Email Marketing Is Dead

43 replies
Is email marketing still as effective as it was in the early 2000's?

i feel like people hardly even check there emails even more

i could be wrong, so that is why i am asking my fellow warriors!
#dead #email #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisNosal
    It is, it just requires more skill today.

    Back then, it was all hypey ads.

    Today, people get so much free information, they want to get RESULTS.

    They want to know you're an expert, and can deliver on all your promises.

    The problem is most marketers fail to communicate this.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Yes absolutely.

      But people who just spout off saying " Build a List" need to also dd that it takes skill, time, and work to be able to do it effectively.

      You can collect literally millions of emails, but if you fail to learn how to implement a well thought out system you will not succeed !

      PERIOD !!

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author namehero
    Originally Posted by bluboi543 View Post

    Is email marketing still as effective as it was in the early 2000's?

    i feel like people hardly even check there emails even more

    i could be wrong, so that is why i am asking my fellow warriors!
    No it's far from dead. With everyone carrying a smartphone nowadays it's very much alive.

    What is dead, is senseless spamming. Even if you are CANSPAM complaint (which if you're not is illegal) I still consider is "spamming" if you're not adding value to the end user.

    First, to be an effective email marketer you need to build YOUR OWN list. Buying, renting lists is no good. You may find a hidden gem here or there but ultimately you're trying to profit off of someone else's hard work.

    So start by building a list. Good methods to do this include polls, surveys, eBook downloads, coupons, etc. Once you get people on a list, don't start firing away daily. Instead softly email them every couple of days and tell a story about what you're promoting. Look at it like you're trying to entertain them.

    At the climax of your story you can then start to pitch a product or a series of products. But do this in an interpersonal way where you really connect with your audience and they feel like there is strong value on your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author RonBartling
    Are you familiar with Algora Publishing? They are a major marketer who emails their lists almost everyday. If it wasn't still effective I doubt they'd still be doing it. Their formula is to provide valuable information along with an offer, not just slightly people day after day with offers. I don't think slamming works as well as it did in the early 2000s if it ever really worked.
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    • Profile picture of the author here2learn
      Originally Posted by RonBartling View Post

      Are you familiar with Algora Publishing? They are a major marketer who emails their lists almost everyday. If it wasn't still effective I doubt they'd still be doing it. Their formula is to provide valuable information along with an offer, not just slightly people day after day with offers. I don't think slamming works as well as it did in the early 2000s if it ever really worked.
      I have come to detest joining anyone's email list just because not a day goes by that I find myself getting annoyed, irritated and overwhelmed by being 'sold' to. I've opted out of so many lists until my 'opt-out' finger is sore!
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    • Profile picture of the author violet0176
      Originally Posted by RonBartling View Post

      Are you familiar with Algora Publishing? They are a major marketer who emails their lists almost everyday. If it wasn't still effective I doubt they'd still be doing it. Their formula is to provide valuable information along with an offer, not just slightly people day after day with offers. I don't think slamming works as well as it did in the early 2000s if it ever really worked.

      I just checked out Algora Publishing and I would hardly call them a major marketer. They are certainly anti-American though.

      I would never buy anything they're peddling --even if I wanted to.
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  • Profile picture of the author bluboi543
    I have a targeted email list of over 2,000 email that i built over a 3 year period and i make a couple of sales here and there off it, but i don't feel its anything crazy

    maybe i am not using it right

    i try to offer free content and then every once in a while il do a sale

    is there any other things i may not be doing that the top marketers are doing with there list?
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisNosal
      Originally Posted by bluboi543 View Post

      I have a targeted email list of over 2,000 email that i built over a 3 year period and i make a couple of sales here and there off it, but i don't feel its anything crazy

      maybe i am not using it right

      i try to offer free content and then every once in a while il do a sale

      is there any other things i may not be doing that the top marketers are doing with there list?
      It's not about numbers - it's about content.

