Best to build list: Content Locker Opt-ins or Lead Magnet ?

8 replies
Hi there,

Which works best for you for driving email signups: content locker or lead magnet?

I've been building a mailing list for a while now with reasonable success using a standard landing page + lead magnet formula.

I'm interested in creating an "academy" style area with premium content (videos, presentations etc) + an optin locker. (i.e. you have to enter your email address to access the academy content).

Do you have any experience testing lead magnet vs opt-in locker style signups? I don't want to build a whole academy if it only ends up with lower conversion rates.
#build #content #lead #list #locker #magnet #optins
  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I would stick with a lead magnet. If you start providing all kinds of content in exchange for optin, then all that content (time to consume) is going go between making a sale. Keep your lead magnet to something that is able to be consumed quickly. Do you offer a tripwire?
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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    • Profile picture of the author koroman
      tripwire? You mean a low cost entry product?
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  • Profile picture of the author hipman87
    Yep, tripwire is a effectively a low cost offer to get people onto your buyers list, when they see the quality of your products you can then provide upsells.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Go with the normal squeeze page for it. A content locker would work more on a blog, but you already have to have that trust built up. A better way to do it is to have the free content on your blog, and have certain parts of it "LOCKED" and the only way to access it is to enter their email.

    This way you won't piss people off by forcing them to optin which would of just lead to unhappy customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author eaw44f
    if i was a prospect I would like the normal squeeze page setup But only way is to test if the content you provide is good but leave them wanting more they would probably enter their email
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  • Profile picture of the author SLIMEDIA
    I think if you go with squeeze page you will do well, and try to build a good relationship with your subscribers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Olympio
    Originally Posted by koroman View Post

    Hi there,

    Which works best for you for driving email signups: content locker or lead magnet?

    I've been building a mailing list for a while now with reasonable success using a standard landing page + lead magnet formula.

    I'm interested in creating an "academy" style area with premium content (videos, presentations etc) + an optin locker. (i.e. you have to enter your email address to access the academy content).

    Do you have any experience testing lead magnet vs opt-in locker style signups? I don't want to build a whole academy if it only ends up with lower conversion rates.
    The first thing you must do is to collect subscribers email with lead magnet. Like this they are got ideas. The second stage is to built confidence by sending them awesome information about your academy. When doing that be carreful to analyse their feedback. If they are engaged then you can start your academy course.

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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Always give value before asking for an optin..

      A lead magnet is good but I get much better results with Complementary Content.

      Basically if you have an article about 7 ways to get email signups, offer them a further 21 ways at the end of the content.

      This way you get engaged subscribers from the start as you know that they've read your article and want more information

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