Moving from Aweber to GetResponse. Qs: Import & List Cleaning

7 replies
I've been with Aweber for nearly 10 years. I mistakenly deactivated an old list of 2,500 double opt-in subscribers a few months ago and they won't let me reimport the list because I haven't emailed that particular list in two years.

I want to do this as professional as possible by first having the list cleaned for dead email addresses and being very transparent how I reintroduce myself to my old subscribers (an opening "Where have I been..." message with a clear unsubscribe link if they want out).

By cleaning the list in advance and being transparent with the unsubscribe link in my reintroduction, I am hoping to minimize SPAM clicks.

I'm not up on the red flag percentages of SPAM complaints that will get my in trouble from GetResponse, who is the provider I would like to use to import this old, but cleaned list.
  1. With the precautions I'm going to take, do you think I'm safe from being flagged?
  2. Any restrictions or problems I should be aware of before uploading the cleaned list to GR?
  3. What email cleaning service do you feel is the best value?

Thanks for any input.
#aweber #cleaning #getresponse #import #list #moving
  • Profile picture of the author abbyhartz
    Hi there!

    I'd be happy to advise on the GetResponse side of things.

    We personally recommend the service called BriteVerify to help clean your list
    from the older, non-active addresses:


    If this is a permission-based list, you certainly should not encounter
    any big issues with the list -- especially if you are filtering out
    the inactive contacts before the import.

    GetResponse is allows lists to be imported under single opt in,
    not forcing a confirmation message to be sent to the subscribers --
    but to help keep deliverability rates high and keep users from
    importing purchased lists, the list is first verified by the Compliance
    Department. This process usually takes about 7-24 business hours
    to complete. The contacts are not contacted in any way, the list is
    basically just reviewed to ensure it does not contain too many
    inactive, spammy, email addresses. You will be contacted via email
    as soon as the process is completed.

    With a GetResponse free trial you'd be able to upload up to
    250 contacts to the account, or if you'll be working in the paid
    account and want to upload all 2,500 of the contacts, that's the size
    plan you'd need to go for.

    And as far as the allowed spam complaint rates, GetResponse does not
    have a specific rate -- as each account and case is evaluated by the
    Compliance Department individually.

    Any concerns or specific questions you'd like answered about that, I'd
    recommend reaching out to the department at:

    I hope this helps!

    Abby Hartz
    Community Specialist

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    • Profile picture of the author KELVIN WILLIAMS
      Originally Posted by abbyhartz View Post

      Hi there!

      I'd be happy to advise on the GetResponse side of things.

      We personally recommend the service called BriteVerify to help clean your list
      from the older, non-active addresses:


      If this is a permission-based list, you certainly should not encounter
      any big issues with the list -- especially if you are filtering out
      the inactive contacts before the import.

      GetResponse is allows lists to be imported under single opt in,
      not forcing a confirmation message to be sent to the subscribers --
      but to help keep deliverability rates high and keep users from
      importing purchased lists, the list is first verified by the Compliance
      Department. This process usually takes about 7-24 business hours
      to complete. The contacts are not contacted in any way, the list is
      basically just reviewed to ensure it does not contain too many
      inactive, spammy, email addresses. You will be contacted via email
      as soon as the process is completed.

      With a GetResponse free trial you'd be able to upload up to
      250 contacts to the account, or if you'll be working in the paid
      account and want to upload all 2,500 of the contacts, that's the size
      plan you'd need to go for.

      And as far as the allowed spam complaint rates, GetResponse does not
      have a specific rate -- as each account and case is evaluated by the
      Compliance Department individually.

      Any concerns or specific questions you'd like answered about that, I'd
      recommend reaching out to the department at:

      I hope this helps!

      please how can i reactivate my Getresponse account the login email is I tried login in few weeks ago.
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      • Profile picture of the author abbyhartz

        It would be best to reach out to our Support Team and they can help you out with
        getting your account reactivated.

        You can connect via email, 24/7 LiveChat, or telephone support:

        Abby Hartz
        Community Specialist

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  • Profile picture of the author OTrap
    As someone who is moving to GetResponse right now, I feel as though I ought to chime in.

    The new automated import process makes things MUCH easier.

    However, I learned something to keep in mind: If your subscriber list is too similar to another customer's subscriber list, the import will fail. Now, for those who would use the import process for insidious purposes, this is a great fail-safe. Moreover, it will prevent co-reg lead-generators from doing this, which would ultimately probably not be good for the reputation of the sending IP addresses.

    However, my experience with this measure was annoying.

    I subscribe to a service called Mail Monitor. It's an inbox monitoring service. They give you a small seed list (depending on your subscription size ... my seed list was 201 emails). You send to this list with one of several methods for them to track the emails, and they are able to show you what percentage of the emails were inboxed, bulked, or undelivered.

    Well, apparently my batch was too similar to another Mail Monitor customer's batch, and he/she had already imported theirs to GetResponse.

    As such, I now have to essentially cancel my subscription, as I have no use for it, but that need is not being met elsewhere. It's just not compatible with using GR.

    I already spoke to customer service, as well as their compliance team, and there is apparently no willingness to budge on the issue.

    Rest assured that I understand why they have this in place, and I still wouldn't even consider leaving an otherwise good company for this. If an email platform can deliver consistently and prove itself to be even remotely user-friendly, then I would suggest it to be incredibly valuable. I just wanted to be sure that this was known.
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    • Profile picture of the author taliesin2165
      I ended up not using getresponse because their new drag-and-drop editor is too buggy. As helpful as @abbyhartz is, and as cool as they are to have chat and phone support, if you have a really specific problem (like the template builder), the support reps say they can not escalate you to someone in the correct department where you can get the help you need.

      They do a lot of things right, but MailChimp's drag-and-drop is elegant and renders email templates perfectly and Aweber's support won't stop escalating you until you find the help you need.
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      • Profile picture of the author pabrigowar
        I just tried to signup with GR... they first asked for a mobile phone for SMS code verification after a signup... I did that.. and it didnt work.. tried resending.. wouldn't allow the same number! WTF?! So, I tried a diff. mobile # and did the same thing!

        So, my new account is stuck! It keeps asking me to contact support.. but cannot cuz it keeps asking me for a SMS verification code! Holy crap! What a away to start an account!
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        • Profile picture of the author jsyz426
          The same exact thing happened to me. I was extremely angry. But i figured it out. it was asking me to enter my country code. I am from the U.S. and I thought our country code is 1. But technically our country code is 001. So once i entered 001 before my number, it accepted it right away. I hope this helps you fix your issue.
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