      Top marketers have INSIDE their emails information that says and connects with exactly what your customers need to hear.
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    • Profile picture of the author Declan O Flaherty
      Originally Posted by bluboi543 View Post

      I have a targeted email list of over 2,000 email that i built over a 3 year period and i make a couple of sales here and there off it, but i don't feel its anything crazy

      maybe i am not using it right

      i try to offer free content and then every once in a while il do a sale

      is there any other things i may not be doing that the top marketers are doing with there list?
      Everyone has their own way of doing things; however, you have tried the free content approach and ONLY promote once in a while, which you say is not working for you - so maybe you should try the non-content approach by telling stories, adding personality to your emails, and promoting your offer more often.

      Thing is, and this gets my goat, if you have an offer that's surely going to help people on your list, holding it back, and instead, you give them free content that is clearly not going to be as good; is not really helping anyone, is it?

      The problem could also be that your offers are crap, or you don't relay how important it is for them and how much benefit they will get if they buy the damn thing.

      In saying that, they also must buy into YOU if they are to take your recommendations seriously.
      Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
      for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • Profile picture of the author fernelis2009
    Dead? It still work, and all the expert are using it.

    Will Design your Info Product Business for you


    Text me.

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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Originally Posted by bluboi543 View Post

    Is email marketing still as effective as it was in the early 2000's?
    Absolutely not, but that doesn't mean email marketing is dead. It's on life support, but I don't see the plug being pulled anytime in the foreseeable future. Many still use it as part of a multi-pronged marketing effort.

    Contrary to what you may read on this forum, success doesn't hinge on email list mailing. There are many different points of contact for potential customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Hands down it was so much easier back was like shooting fish in a barrel!

    However, IMO, there's still nothing that beats it.

    You can spend X to get a click, view, etc... or X to get an email and I will take the email every time!
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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    • Profile picture of the author bluboi543
      Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

      Hands down it was so much easier back was like shooting fish in a barrel!

      However, IMO, there's still nothing that beats it.

      You can spend X to get a click, view, etc... or X to get an email and I will take the email every time!
      well said!

      now that i think about it email is like 40% of the reason why the Internet is useful
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  • Profile picture of the author federal06
    The first website that i open when i open my chorme is GMAIL, so email marketing is alive and amazon, fiver, facebook, any big company still use email marketing to do upsell and selling

    The other day i receive a email about a facebook expert and she said that facebook is always changing and is getting hard to do marketing, so she teach people, how to use facebook to build their list, so even social media expert teach that email marketing is still the number one weapon to sell product or anything online. (This is the same process that people in the past have when they only use google adwords to promote direct affiliate link, then they learn that they need to build their list) and the same is happing with facebook

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  • Profile picture of the author esmartbizz
    Email marketing is not dead people expect more these days so a good funnel with well thought out follow up is what is needed.
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  • Profile picture of the author webbusineses
    Not at all, see this word email marketing in broader prospective. Ecommerce sales are mounting around the globe, and customer acquisition via email marketing is skyrocketing compared to other forms of marketing such as Social Media Campaigns. Email marketing is second highest in customer acquisition after organic searches. It is one strategy that helps to actually to implement custom loyalty model, which ensures repeat sales. So it has changed a lot but not dead at all.

    Email Marketing & Lead Sourcing

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  • Profile picture of the author brodel34
    its hilarious that someone would say that email marketing is dead in an age where people get INSTANT notification of when they receive an email.
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    • Profile picture of the author winkbrew
      Originally Posted by brodel34 View Post

      its hilarious that someone would say that email marketing is dead in an age where people get INSTANT notification of when they receive an email.
      Agreed. If you think it's dead your clearly doing something wrong.
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  • Profile picture of the author AadhyaMehra
    Originally Posted by bluboi543 View Post

    Is email marketing still as effective as it was in the early 2000's?

    i feel like people hardly even check there emails even more

    i could be wrong, so that is why i am asking my fellow warriors!
    1. See early 2000's was the market of sellers but present scenario is the market of buyer.

    2. Nothing is dead ! subject itself is enough for anyone to analyze it's wastage of time or valuable. so
    everybody is only Interested in deleting junk & spam mails.

    3. Meaning of buyer market in my opinion is what he requires. So subject should be more effective and
    should be relevant to the buyer's need.
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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    E-mail marketing is NOT dead, not in a long shot.

