Looking for some honest Reviews/Advice
Long time lerker of these forums and finally decided to jump into the dark arts of Ecommerce!.
I am looking at dropshipping furniture in the UK through ModernHQ - High Quality Furniture At Affordable Prices
Its nowhere at the stage of completion yet although i was hoping to get information or advice rather to assure me i am on the right track with how it is looking.
I have literally just added the blog to it as i constantly see the recommendation of Blogging and Social!
Please bare the products are no up yet!
I have also got a pinterest, facebook and twitter account set-up for it.
- My main tactic is going to be PPC and test the fields of potential interest.
- Hit Pinterest Home/Decor with fresh pins.
- Offer Discounts, Sales through Facebook and Twitter
- Use Fiverr twice a week at the beginning to get the blog rolling
- ...not very sure :confused:
Everything is appreicated,
MJHiggins -
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