"Get the hell OFF my list!"

25 replies
During 2014 I picked up a few WSO's, no surprise there, and as a result I found myself on a few email lists, no surprise there either.

From one of these emails I purchased one the best WSO's ever, I even emailed the affiliate back to thank him. No reply, obviously, its not possible to enter into a conversation with an autoresponder.

By now I am receiving emails every day from a small number of IM'ers including of course the one above. Funny old thing but they are all pushing the same products, every email is a sales email which I have no particular issue with but every day? And the same product x 4?

Anyway, long story short, I stop opening all the emails just to read the same pitch a 1/2 dozen times. Then I get the "If you are not going to open my emails get the hell off my list" email! Not one but 4 AND as luck would have it they all appeared on my emails one under the other ha ha.

So, I got the hell off their lists, I was a BUYER not a freebie seeker but I WILL NOT be spammed.

Agree or disagree? Your thoughts please.
#get the hell off my list
  • Profile picture of the author James McAllister
    You know, sometimes I worry I promote to much and then I read stories like these (or check my spam folder) and I realize just how good my subscribers have it.

    Do these spammers really see results from excessive promotion? Surely people don't become long-term buyers.

    I don't blame you, I would've unsubscribed at the second pitch to be honest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    I doubt you are really off all the lists. I use tagged emails (unique per offer) and my experience is that they keep coming even if I unsuscribe.

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    • Profile picture of the author Social Media Ava
      Wow...and I'm struggling to get a mofo on my list!

      I hesitated for a long time with the whole list thing because I really dislike having to sign up to 1000 lists to get free stuff. I know, this is one of the core tactics of IM, and I do it myself, but I'm not a fan. Just like I'm not a fan of slideshow style websites, pop ups, pop overs, pop anywhere, video or audio that auto-plays, etc.

      I have never been on a list that didn't try to sell me something with every message. Like you said, you can't communicate with an autoresponder. I also found after buying products that marketers are inaccessible even if they promise to "write back".

      They hope you won't go through the trouble to unsubscribe, but I do! I rarely stay on a list for long for various reasons, but the main ones are constant selling, no value, and too frequent.
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    My take is a bit different, rather than unsubscribe I would set up a filter in my email, and just skip the inbox and send it straight to archive or the trash bin. Might seem a bit sinnister to some, but if you've purchased a product from this person and they send you an email like that... Let em keep paying to send you those emails, and use em like a balls of paper in a trash shoot.

    One of the well known guru's sends me 11-14 emails within 3-4 mins of each other...its actually kind of pathetic because I used to actually read his emails...now they go straight to the trash bin.All the more reason to learn from others...what not to do.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author cricketwebber
    Yeeesh. I've never gotten an email like that, thankfully, but I would definitely be taken aback by it. There are a million reasons someone could delay opening, or never open, an email. That said, I know exactly what you're talking about, getting a handful of emails within minutes of each other and with the same swipe info posted into each one. It does feel spammy indeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Sounds like they are using the same PLR AR series. Hilarious.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Hey Ron,
      It is quite sad and alarming that some Marketers can't see the BIG picture on how they can really take their business to new levels.

      If they took their heads out of their butts and replied back to you and engaged with you they would be 10x as successful as they are now. IMO

      - Robert Andrew
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
        If I had to guess, I might postulate that you are not on the lists of 4 people, but one person or a company.

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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          If you are not going to open my emails get the hell off my list
          I have a bad reaction to something like that. I've only had a similar message once - and I noticed the marketer was using AWeber.

          Aha - he pays according to list size.

          Should I opt out and reduce his load? Hell, no. I just set up a new filter so his emails are all routed straight there and I don't see them....but I stay on the list
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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          • Profile picture of the author Ron C Farrow
            Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

            I have a bad reaction to something like that. I've only had a similar message once - and I noticed the marketer was using AWeber.

            Aha - he pays according to list size.

            Should I opt out and reduce his load? Hell, no. I just set up a new filter so his emails are all routed straight there and I don't see them....but I stay on the list
            Kay, I wish I'd thought of that!