    However you need a slightly different approach than 15 years ago but that is not necessarily a bad thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author esmarshall
    Email Is Alive And Well, Just Got To Provide Good Engaging Content..Instead of spammy nonsense
    $900 off a fully active gold member MOBE account (full price $2000)...message me if your interested
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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    Yes, of course it s still working!

    never understimate the importance of a good mail marketing technique!!

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author Jasonmills
    Email marketing is not dead yet. But, we need effective strategies to achieve better results.

    Here are some statistics and studies that agree with my feelings about the future of email marketing:

    01. As of 2013, there are nearly 3.9 billion email accounts worldwide, with that number expected to increase to 4.9 billion by the end of 2017.

    02. 247 billion emails are sent every day.

    03. For every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return is $44.25.

    04. There are 897 million mobile email users worldwide, including both business and consumer users.

    05. 48% of emails are opened on a mobile device.

    06. A recent study concluded that email is almost 40 times better at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter.

    07. 72% of consumers sign up for emails because they want to get discounts, but only 8.2% sign up because they love the brand.

    08. Email conversion rates are three times higher than social media, with a 17% higher value in the conversion.

    Do you think email marketing is still alive and kicking, or is it dying a slow, painful death?
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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Smart email marketing is alive and well..

      In fact with new tools email marketing is getting better and better.

      For example.. I have a list that I email 2 times a week I generally only do 1 promo a month

      People who click click on 10 links over time get moved to a vip a list.

      People on that VIP list who aren't buyers get tagged and moved to a list where I can send them emails about the benefits of my products.

      People on the VIP list that are buyers but haven't bought my premium product get put into a list where I can contact them individually and offer a free consult , if i feel they are a good fit after that I'll then offer them a free trial and a coupon code. If they aren't a good fit for my products I'll just tag them and hope they had some benefit from our chat.

      Nah email marketing isn't dead it's just evolved

      If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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  • Profile picture of the author bikon kumar
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  • Profile picture of the author AvidJon
    Email marketing is an important piece for millennials. Millennials are connected. The majority of them have their mobile device within arm’s reach at all hours. These consumers use social media and social apps but may not engage with them on a daily basis. Millennials do check their email on a consistently as it is a tool used for direct communication. A study by Pew states that 90% of millennials are using the web to send and receive email.

    Social apps and media are being used for just that– socializing. Millennials are using mobile responsive email to to engage personally with brands. They expect customer support, updates, and other personal dialogue from brands to take place via mobile responsive emails. This demographic has drawn a line between social engagement and personal communication. These consumers want a connection with a brand that is authentic and personal. They are not finding this relationship on social media. This is why email remains an important marketing tool for brands.

    As time progresses, the relationship millennials have with email will remain strong. Technology is making it easier for millennials to access their email and engage with brands. Two years ago 61% of webmail users chose mobile.

    In addition to mobile responsive email, a brand must use mobile strategies in all of their marketing efforts. If a brand provides mobile responsive emails but has a poorly constructed– or even worse, no mobile website– millennials will disregard the brand. Brands that combine SMS marketing, mobile responsive email, and mobile websites are engaging their audiences and driving new business and building loyalty. For millennials, brands must remember to keep social and personal relationships separate.
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    • Profile picture of the author Zarajohn

      I additionally think whether email promoting is in any condition has a considerable measure to do with the span of the organization utilizing it. For little or creating organizations, a stand-alone application can in any case be truly valuable and well known. And afterward as a business grows a strong a coordinated CRM framework bodes well. It relies on upon the group of onlookers.

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  • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
    I wouldn't say email marketing is dead, did you know that there's actually be a resurgence of emails being open and read because more and more people are accessing email via their smart phone? Email will still continue to by a primary marketing channel in my opinion.

    Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    It still works. You just need to be better at it than before. You need to get good at selling, and offering the right bonuses and all that jazz.
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  • Profile picture of the author marvinoliver

    Now emails are much more clean than it used to be 10 years ago, when people used to share email forwards on email, now these forwards has got their home in social media.

    Only thing changed is from sending useless / untargeted email to useful and targeted emails.

