are using. We currently have a woocommerce client that is synced with QuickBooks POS. What POS are they using in the store?
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Anton
    ahh yes. That would make sense. I think it's QuickBooks as well.

    While synching is a huge issue (and looks like I have been given enough guidance to solve here), the next obstacle is ease of adding inventory to the store.

    Taking a picture of it, and adding a title /price seems like it would be very easy. Haven't bought Superep or tried yet so not sure if that is the solution.

    If I had to take a picture of the inventory, then transfer to pc to upload it would be a big hassle, only to find the product was sold a week later. Perhaps "unique" items and ecommerce don't mix too well if there is a good amount of volume.
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    • Profile picture of the author Solid Commerce
      Hi Matthew,

      While there isn't a mobile app or way to auto-upload pictures that's QUITE as streamlined as the process you're describing, it is a bit easier than taking a photo, uploading it to your PC, and so forth.

      With Solid Commerce, a lot of sellers use PhotoBucket. So while you don't have to actually transfer the data to your PC, you will have to upload the photos to PB. Once they're there, you can put the URLs into an Excel Spreadsheet and use our Excel Uploader Tool to upload large amounts of items all at once.

      As far as WooCommerce is concerned, that's one of the many integrations currently in the works. I should be ready by the second quarter of this year.

      Hope this helps! If you've got any more questions, feel free to PM me or give us a call at 800.750.7617.

      _ Sean B.
      Solid Commerce

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  • Profile picture of the author n_touch
    If every item that they have is unique and they are moving inventory that fast, I would only use the website for items that are taking time to sell. There are extensions out there for Quickbooks and Quickbooks POS that will integrate with each of the two. You may want to look into Webgility. It is a great and easy way to integrate. I am not sure if this will import the image, but it will move inventory back and forth. The other good thing about webgility is that you can use it with many different platforms and not just woocommerce, so if you look at changing in the future, you have that option with no wasted money.

    The other thing that you can look into depending on how deep they are into the site is PDG Software. I have heard both good and bad things about them. I can say in my dealings with them, they told me that they were the only option that was around. That really put me off from them since I already knew there were many different options.

    We just did this with a retail store that generates about 50k in sales a month in store, so keeping up with inventory was something that we had to make sure of. Especially with the Christmas season, we did not want to run into any issue of overselling. I am in and out of the warrior, if you would like to talk more, PM me and we can move to email or skype.
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  • Profile picture of the author swadeshdgp
    Powerful pos software allows retailers to maintain absolute control over sales and inventory while presenting an easy customer checkout.
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  • Profile picture of the author agnostic98
    Hi Matthew, I'm actually currently developing the exact tool that you are referring to. You can check it out at Basically it's a smartphone app where merchants can snap photos of their products and see them listed across multiple selling channels. I haven't been building in support for Woocommerce yet though, working on Shopify currently. It would be great if I can chat with you or your friend so I can understand your specific scenarios and ensure I can include the right features.
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  • Profile picture of the author CreativeWest
    @agnostic98 Your tool looks good, smart, fits the need and with some extra connectors and Android would have a good market. One question, how on earth do you expect to make any money with it.

    It looks like you have put months of effort not including your experience to get to where you are, yet all the marketplaces are made up of way too many irrational buyers/sellers. If we had desire to use them as primary selling vehicles your tool would be worth $100s/mth but there's the problem. The irrational sellers expect it for free of $10/mth unless it was subsumed in to a much larger architecture and then they wouldn't use it anyway.

    You are willing to talk to potential customers, adapt the service, it's a normal rational approach to product launch. Been down the same road, people don't value time and only the numbers especially on the marketplaces, really hope it becomes successful for you.
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