            Making it with Online Arbitrage

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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    They will have all bought a WSO that tells them to do this.

    A lot of the things I've bought recently have been total crap, and far too many people are selling courses on subjects they know very little about.

    Sometimes using the pre-written content is good as it matches the salespage and increases conversions, but to get 4 with the same copy suggests you have some desperate affiliates who are probably also pimping out their lists as solo ad sellers.

    Overall you're doing the right thing to ditch the burn & churn list owners.
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  • Profile picture of the author BradYounger
    Great move Ron. People should be earning the right to get your attention and not just wasting it. If you really think about it, how does sending he same offer to the same person 4 time really going to help? Maybe they need to learn a bit more about persuasion and psychology of a buyer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    He probably have multiple lists and you're on all of them thats why you receive same email multiple times.
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  • Profile picture of the author MoneyDan
    Agree on spam sucking? Yes, spam sucks. It takes a lot of trust to join someone's list and spamming definitely qualifies as a break-of-trust. NEVER break your subscribers' trust.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert02011
    I totally agree stay away if they are going to spamyou!

    I`am looking for an honest legal business that can make real money online.
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  • Profile picture of the author N4PGW
    What took you so long?

    Originally Posted by Ron C Farrow View Post

    Anyway, long story short, I stop opening all the emails just to read the same pitch a 1/2 dozen times. Then I get the "If you are not going to open my emails get the hell off my list" email! Not one but 4 AND as luck would have it they all appeared on my emails one under the other ha ha.

    So, I got the hell off their lists, I was a BUYER not a freebie seeker but I WILL NOT be spammed.

    Agree or disagree? Your thoughts please.

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  • Profile picture of the author markeeter
    I am sure you're not the online buyer they lost with that kind of headline, I would have left them a lot sooner with the kinds of sales pitches and games that they were playing. They should have replied back to you, and tried to cultivate an even stronger CR rather then losing any credibility they had with the kind of emails that they sent you.

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  • Profile picture of the author rotface
    Originally Posted by Ron C Farrow View Post

    During 2014 I picked up a few WSO's, no surprise there, and as a result I found myself on a few email lists, no surprise there either.

    From one of these emails I purchased one the best WSO's ever, I even emailed the affiliate back to thank him. No reply, obviously, its not possible to enter into a conversation with an autoresponder.

    By now I am receiving emails every day from a small number of IM'ers including of course the one above. Funny old thing but they are all pushing the same products, every email is a sales email which I have no particular issue with but every day? And the same product x 4?

    Anyway, long story short, I stop opening all the emails just to read the same pitch a 1/2 dozen times. Then I get the "If you are not going to open my emails get the hell off my list" email! Not one but 4 AND as luck would have it they all appeared on my emails one under the other ha ha.

    So, I got the hell off their lists, I was a BUYER not a freebie seeker but I WILL NOT be spammed.

    Agree or disagree? Your thoughts please.
    Pretty sure that that is against the wso rules now for sellers to do that. I would report the seller.

    Personally, I forward anything remotely questionable to spam@uce.gov. Source: FBI — New E-Scams & Warnings
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    • Profile picture of the author Ron C Farrow
      A bit of an update. I didn't mention in the original post that a couple of these people would be considered top players.

      They seem to have abandoned WF, probably since the rule change regarding proof of earnings on WSO's

      Occasionally I see one of them pop up to give a recommendation for a product but that's it.

      Making it with Online Arbitrage

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      • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
        Originally Posted by Ron C Farrow View Post

        A bit of an update. I didn't mention in the original post that a couple of these people would be considered top players.

        They seem to have abandoned WF, probably since the rule change regarding proof of earnings on WSO's

        Occasionally I see one of them pop up to give a recommendation for a product but that's it.
        Ron, you are better off being off their list, look for marketers who want to build a relationship with you before selling you stuff.

        But looking at this another way..

        One thing that never fails to surprise me is the number of people in this forum who complain about the emails they get.

        I assume that most people are here to learn how to make an online income. Ask any successful marketer what they would do differently 2nd time around and most will tell you that the one thing they would change would be to build list quicker

        The emails you receive on a daily basis should be looked at as education.. If you don't like them then you know not to email like that.

