The Ryan Deiss Method

13 replies
I am subscribed to Ryan Deiss and I have noticed for a while now

that he has a method I find pretty interesting from pulling revenue from his list.

From what I noticed this is what he does:

1) You subscribe to his list

2) He gives out free tips and content on specific subjects [no surprise]

3) The free content leads to his DM labs website [blog]

4) You can read whatever the free content is on

5) At the end of the content it "pitches" to subscribe to his monthly DM Labs [paid] content and tells you what you get etc. etc.

6) The cost is a recurring $38.60

7) He also promotes separate products [from time to time] to his list via email.

What do you guys think of this method? It is a little different from most people just getting subscribers and pitching them products.

He leads them to his website with free content and then soft pitches for a monthly cost to his paid content on the site.

Thinking about doing something like this. Have you guys tried this before?
#deiss #method #ryan
  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    It isn't the "Ryan Deiss Method." That would imply that he innovated it. Ryan likes the porn site sales model. It has branched out into many areas of the net.

    You offer great content for free and put the amazing content behind a paywall. The downside is in the required production value of the content. You can't get away with lackluster on the free end because nobody will buy. And the paid stuff has to be much better than the free. The MMO "guru" characters get away with much less quality content though since the subscribers to those kind of lists tend to not be the brightest bulbs.
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    • Profile picture of the author TakenAction
      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      It isn't the "Ryan Deiss Method." That would imply that he innovated it. Ryan likes the porn site sales model. It has branched out into many areas of the net.

      You offer great content for free and put the amazing content behind a paywall. The downside is in the required production value of the content. You can't get away with lackluster on the free end because nobody will buy. And the paid stuff has to be much better than the free. The MMO "guru" characters get away with much less quality content though since the subscribers to those kind of lists tend to not be the brightest bulbs.
      Thanks for the comment. Yeah I guess i didn't mean to actually mean that he innovated this method but it certainly is an interesting method.

      I agree with the paid content lacking value because I have subscribed through his trial and it truly wasn't anything I couldn't learn elsewhere for free.

      The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Holmes
    Originally Posted by TakenAction View Post

    What do you guys think of this method? It is a little different from most people just getting subscribers and pitching them products.
    One major advantage is that your subscribers don't tend to see your 'newsletter' as being nothing but sales copy...

    You're free to actually offer good information... and send 'em to the website for the selling.

    It's a very good method that more people should pay attention to...

    You can still sell affiliate products like normal - you just have much more room for a presell on your website than you do in an email.
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  • Profile picture of the author joshsiaw
    I agree with Ben that you have much more room for a presell on a website. Here are a couple other observations about doing this:
    1. You train your readers to click links in your emails
    2. You add a certain unpredictability in your emails so that they aren't always expecting a sales pitch
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  • In my opinion, this is the only way you should play it nowadays.

    Email open rates are getting lower and the industry continues to become much more competitive.

    Ryan Deiss is one of the most experienced marketers out there and knows exactly what he's doing. He delivers a good blend of value and pitching.

    Also, the method of getting people to click on a blog post and then having subtle "ads" or CTAs throughout is a very powerful strategy. I remember Frank Kern teaching this. It works because people see "blog links" as very low threat so they are more inclined to click through and engage.
    Follow Me On My Blog
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by NickWebTrafficLounge View Post

      Ryan Deiss is one of the most experienced marketers out there and knows exactly what he's doing.
      Originally Posted by NickWebTrafficLounge View Post

      I remember Frank Kern teaching this.
      Of course, the potential problem with following "gurus" of that kind is that you may well reproduce for yourself not only some of their disastrous legal problems, but some of their email open-rates, too:

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      • Profile picture of the author Christopher Fox
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Of course, the potential problem with following "gurus" of that kind is that you may well reproduce for yourself not only some of their disastrous legal problems, but some of their email open-rates, too:

        From your post you linked to:

        If 80% of my own subscribers wouldn't open an email from me, I'd call it a day and go into the antiques business, or just be a shoe-designer, or something, instead. If it weren't so stupid, it would be laughable.
        I'm not quite sure what to make of this comment. You are obviously proud of it, and linked back to it, but all you are doing is calling a couple dudes who have made millions from IM stupid and laughable. Well, actually, you are calling A LOT, PROBABLY THE MAJORITY, of IMers and Warrior Forum members, operators of 'stupid & laughable' efforts, better suited to selling used furniture.

