How to Create a High Converting Squeeze Page

9 replies
Lately a number of people have asked me to look over low-converting squeeze pages. And it turns out they were all making similar mistakes.

So based on that, here's a quick post on how to make sure your squeeze page converts better.

(For those who don't know: a squeeze page is a webpage that asks visitors for their email address in exchange for a gift.)

To turn as many visitors as you can to subscribers do the following:

1. Understand your target market well. REALLY "get" what it is that they want. What will they walk over fire to get? (this is key so spend some time on research).

2. Then offer your visitors EXACTLY what you figured out in step 1 (hint: it's not subscribing to your newsletter for the sake of becoming your subscriber)

3. Make the offer short and simple (offer ONE thing).

4. Stress the benefit of what they will be getting (they don't care how many pages your report is. They want to know what THEY will get out of it.)

5. Let the submit button reflect what they will be getting (instead of 'Subscribe' use 'Yes! Send me My Report')

6. Split-test. Start by split-testing 2 offers. When one wins, split-test it against another. That will increase conversions over time.

Always keep in mind where your traffic is coming from. The more targeted the offer to your traffic, the better your squeeze page will convert.

I hope this helps someone....
#converting #create #high #page #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author skyro
    I would split test call to action buttons, back ground and headline colors as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author 03navneetkumar
    Sir, I want to know about split test?
    How it works?
    Do you have any video which best describe abouve point?

    Thanks in Advance...
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    • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
      Originally Posted by 03navneetkumar View Post

      Sir, I want to know about split test?
      How it works?
      Do you have any video which best describe abouve point?

      Thanks in Advance...
      Split testing works like this:

      You build 2 forms.

      The software that displays the forms (Aweber, GetrResponse, LeadPages, or whatever you are using to manage your opt-in forms) alternates between them.

      So the first visitor to your site sees the first form.

      The second sees the second.

      The third sees the first.

      The fourth sees the second.

      And so on.

      Then the software shows you how well those forms performed. The one with the highest subscribe rate is the winner and the one that will get you the most subscribers.

      You then take the top one, and start creating a new form, to test that one too.

      That will allow you to get more subscribers from your traffic.

      Technically - exactly how you do it depends on the services/software you are using. But it's usually pretty straight-forward.
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  • Profile picture of the author RachelTravels

    This is some good stuff!
    Journey On,

    ~ Rach
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Thanks Sara. Good stuff.

      I also have found that the more specific you can get with the Benefits in your Squeeze Page the more targeted and higher quality of the List. ( Which imply in Step 1 and 2)

      "You can make $120 a day in Internet Marketing"
      "You can make $120 a day in Facebook Marketing"

      When I started getting more specific with Niches in my Sq. Pages my Income went up DRAMATICALLY

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    true discrat: some people are only interested in im for certain reasons. i personally love list building and i am attracted to anything that says list building.
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  • Profile picture of the author markeeter
    Thank you so much, Apart from the initial post itself. you explained split-testing quite simply! The first time I really understand it

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexander Swift
    Awesome information. Also if it were me I'd make my squeeze page as simple as possible and add some BIG RED fonts and eye-guiders.
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