Email List Cleaning - newbie question

by Neru79
5 replies
Hallo warriors

My name is Jaroslav, I am newbie listbuilder from Czech republic.
First of all, sorry for my English, I started studying English one year ago.

I have a question for listbuilders.

How do you clean your email list?
What's your rules for removing email address from your list?
I am removing all addresses that are not open my emails 3 months. It is OK?

Thank you very much!
#cleaning #email #list #newbie #question
  • Profile picture of the author fulfilledlife
    Make it subscribers who do not OPEN or don't CLICK.

    Sometimes people open on a mobile devices and their opens are not recorded. However, link clicks are different and are generated slightly different for each subscriber and if a person clicked than there is sure record of it.

    If you clean your list only based on opens only, you risk to delete 20% to 40% of your active subscribers.

    Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value - Albert Einstein

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    • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
      If you are not building your list from scratch and end up purchasing one, some of the below companies could help you clean up your list.

      Quickie Marketing (Now EHygenics)
      Impression Wise
      Sift Logic
      Bridge Marketing

      Some of these companies only do hygiene and other do verification as well. The pricing varies widely between the companies but they all do a pretty good job.

      I do not work for any of these companies, and am only mentioning them as I have used them as a customer in the past.
      LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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  • Profile picture of the author Neru79
    I am building my list from scratch. I dont think buing list is good idea.
    I am looking for some rules how to clean email list, thats all.
    HQ traffic for your MLM / affiliates offers
    100% T1 clicks -
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Poc
    Originally Posted by Neru79 View Post

    How do you clean your email list?
    What's your rules for removing email address from your list?
    I am removing all addresses that are not open my emails 3 months. It is OK?
    I use AWeber and what I constantly remove unsubscribes and email addresses of people who have not opened my messages in the last 3 months. Everything else like bounces and spam complaints are taken care of by AWeber.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9951317].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Neru79
      Originally Posted by Matt Poc View Post

      I use AWeber and what I constantly remove unsubscribes and email addresses of people who have not opened my messages in the last 3 months. Everything else like bounces and spam complaints are taken care of by AWeber.
      Thank you. 3 months without open is good idea.
      HQ traffic for your MLM / affiliates offers
      100% T1 clicks -
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