        If you do like them then your own list will probably like it.

        Ohh and the main reason why people don't launch inside the WF anymore is the abundance of trolls who sought to derail launches.

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  • Profile picture of the author ScottRaven
    Hi Ron,

    Unfortunately, we were actually given that advice by a "guru" that said that's how they do it and they have very few unsubscribes and make $XXXX with their list monthly. Having known this person, personally, for a long time, we went with that Advice. We didn't have any problems at all for several years and our lists kept growing and yes, sales were coming in very well.

    Suddenly, in July 2012, it all changed. In June, we made $XXXX, but in July, we dropped to $XXX. It steadily dropped even more until those lists were completely useless! We do still mail something to them every so often to see if anything is appealing to them...but mostly, they just sit in a database taking up space.

    I do have a question, though...

    << Edit: I did reread the OP and it doesn't seem that you have Signed Up or Confirmed, but from the conversations of others, it seems many of them have and my question is still valid. :-) >>

    Why does everyone consider it Spam if you signed up on a list and confirmed your email (Double Opt-In)? In that case, every step was followed and it is not actually Spam. It's just Email Overload or Abuse. And I'm not defending the practice because I know first hand from the other side of the coin what happens long term when the Abuse is done and the List becomes Worthless. I just don't think people understand the difference in this and Spam.

    If you didn't Double Opt-In, then yes, you were spammed through no choice of your own. But, I see others saying the same thing in this thread about signing up to a list and then getting Spammed and that where I think people don't understand the difference. When someone signs up and then confirms that they truly did sign up, then Spam is gone completely in that situation and only comes Value or Abuse. I've seen them both, and I've done the both! I have no problem being honest about it and hope others learn a lesson the easy way instead of the way I have (and I assume other marketers who use this practice have, but who knows).

    I'm sorry this happened to you in these situations and Definitely, the last email you received was WAY Over The Top! No one should EVER be treated like that for any reason!

    I'm also sorry that we took such bad advice and I apologize to any Warriors that are/were on our lists for Abusing the Relationship instead of Nurturing it the right way! Yes, Promos are the main way people with lists earn anything, but Relationships are meant to last a Lifetime! It would be like Abusing your Best Friend by bugging him everyday about something you want him to do and he's not interested...but you just keep doing it. Soon, you have to find a new Best Friend (and possibly have ruined even a complete friendship completely)!

    Just my Thoughts and Question - From Someone who has used the practice and sincerely regrets taking the advice to do so! :-(

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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  • Profile picture of the author tuneup
    My Gripe forever. Whenever I join someones list, the very next time I refresh outlook I get an email from someone I never hard of. I wish the spam laws worked
    Internet tools made simple I always begin at the beginning but I didn't invent the universe first
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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Originally Posted by tuneup View Post

      My Gripe forever. Whenever I join someones list, the very next time I refresh outlook I get an email from someone I never hard of. I wish the spam laws worked
      I've never encountered that and I've been a full time marketer for over 10 years. I go out of my way to sign up for lists so that I can see how my rivals market and what they have in their funnels .

      You may want to check what AR service they are using and report it.

      Occasionally ill deliberately join a list that I know is being built using solo ads..then I'll get emails from the original marketer promoting other solo ad marketers.

      If you ever want a laugh.. Get a new gmail account and sign up on a sola ad marketers list.. Then join every list you get a promo for.. The aim is to see how quickly you can get onto 100 lists. I used to be able to do it in less that a day...

      If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
        Sign up for most of the free WSOs here using a tagged address or separate account and you'll see what many of us have been complaining about. It's NOT a matter of just hitting subscribe because many offers on this forum WILL get your email addressed shared with others.


        Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

        I've never encountered that and I've been a full time marketer for over 10 years. I go out of my way to sign up for lists so that I can see how my rivals market and what they have in their funnels .

        You may want to check what AR service they are using and report it.
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  • Profile picture of the author counzila
    yes lots of sales pitch i don't think they make any sales that way some of them have excite splashes to ton of other sites never stops,,so ignoring
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