Do you promote ONE product or multiple?

16 replies
Hey, heres a quick question for you guys.

Do you promote ONE main product to your list?

...or do you promote different products to your list (not necessarily your own)?

If you promote different products, how long do you promote that product before you move onto the next?

I've been promoting one of my own products to my list for a couple months now but the sales have stopped. I'm assuming due to "product blindness" where people who weren't interested just aren't clicking on the link anymore.

I want to go back to a more affiliate marketing approach this year and want to know how frequently do you promote a new product to your list?

Is it a new one every week?

#multiple #product #promote
  • Profile picture of the author TakenAction
    I create one main [core product] for every single month on a different topic.


    people who bought that core product will be shown up to three more products that compliment the core product which are up-sells and cross-sells and usually one high ticket product.

    This is done EVERY SINGLE MONTH.

    The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Edwin Torres View Post

    Do you promote ONE main product to your list?

    ...or do you promote different products to your list (not necessarily your own)?

    If you promote different products, how long do you promote that product before you move onto the next?
    Hi Edwin,

    I'm in a slightly different position from you, because I have no product of my own to promote.

    I don't choose niches in which there's only one main product for me to promote. That's too risky for me, as an affiliate: one of the great advantages of being an affiliate is that I can build up a real, asset-based business without the growth of my business and income ever being dependent on the success and continuity of any specific, individual product at all - and that's not an advantage I'm in a hurry to give up.

    My methods vary a little bit from niche to niche, but generally I recommend each product twice, in each of two partly-promotional emails, before moving on to the next product. Those two partly-promotional emails are separated by other emails providing niche information, too.

    After an introductory period with more email, I usually send email every 5 days, with a product-recommendation of some kind in the second half of one email in three. So it will therefore take me a month (give or take) to do two promotions of a particular product before moving on to the next one the following month.

    I'll still return to the earlier-promoted products and promote them again later, though. As long as I'm maintaining my long-term open-rates and click-through rates, and as long as my subscribers understand why they'll sometimes see a recommendation for something they've already bought, some additional sales will continue to arrive, when I do that.

    I make less money, overall, if I try to do it more quickly than that. I think that's because I'm compromising over credibility and trust by "looking too salesy", and since affiliate marketing income depends primarily on the credibility of and trust for the person making the recommendations, it would be short-sighted indeed for me to compromise just for the sake of speed.

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    • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
      My lists are so spoiled. They know that I'll only promote a product that I know (from one of several methods) works.

      I don't have a set frequency that I send out offers on. I had a month once with one list where no offer was made. I give my list tons of great information that they can really use to further them in their goals in that niche. Then, when I have somthing that will genuinely help them I tell them about it.

      For this reason my open rates are sky high and depending on the offer so are my sales.

      I don't care about winning a leader board contest and getting a new XYZ Mini. If I want one, I'll buy one. What I am genuinely concerned with is the well being of the people on my list. When you come from that space, good things happen.

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      Yes, Any Business!
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    • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      My methods vary a little bit from niche to niche, but generally I recommend each product twice, in each of two partly-promotional emails, before moving on to the next product.
      Are two promotions of the same product enough? I think we discussed this and you said that you do it 4-5 times in a row per product. Maybe you meant for Amazon products? Still, isn't two times on the short side? Especially given that in the introductory emails, these two promotions will take place in as little as two weeks.
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      • Profile picture of the author BenZhao
        I send an email every single day to my lists. Five days is to promote the product (one differently per each day) and other two days is to give them some tips/information that they can benefit in doing their business. This helps to create and nurture the relationship with my subscribers.

        The results in doing this is that I earn sales more often as the lists know that they would receive my mail everyday. I repeat promoting the same products every now and then but not the same week. The content provided is the mixture but mostly are tips, quotes, cases I learnt from my network. All is to be written in a friendly tone just like telling your friends.

        So, I promote multiple products but in the same direction as I have only one SINGLE segment I am now working with.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

        Are two promotions of the same product enough? I think we discussed this and you said that you do it 4-5 times in a row per product. Maybe you meant for Amazon products? Still, isn't two times on the short side? Especially given that in the introductory emails, these two promotions will take place in as little as two weeks.
        Yes ... I did say "apart from at the start, when I send email more often anyway", or whatever.