    If your emails are genuinely informative and help your subscribers, then, it is great to use tool for B2B marketers.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobby_shahzad

    I think email is like Phone. It can change shapes but will never die. Just like phone is there for 100 years.

    Today there are 350 million email users, out of that 50% use email on mobile. Email is important part of day to day business of most people.
    Signature Email marketing service , single and double optin accounts. List Hygiene Service Available.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
      I see this older thread from last summer has been revived. Email marketing is not dead if the person you are sending the email to is expecting it and looks forward to hearing from you.

      Think about yourself and the kinds of emails you open. If you can achieve that in your own email marketing, then email marketing is NOT dead.
      Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author forrestsmyth
    The people who tell you email marketing is dead are likely marketers doing so because they want to sell you training for a social media strategy or something else.

    Consider this...

    There are currently more than 3.2 billion email accounts around the globe, with 95% of online consumers using email, and 91% checking their email at least once a day.

    Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter.

    According to VentureBeat, email generates a higher ROI for marketers than any other channel, generating $38 in ROI for every $1 spent.

    Show me a successful online marketer who doesn't have a large email list...
    The Second Edition of "The Online Entrepreneur's Toolbox" Is Now Available!
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  • Profile picture of the author Starkiitial
    Many people think that this marketing is dead. But it is supposed to be known that now many promotional methods exist. Each one is unique and has its special function. So it's not appropriate to say that which one is dead. We all know E-mail marketing is a little tough to deal with. And there're so many example which can prove that E-mail marketing is still alive and very active. E-mail marketing will always be needed. Different people has different demands therefore we have to make our E-mail design be satisfied to customers' demands. And I think this is the key to E-mail marketing. And always make changes and innovations when something is changed.
    As for me, I work in desktopad platform and I am doing the E-mail marketing department.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sallysimi
    Originally Posted by bluboi543 View Post

    Is email marketing still as effective as it was in the early 2000's?

    i feel like people hardly even check there emails even more

    i could be wrong, so that is why i am asking my fellow warriors!
    In fact, technology industry today is so different from the early time. Along with it is the improvement in the email marketing, I do not think email marketing nowadays is less effective than last time but whether it is efficient or not depends on skill of the marketers.
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  • Profile picture of the author kimanierick
    you might think that it is dead because of the many upcoming ad sites but it is not. The upcoming sites might be easy to use, reach many people or whatever advantage you might think of but also email marketing has its own advantages that other sites cannot have. Therefore I consider all important and very alive. Emails are more secure, you can send more specific and personal details than in other platforms which are subject to hacking and spamming. Thank you
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  • Email marketing can never be dead Bluboi543. It just got covered under cloud of smartphones, tv and print ads and other mediums, Still the good old way to directly reach the customer and impress if done in a dignified way. As a retailer I have got great returns, My patrons are happy and new prospects are excited to know more when I send the 'nice and personalised' emails. That doesnt mean I burn the midnight oil personalising, creating and sending thousands of emails. I got associated to Ariticmail, they do all the hard work for me, lol.
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    • Profile picture of the author mpressmeinc
      Email marketing is not dead, BUT it has become harder to become visible thanks to the flood of spam, content marketing and overall growth of online business.

      Have you tried Mobile Marketing? I predict that text, picture or video messaging will take over in the next couple of years.

      To stand out, I have been coaching my clients into mobile marketing. The open rate is substantially better then email and the customers love it!
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    -The average email-based order dollar value is 17% higher than social media.
    -Email is a whopping 40 times more powerful at acquiring new customers than facebook and twitter combined.

    Email marketing is far from being dead,it's alive an well!

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  • Profile picture of the author twersk
    I think the question should be "Is securing email addresses via sold lists dead?" NOT is email marketing dead? (Which was my question on another post...
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshnano
    Is it dead?

    1) It still makes me a profit (affiliate sells/my own product sells)

    2) Is it effective to convert into traffic? Yes

    I would disagree that it's dead
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  • Profile picture of the author T S Chan
    Subscribers will open your email if you're an expert and consistently build good relationship with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author jony1
    No, i don't think so its one of the good methode to generate leads.
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