Displaying your home address at the end of emails due to CAN-SPAM

6 replies
Due to CAN-SPAM, it's a requirement to list some form of physical address at the end of your email messages. Thing is, I don't want to use my home address.

Does anybody have a solution for this?
#address #canspam #displaying #due #emails #end #home
  • Profile picture of the author brodel34
    grab a P.O. Box
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I know people who rent/lease out an office in the cbd. I have no idea of the cost but it's a legitimate address.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    A PO box at Pak Mail is around $100/year, at least in my area.
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  • Profile picture of the author OTrap
    There are some who insist on a non-PO Box. Historically, for that, I've used UPS mailboxes, which you can technically list as "suites."
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  • Profile picture of the author AT-Copy
    As others have said, if you're worried about using your address just use a PO box or an office address. Just make sure you check it regularly, in case you get a subscriber request via mail that needs to be dealt with.
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  • Profile picture of the author DaveWarrior
    I would never use my home address. It's a safety issue. Get a PO box. I believe you can request the USPS to notify you whenever you have mail so you don't even need to ever check it.

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