Trouble w/ Aweber, Paypal and Woo Commerce

by edyang
0 replies

I'm trying to do something which seems to me should be very simple, but I've run into a long delay trying to troubleshoot it. Hoping someone at WF can help me solve the problem.

Basically, when someone buys something from my website using Paypal, I want them to get an automated email via AWeber thanking them with more info.

Simple, right? For some reason, not so much.

I followed Aweber and Paypal's instructions to set up the Notification URL to facilitate this process. But when I tested it out, the email was never sent.

Further troubleshooting found that the Notification URL settings were indeed correct, but that there was a different Notification URL from Woo Commerce that was overriding the settings in Aweber and Paypal.

Contacting Paypal support, they point the finger at Woo. Contacting Woo has been such a headache. No phone support, vague answers, different honestly doesn't sound like they know what they are doing.

Can someone:

1. Help me resolve this issue or

2. Help me figure out an alternative way to do this?

Again, it seems like this is something simple that shouldn't have so many issues. Maybe I'm just completely missing something?

#aweber #commerce #paypal #trouble #w or #woo #woothemes

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