Opt-in Page Analytics?

6 replies
Hey Everyone,

Just finished my SQ page ProfitWithEase.com/free-article2 and i was wondering..
Should i install Google Analytics on my SQ page? (its not the home page i dont have one)
If not.. Is there any other free way to check statistics on my SQ page?


#analytics #optin #page
  • Profile picture of the author dashemail
    If you have created the squeeze page through any of the online tools like Megaphone, Leadspage or Instapage, they have to option of tracking trafic. Otherwise you can just get the analytics code and copy into footer section of the page, then you can track all the activities to page. Google analytics is advanced tool, there will lot of options.
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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
    Originally Posted by avivaft View Post

    Hey Everyone,

    Just finished my SQ page ProfitWithEase.com/free-article2 and i was wondering..
    Should i install Google Analytics on my SQ page? (its not the home page i dont have one)
    If not.. Is there any other free way to check statistics on my SQ page?


    To be honest with you, you would be lucky if the page converted at 25%

    I only say that because:

    1. Your opt-in form isn't above the fold

    2. No one wants to read an article

    3. Hard to read your text with the background

    4. Too many graphics.

    Now I don't know what you will be doing in terms of traffic generation, but based on what I see this page won't give you high opt-in rates.

    As far as what to use for analytics:-

    There are several tools available for you to use such as:

    Click Magick
    Ad Trackz Gold
    Visual Website Optimizer

    Just to name a few

    But if you wanted to build a better looking squeeze page
    you can try out sites like:

    Optimize Press

    Hope that helps,

    Isaiah Jackson
    Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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    • Profile picture of the author avivaft
      Hey Isaiah.

      First of.. Thank you for your insight i really appreciate it!

      About what you said:

      1) What do you mean not above the fold? the placement isnt good? where should i put it?

      2) What do you think i should do instead of the article? a video? - i dont know if im ready to show my face & im not a native english speaker...

      3+4) can you show me an example of your idea for the ideal SQ page?

      Thank you my friend!
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      • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
        Originally Posted by avivaft View Post

        Hey Isaiah.

        First of.. Thank you for your insight i really appreciate it!

        About what you said:

        1) What do you mean not above the fold? the placement isnt good? where should i put it?

        2) What do you think i should do instead of the article? a video? - i dont know if im ready to show my face & im not a native english speaker...

        3+4) can you show me an example of your idea for the ideal SQ page?

        Thank you my friend!
        #1) Above the fold meaning, you don't have to scroll down to see the opt-in form.

        #2) Instead of saying "article" say "report" or "guide" or "cheat sheet"

        #3) It would be kind of hard for me to show you an example of my squeeze page...

        Here is a video from OptimizePress about a high converting squeeze page

        Hope that helps,
        Isaiah Jackson.
        Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Profile picture of the author koksalatik
    hey avivaft,

    Under the fold means that the height of your page is longer than the height of the screen. So someone has to scroll down to see your page in full. This decreases Opt-in Rates.

    hope this helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author wpconversionboxes
    You can use plugins like WP Conversion Boxes Pro to create email optin box for collecting leads that provides complete email optin conversion tracking and also allows you to track the conversions using Google Analytics.
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