Avoiding spamhaus blocklist

13 replies
I would to know if there is any possibility to avoid the IP(s) listed at spamhaus, the problem is that i get a server marketing, i send from it the weekly newsletter to our members Yahoo, but i faced a huge problem that the messages are bouncing and reports undelivered logs caused the spamhaus block own ips
Are there any techniques to avoid blacklist spamhaus?

#avoiding #blocklist #spamhaus
  • Profile picture of the author abhisheak sharma
    try to control the speed of each IP and set each IP to 400/hr
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    • Profile picture of the author interfox
      Hi my friend, what you mean speed of each IP, and how?
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Getting bounces isn't going to cause a spamhaus listing.

    Throttling your IPs isn't going to fix it either.

    Are you getting SBL listing?

    I would get your list cleaned.

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    • Profile picture of the author interfox

      Tell me could i delist my own ips from those websites ? did you use them ?
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  • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
    There is no manual way to remove your IP from the spam haus block list

    You need to make some changes to your methods to ensure you don't get hit on them.

    Do you have rdns setup?

    Do you have feedback loops setup with Yahoo?

    Do you have a bulk sending profile with Yahoo?
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    • Profile picture of the author interfox
      Hi friend,

      I setup the feedback loop, but i have not received any feedback yet!! are there any other techniques?
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarah Operman
    If you have too many bounces you need to clean your list, make sure whatever software you are using can clean the list after the emails bounce.
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  • Profile picture of the author Navyskater23

    You'd have to clean your list, and if you're bulk mailing then you'll have to be more careful w/ who you purchase data from. Those can sometimes come from sending to domain emails.
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  • Profile picture of the author KungFuMailer
    Someone asked you the severity of the spamhaus listing and my guess is that you are experiencing CSS/ZEN issues and not full on SBLs.

    Be careful who you listen to because alot of the info here is wrong.

    Sending speeds, bounce rates - none of that matters to SpamHaus.

    Your data contains trap email address and you must use a hygiene company to try to filter them out, which is next to impossible.

    You also need to CEASE MAILING for 72 hours. The CSS will auto expire if no mail hits a trap. If you continue to mail through the CSS warning, you will escalate to a full SBL which you can not delist and might result in service suspension by your ISP.

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    • Profile picture of the author interfox
      Hi friend,

      did you CEASED MAILING for 72 hours. ? What's the result ?
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  • Hello interfox

    You should clean up your list and be careful if you buy bulk mailing.

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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Are you mailing 100% yahoo addresses and you have a way to verify that there is no other domains in the list other than yahoo?
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
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  • Profile picture of the author responsly
    I've found some pretty good information. on this discussion forum
    I tried their method with 64 IP had no issues with spamhaus.

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