        No offense, but I am sure those two dudes would laugh at your income from email marketing and say the same thing to you. Unless you yourself have made millions of dollars via email marketing, but I doubt you have ...

        I'm sure someone like Kern would look at the bottom line of your excellently written (for you are a quite talented writer) email/article/affiliate business, the bottom line being your net annual profits, and laugh at you. And when you looked them in the eye and told them their methods are 'stupid', their open rates 'laughable', and they should go find some other way to make money, like selling used furniture, they would do the 'ol ROFLMAO at you.

        A couple times, at least.

        They obviously have a DIFFERENT business model than yours, and to suggest it 'stupid' or 'laughable' due to their open rates is awfully pretentious and making an evaluation of their business off of very, very incomplete data, dontcha think? In fact, the simple evaluation of an open rate IS NOT something you can extrapolate out to the conclusions you make.

        Especially when the amount they make from their 'stupid, laughable' open rates is what it is.

        Telling people who have made millions from email marketing that their model is stupid and laughable and suggest they should find some other means of making a living, is, well, stupid and laughable, Ms. Smith.

        But, who knows. Maybe we should all listen to you and hang on your every word (like you have most doing). Maybe you rake in 1 million a year. Or a million per month. Who knows. None of us here do, for even though you are probably the member (at least currently) who posts the most often as well as self-promoting your posts, you are also about the absolutely most vague 'expert' on the Warrior Forum, that really only seems to know email/article marketing and has a penchant for linking to your own posts. And what you relate about all of that stuff is pretty much common knowledge (for non-newbies), anyway.

        I personally would have problems sleeping at night selling the kinds of things Kern has - he is a dream peddler, like many gurus, making his money off of selling his 'methods' versus actually implementing them in areas other than 'get rich with da Net with no work' niche. It is, like much of the Health/Self Help niche, very predatory, cheesy, and although not illegal, unethical. So I am not rushing to Kern's defense. MOST of this IM guru stuff is not a ponzi scheme, but it is an enclosed loop, a closed circuit, compared to many other markets, and has some different rules. Porn is another one with the 'Internet Business Model' that has its own rules that you could not apply to other things, due to what it is. So is 'Self-Help' stuff. Like selling lies about how guys can make their wee-wees grow, or how to 'grow taller', how to get laid at the nightclub, etc. Selling stuff that people would be too embarrassed to say didn't work and they wanted their money back.

        I agree, in part, with your comments and view about open rates, but suggesting that Kern's, et al, methods are laughable and suck and they should go find another 'job' to do is, well, ...

        Unless you are just trying to tell us, again, with no real evidence, how awesome you are at email/affiliate marketing and know everything that works and everything that doesn't.

        Further, those open rates are not directly (and only) related to the quality of the email series, etc. There are plenty of people, like me, who have subscribed to lists to get the 'freebie' and then proceeded to never open a single email after that, without regard to what kind of 'relationship' they were trying to build with me.

        And when I subscribed, I knew full well I wasn't interested in their email followups. Let's not forget that all of these freebies, many of them rehashed PLR, promise to be 'awesome, time saving, Top 10 things to do or not do', etc. Most of the time, it is curiosity to see the feebie, not really wanting the freebie. The point being, certainly in the MMO niche, I think a marketer should EXPECT the majority of the emails to be unopened.

        Nor should you expect equal open rates across all markets and niches. In that thread you linked to, you talk as if all markets and lists are the same and should have the same things expected of them.

        What do you think the open rate of direct mail campaigns is? For me it is 0%, as I throw 'junk mail' in the trash without even reading it, as most do. But, even if MOST do not respond to a direct mailer, I am not going to laugh at or call snail mail marketers stupid, laughable, or in need of a career change, for there are quite a few that have made themselves millionaires with 80%, or higher, un-open rates.

        It is a business model where they EXPECT most people to not respond to their call to action, or even read their call to action. It is a numbers game; and not open rate numbers. It is an ROI numbers game. Not the open rate numbers game you suggest it is.

