Best way to create a lead magnet (5 page report)

4 replies
Hi Warriors,
I really need to know what is the best way to create a lead magnet (5 pages report) for users to subscribe to your list

especially if you are giving away a free report which should be related to a Clickbank product you don't know anything about

the report has to be related to the clickbank product but at the same time you don't know anything about the clickbank product

even if you outsource the report creation what is the description of this outsourced job
#create #lead #magnet #page #report
  • Profile picture of the author mjbiel

    You can always go the plr (prvate label rights) route which will allow you to purchase a product and then use it as your own. The products are normally between $5-10 and you won't have to create a product because it will already be ready.

    The site I like is:

    It has a lot of good niche ideas.

    Hope that helps

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    • Profile picture of the author James Baker

      I have had some great success with this model:

      Approach the vendor for the product you are looking to promote and let them know you would like to promote there product and ask for a review copy.

      If they cannot give you access to the product then maybe even purchase the product yourself. This way you can go through it and see the quality and if it something you would like to promote to your list or customers. I would go through the product and based on what you learn you can create a small report/ lead magnet.

      Don't give away all the information but just enough so they will get some value out of it and create a desire for more. Sometimes even at the end of my report I will put something like. "If you are ready to finally get in the best shape of your life, I highly recommend you check out xyz"..and then do a little review/benefits etc of the product and point them to it.

      This will keep your lead magnet and the product your promoting in line.

      Hope this helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by stodary2000 View Post

    Hi Warriors,
    I really need to know what is the best way to create a lead magnet (5 pages report) for users to subscribe to your list

    especially if you are giving away a free report which should be related to a Clickbank product you don't know anything about

    the report has to be related to the clickbank product but at the same time you don't know anything about the clickbank product

    even if you outsource the report creation what is the description of this outsourced job
    Fwiw, I always review every product that I promote. I would either buy it or request a Review Copy.
    To not know the Product you are going to promote is highly not advisable.

    - Robert Andrew
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    • Profile picture of the author BudiT
      Hi Sam,

      What people said above is true. You should ask your vendor for a review copy.

      Now, your job as a 'middleman' is to connect the prospects and the vendor.

      Don't just create any kind of freebie. If you want to stand apart from your competition, you need to create a freebie that will really attract subscribers.

      Not only should you research the product, you should also research your target audience.The demographics, their psychographic, what's their interest, what do they want, what do they need, are they AWARE of their problem, what's their income level, what's their BIGGEST PAIN.

      (Think about it: If you know someone well. don't you know what that person wants?)

      Easy way to do this is to go to sites like google trends, Alexa, Quantcast,, etc. Even facebook audience feature (that's a powerful one!)

      Once you know all these stuffs:

      Come up with an irresistible freebie that will absolutely attract subscribers.

      When you've done your audience research properly, and your review of the product, you should now know what kind of freebie you should create!

      Everything else is just about driving traffic, and testing and tweaking until you get a great conversion!

      Hope that helps!

      ~ Budi T

      STOP wasting your money into hypes and BS.
      Turn your traffic and subscribers into White Hot Cash!

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