BEST List Cleaning Service?

by YourBizAid Banned
16 replies
Hey Guys,

Quick question please. I don't know if anyone has asked this question before. But I need some good suggestion on the best and possibly, the most cost effective list cleaning service.

I built a list of 10K+ in Aweber last 2 years and haven't used it much in the past. I want to clean this list for my marketing purposes.

Any advice will be much appreciated.

#cleaning #list #service
  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Your question belongs in the eMail Marketing forum...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author markeeter
    Use winning email to check your deliverability. Once you know your organic viewers, cleaning up your list will start becoming simplified.

    Having Email Deliverability issues?
    Head off to Winning Email for a free checkup!

    Looking for a freemium Social Media Manager?
    You may wanna check out DoSocial

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  • Profile picture of the author ninosem
    Send them some emails to see who check them. Then simply delete the no openers....
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Jacoby
    I agree with ninosem and alexchen. If they do not reply, they might not be interested in what you are offering. It is better to concentrate on those who are looking...and send it twice to make sure they get it.
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  • Profile picture of the author smaddoxjr
    I would have to suggest to send multiple emails to your list three to four times daily. Watch your clicks,opens,spam complaints. Upload to another auto-responder slowly.
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    • Profile picture of the author markeeter
      Originally Posted by smaddoxjr View Post

      I would have to suggest to send multiple emails to your list three to four times daily. Watch your clicks,opens,spam complaints. Upload to another auto-responder slowly.
      I am wondering wouldn't it annoy the readers to receive multiple emails three to four times daily from the same company? I mean I know I wouldn't want to be subscribed to any company that sends me this many emails.

      Have you tried this? Did it work?

      I am really interested in this one!

      Having Email Deliverability issues?
      Head off to Winning Email for a free checkup!

      Looking for a freemium Social Media Manager?
      You may wanna check out DoSocial

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      • Profile picture of the author yessica
        I think it works, you can send 5 times a day and if no emails is opened just delete the subscribers.
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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Originally Posted by smaddoxjr View Post

          I would have to suggest to send multiple emails to your list three to four times daily.
          Originally Posted by yessica View Post

          I think it works, you can send 5 times a day and if no emails is opened just delete the subscribers.
          An excellent way to get the maximum possible number of spam complaints, unsubscriptions, and absolutely no sympathy or tolerance at all from your autoresponder service, when the complaints start coming in, which they surely will.

          What's making you guys offer "advice" like this, that you clearly haven't ever tried yourselves?! Are you trying to clear all the competitors out of the way by getting their service-accounts closed down, so that you can have the email marketing world to yourselves, or something?!?!

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  • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
    Originally Posted by YourBizAid View Post

    I built a list of 10K+ in Aweber last 2 years and haven't used it much in the past. I want to clean this list for my marketing purposes.

    Any advice will be much appreciated.
    I this case, just clean it up completely, that is, delete all of your subscribers and start afresh.

    Do you seriously think people after two years will remember you? Most likely not, and as Alexa said, you risk getting your account shut down because of spam complaints.

    Regarding other people's advice in this thread, bad grammar and poor punctuation are usually the hallmarks of unsuccessful people whose advice is best avoided. (I do know there are a few people around here who write like sh!t but are successful, though.)
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  • Profile picture of the author bobby_shahzad
    A couple of months ago I wrote detailed review about how to clean an email list.

    I mentioned different list cleaning tools in that article as well which i am posting here as you have requested for some.

    These are tools that you can pay once for, download and install on your dekstop. Remember, these tools can verify domain (mx level check), bad IDs on aol, gmail, hotmail and require proxies to work correctly and accurately. These tools can't work with yahoo as yahoo has extra security layer that they cannot bypass

    Also, these tools cannot find and remove Spam Traps, if your list has got one.

    Email Verifier | Check Email Validity with Email Verification Software

    Email Verifier Software - Bulk Email Address Verifier. Email Verification Software

    Although these are not online list cleaning services.

    Here is the list of few online list cleaning services

    Unlike the tools above, the following online list cleaning services require you to load your list on their servers, then download cleaned list a day later.

    The following tools can do everything desktop tools mentioned above can do + Yahoo + spamtrap cleaning. They are considered more accurate and reliable but costly too.

    Email Address Validation Service - Email List Validation Software

    Email List Hygiene, Email Validation | ImpressionWise
    Signature Email marketing service , single and double optin accounts. List Hygiene Service Available.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9692704].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Defacto
      Bobby, I know this is an older thread but I was looking at one of your recommendations: List Wise.

      Have you used them yourself and do you still recommend them for list cleaning?

      Originally Posted by bobby_shahzad View Post

      A couple of months ago I wrote detailed review about how to clean an email list.

      I mentioned different list cleaning tools in that article as well which i am posting here as you have requested for some.

      These are tools that you can pay once for, download and install on your dekstop. Remember, these tools can verify domain (mx level check), bad IDs on aol, gmail, hotmail and require proxies to work correctly and accurately. These tools can't work with yahoo as yahoo has extra security layer that they cannot bypass

      Also, these tools cannot find and remove Spam Traps, if your list has got one.

      Email Verifier | Check Email Validity with Email Verification Software

      Email Verifier Software - Bulk Email Address Verifier. Email Verification Software

      Although these are not online list cleaning services.

      Here is the list of few online list cleaning services

      Unlike the tools above, the following online list cleaning services require you to load your list on their servers, then download cleaned list a day later.

      The following tools can do everything desktop tools mentioned above can do + Yahoo + spamtrap cleaning. They are considered more accurate and reliable but costly too.

      Email Address Validation Service - Email List Validation Software

      Email List Hygiene, Email Validation | ImpressionWise
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  • Profile picture of the author uzzal1530
    I think you should maintain some criteria:

    1. Just create a new auto-responder account.
    2. Create a new campaign (NEW ACCOUNT).
    3. Create a free offer to your Subscriber and send it next 7 days ( Your old subscriber )
    4. Convert your old subscriber as a new subscriber ( as like as solo ad )
    5. Forget your old account and follow up your new subscriber.

    If you get 3k-4k subscriber from your old account (10K) i think it's not bad to start from ZERO.

    Sorry for my bad English.
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  • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
    Email Oversight
    LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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  • Profile picture of the author Katie Watters
    You can use a 3rd party service to clean your email list such as BriteVerify.

    I would also check with Aweber if they verify email addresses upon entering their system.

    Good luck!
    B2B lead generation solutions for accelerated sales or marketing growth.
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  • Profile picture of the author sendizo
    check, good service - affordable pricing.
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