        I vary it a little from niche to niche. But if I promoted my main ClickBank products 4 or 5 times each (i.e. in consecutive recommendation-emails), it would take me much too long to get to the second product, which may well be the one some subscribers are "ready to buy". There are no objective "right answers": it's just "what works for you" (i.e. it's "traffic demographic dependent"). I think Edwin sends daily emails to his list (so does Declan, who does very well from it): if I did that, with my subscribers, I definitely wouldn't be earning a living at all, and my open rates would be a quarter or a fifth of what they are, but clearly it's working for some people.

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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Thanks for all the advice!

    I used to promote a different product through email every single day last year and even though I made money it probably hurt my credibility because I was jumping from product to product each day.

    My plan now will be to promote one product a week, with free content from my blog mixed in there to keep the promo to free ratio pretty balanced.
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  • Profile picture of the author stephanieT
    Multiple products may cause confuse, and single products may be not strong enought, and waste data. So It is up to every single campaign. In common, I offer a main products, and simply bonus some more choices on the bottom.
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  • Profile picture of the author tdanz
    From a list management perspective you can send them all possible offers to make most of it.
    First start with the best and most relevant offers, once that is saturated you might decide to move on to other offers in similar niches.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by Edwin Torres View Post

    Hey, heres a quick question for you guys.

    Do you promote ONE main product to your list?

    ...or do you promote different products to your list (not necessarily your own)?

    If you promote different products, how long do you promote that product before you move onto the next?

    I've been promoting one of my own products to my list for a couple months now but the sales have stopped. I'm assuming due to "product blindness" where people who weren't interested just aren't clicking on the link anymore.

    I want to go back to a more affiliate marketing approach this year and want to know how frequently do you promote a new product to your list?

    Is it a new one every week?

    Hey Edwin,
    Definitely multiple Products. To me not only would you be selling yourself short and making less money but more importantly you would be doing your Subs a disservice by not having multiple Product Offerings that can continue to really benefit them.

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author OTrap
    I will promote a single offer as long as my subscribers seem to be enjoying it and buying it. However, saturation is often an issue, and with a list of subscribers, you always have to keep in mind that each subscriber is an individual. What clicks with one might not click with another.

    In a simple world, you could send one email for one product, and everyone would buy it, use it, and not need your help anymore. Unfortunately, that's not how the world works. There are enough troubling offers out there that it can be hard to trust every page you get sent, even if you trust the sender.

    As such, when an offer is working for my subs, I'll make sure as many of them see it as possible, knowing that not everyone will "get" it. When that offer atrophies to my list, I'll move to another, but only from someone I trust.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
    I promote just one service, (not a product) and am not into affiliate marketing. Anyone signing up to my list knows what I do and how I can help them out, so it's no mystery when I talk about that service in an email. My list is not based on 'tips' so much as showing how my services can help my potential customers. These emails are promotional in that they advertise my business but keep the customer at the heart by focusing on how the service is best for them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    It's not about whether or not you should promote 1 or multiple products.It's more about knowing your niche in and out and if you know of a product that will help your niche out , you promote it. The more variety the better.
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  • Profile picture of the author littledan
    I have one main product or service that I build all my marketing around, including numerous follow up messages. Only once a subscriber has gone through the entire process do I promote other products, which tend to be one off promotions rather than multiple follow ups.

    Learn how to make more money while working less with high ticket commissions and a top tier business! > <

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  • Profile picture of the author OkonGeorge
    When there say multiple stream of income I think multiple products in your shelve could be abig contributing factor. A single products offering could get your customers fed up with you. Multiple products would proven your worth and credibilty. It's give you egde advantage over your competitors.
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  • Profile picture of the author fern
    I promote different products. Even in a certain niche, one product will not appeal to everyone. Choose a few products that have good reviews and are best sellers and you should be good to go. I have never promoted my own products but I still think it's best to have a few options to choose from.
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