When buying Wholesale, how do you know which items will sell?

4 replies
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Does the sales rank and the number of offers, and Profit Bandit for Amazon and using Terapeak for Ebay still apply?
#buying #items #sell #wholesale
  • Profile picture of the author WilliamVillagran
    I use profit bandit and camelcamelcamel to always check on rank and prices. It really depends on where you are going to sell your products. For instance if you are going to sell on Amazon the rank does not really matter especially if it's during the christmas season. Also if you have plenty of capitol rank does not matter because you can sit on items until they sell and not worry about the race to the bottom that tends to happen when lots of people jump on a product.
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    • Profile picture of the author bigfoot12
      So wait, does wholesale mean that the items are new and most aren't listed on the internet yet?
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      • Profile picture of the author WilliamVillagran
        Sometimes they are new and not listed but sometimes they are listed it really does depend on the company you buy products from. There are certain companies that will have 100's of people selling for them. Then there are those companies that have less than 10 sellers selling for them .
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  • Profile picture of the author salehoo
    Before actually buying wholesale, of course, one should be able to research on what's hot and what's not.
    Yes, it matters if your products is based on the niche you selected but you have to look into several sites that have high selling products and the like to give you an idea on what to invest on.
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