My Best Autoresponder Tricks

4 replies
In 2014 I made more money than people with lists 10 times the size of mine.

Here are 3 "tricks" I use to make sure I pay less and earn more from my list:

Trick #1: Spend more time and energy on getting subscribers who spend money.

Here are 3 ways to do it:

* Sell stuff (well, this is obvious, but many people don't realize how much more valuable customers are than freebie seekers)

* Offer bonuses on product download pages (offer free information or a small service). If somebody you know is launching a product in your niche, offer to give their customers a free bonus in exchange for their email address.

* Market yourself on paid platforms (like paid forums)

Trick #2: Remove the Duds

Do this and you will pay less for your list.

* Delete unsubscribes on a regular basis - did you know many autoresponders will charge you for those?

* Clean your lists and remove those who have never opened or clicked on your emails

Trick #3: Establish a Relationship With Your List

Don't promote the latest course, script, WordPress plugin, or software every single day. Give them value! Offer free advice, teach them stuff, make them want to open your emails.

In fact, even your promo messages can offer value if you include a cool tip or trick.

That will increase your open and click rates, and you'll earn more per subscriber.

I hope this helps someone!
#autoresponder #best autoresponder #earn #pay #tricks
  • Profile picture of the author Frankie B Frank
    Great list Sara - can I ask what paid forums you recommend?
    Amazon Kindle (romance/fiction)
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  • Profile picture of the author tomerep
    Sara - I especially like the "Sell stuff (well, this is obvious, but many people don't realize how much more valuable customers are than freebie seekers)" - I can relate to that, just a few days ago I sent my new offer to my list, and got 8 sales out of of one email, and I"m sure that I could get much more sales, so yeah.. definitely sell stuff is the best advice I could take from your post
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    • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
      Originally Posted by tomerep View Post

      Sara - I especially like the "Sell stuff (well, this is obvious, but many people don't realize how much more valuable customers are than freebie seekers)" - I can relate to that, just a few days ago I sent my new offer to my list, and got 8 sales out of of one email, and I"m sure that I could get much more sales, so yeah.. definitely sell stuff is the best advice I could take from your post
      Well, that's not exactly what I meant. I meant sell stuff in order to ACQUIRE subscribers.

      But this is awesome too :-)
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