        If you added up all of the money made over the last 20 years from email campaigns who's open rates never exceeded 20%, well, I don't even know how many millions of dollars that would be, but it would be a lot of them.

        There would be a lot less rich people in this world if they followed your marketing advice concerning acceptable open rates and what rates are stupid, laughable and a waste of time ...

        Not trying to be a jerk to you here, but saying things like you did in that post, and then linking to it a year later (showing us all how right you think you are) can be a bit 'jerky'. Did you think about how many people on this forum you just told have 'stupid & laughable' email series because they have 20% or less open rates? That they suck and should just give up and go sell used furniture?

        You insulted quite a few people, some who, no doubt, make more money than you, some who might be stoked because their open rate is on the rise and getting close to 20%, etc., so I just wanted to point that out, 'cause you have 'branded' yourself on this site as an expert, nay THE expert, on all things article/email marketing related.

        And that branding is because you are a talented writer, not for any tangible evidence supporting your know-it-all demeanor concerning the subject. And because you are, apparently and supposedly, a 'hot girl' in her 20's. Are you a talented IMer, so much so to be laughing at people with 20% open rates and calling those rates stupid and indicative of a needed career change WITHOUT CONSIDERING OTHER ASPECTS OF THE CAMPAIGN OR MARKET? I doubt it.

        Who knows, though, for the ONLY thing anyone can determine about you is that you are a talented writer who spends more time than anyone else posting on the WF.

        And again, I am not being insulting here, for it is not I running around calling people stupid and wasting their time and efforts with email marketing - you are. Dress it up in a fake identity, err, 'pen name' with some random avatar pictures of brunette chicks lifted from the web, and apparently those insults are okay, completely overlooked, and Thanked.

        * I made some generalizations about some niches in this post. They are generalizations, and I stand by them, but I don't think them conclusive about all IMers involved in certain niches. *
        One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

        - Seldom Seen Smith
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
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          • Profile picture of the author Christopher Fox
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          • Profile picture of the author discrat
            This Thread got a tad bit bizarre

            But I will say that Email Open Rates are important and should ALWAYS be monitored.

            But it is NOT the end all be all.

            I think Click Thru Rates and ultimately Conversion Rates are the tell- tale sign of whether or not you are going to have a Successful Business.

            - Robert Andrew
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by NickWebTrafficLounge View Post

      Ryan Deiss is one of the most experienced marketers out there and knows exactly what he's doing. He delivers a good blend of value and pitching.
      Honestly, I do wonder though sometimes. When someone who is looked on as a Guru and this same person has such miserable Email Open Rates.....well then I have to ponder whether he is such a good role model for the majority of the Marketers in this Industry ???

      Sure, if you have a 'thick wallet' you can reproduce his results and model after him. But most email marketers cannot buy 100K worth of solo ads a month

      Something to think about

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Zak L.
    A little old thread but yeah this is a great model to follow.

    Because you're providing great value FIRST on the website, maybe some social proof with comments and then a small pitch at the end of the content.

    90% content. 10% pitch.

    Frank Kern teaches this.

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  • Profile picture of the author InFlames20
    Interesting method. I would say that you need to deliver amazing content for free and then offer them again amazing paid content + some cool unique tricks/hacks. But the main thing here is FREE content. If you fail in delivering free quality why would someone believe you that you can give them something amazing for $$. Unless you prove it somehow, of course.

    But you gave me something to think about... Just keep in mind, Ryan Deiss is not working alone, he probably has people helping him (outsourced probably) because all of that takes a lot of time and effort (and probably money too).
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Bradley
    It follows a pretty basic funnel.

    Providing value first then following up with promotion of services or product is a great method to follow.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Once you've made content what's it worth?

    When you've got other income that is stable and profitable you can afford to keep adding value and attracting additional marginal improvements.

    I'm sure Ryan has an acute understanding of his markets.

    It is always interesting to read the posts and stories of people struggling and the efforts they go to achieve success. Someone like Ryan understands that success comes through providing value that in the eyes of the receiver is worth far more than the price paid.

    I've subscribed to Ryan's material from time to time (not currently) and he is not pushy even though his VSLs and offers are many times compelling.

    The IM world should consider themselves lucky that people like him still have products in the space when they obviously have far bigger interest outside of the space.
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