WHAT PLUGINS DO I NEED FOR MULTIVENDOR WORDPRESS SITE and for a multivendor subdomain multisite

by pokes
2 replies
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hi i am looking to build a wordpress ecommerce website with multiple vendors that could post for a % charged at the end or a monthly fee. is there away to combine plugs ins or does the theme make it possible? or can any ecommeerce theme be made in to a multivender website ? ...... next question i would like to offer subdomains for a fee in the future to vendors and affiliates would it be wise to just get multisite plug ins now or is there a big difference in pricing????
#multisite #multivendor #plugins #site #subdomain #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author ancuisle
    Dokan theme is one option albeit relatively expensive and requiring yearly subscription.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9484104].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pokes
    im thinking dokan theme and woocemmerce are the only way
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9484197].message }}

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