WooThemes and Woocommerce Data Breach

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So I received an email from Woothemes that they had a data breach on their website. The only thing they know is there were some modified files on their servers from the breach.

I think this is especially important for those of us that given warning about the inherent security flaws in using wordpress as a commerce provider since it wasn't just anyone but the actual woocommerce developer that has had the breach.

Those of you using woocommerce should probably keep a close look at your sites over the next few months because nothing destroys customer trust more than a data breach.

Depending on what State and/or country you live in, you have a legal obligation to notify your customers of data breaches on your site.

You also might consider signing up with these guys https://sucuri.net/ which will scan and protect your site in the event of a breach.
#breach #data #woocommerce #woothemes

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