Buying "data"(email lists) is this even legal anymore

13 replies
Hey guys,
I've been doing email marketing and solo ads for a while now with some average success.
But the solo model isnt that stable so i am checking other different ways.
Personally I think email marketing can be great if you actually build relationship based list. and use some quality traffic sources.

Anyways Ive joined a while back this cpa training where they have this weird model.
They are basically using self hosted AR with some smtp relay.
And they buy email lists (they call it data for some reason).
So they basically bulk mail these leads.
I am talking here about bulk mailing that puts even the solo ad lists to shame.
Whats weird is that they claim this is the new way to do cpa marketing.
While the way of using landing pages is the old traditional way.
At the beginning i thought to give it a try.
But frankly it sounds shady and I don't even think it still legal to buy email list these days.
What do you think ?
#anymore #buying #dataemail #legal #lists
  • Profile picture of the author Katie Watters
    Originally Posted by Alex Leizerovich View Post

    Hey guys,
    I've been doing email marketing and solo ads for a while now with some average success.
    But the solo model isnt that stable so i am checking other different ways.
    Personally I think email marketing can be great if you actually build relationship based list. and use some quality traffic sources.

    Anyways Ive joined a while back this cpa training where they have this weird model.
    They are basically using self hosted AR with some smtp relay.
    And they buy email lists (they call it data for some reason).
    So they basically bulk mail these leads.
    I am talking here about bulk mailing that puts even the solo ad lists to shame.
    Whats weird is that they claim this is the new way to do cpa marketing.
    While the way of using landing pages is the old traditional way.
    At the beginning i thought to give it a try.
    But frankly it sounds shady and I don't even think it still legal to buy email list these days.
    What do you think ?
    There are legislations surrounding the purchasing of email lists. In North America, CAN-SPAM (USA) and CASL (CND) are the legislations email marketers must abide by. With that being said, using purchased data in a B2B email campaign is a great way to reach more of your target market and drive more quality leads to your sales funnel.

    It's a highly debated topic, but many B2B marketers have seen great success using purchased lists to complement their email marketing strategy.

    If you have any questions about purchasing email lists, feel free to PM me as I work within the industry (specifically sending to cold, purchased contacts).
    B2B lead generation solutions for accelerated sales or marketing growth.
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    • Profile picture of the author togun880
      But you're not buying the list with solo ads, the list owner is sending a message to his/her list on your behalf....not sure if that's legal....but it shouldn't be since the list owner isn't disclosing the emails to you
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      • Profile picture of the author Alex Leizerovich
        Originally Posted by togun880 View Post

        But you're not buying the list with solo ads, the list owner is sending a message to his/her list on your behalf....not sure if that's legal....but it shouldn't be since the list owner isn't disclosing the emails to you
        I didn't say you buy email lists with solos..with solos you build it with squeeze pages.
        If you read carefully i said i found about another program where they teach to bulk mail email lists that they buy. In a much bigger scale mailing than solos.
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    • Profile picture of the author bigdaddycash
      interested in this bulk buying.Tips?
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  • Profile picture of the author RichardKhor
    Originally Posted by Alex Leizerovich View Post

    Hey guys,
    I've been doing email marketing and solo ads for a while now with some average success.
    But the solo model isnt that stable so i am checking other different ways.
    Personally I think email marketing can be great if you actually build relationship based list. and use some quality traffic sources.

    Anyways Ive joined a while back this cpa training where they have this weird model.
    They are basically using self hosted AR with some smtp relay.
    And they buy email lists (they call it data for some reason).
    So they basically bulk mail these leads.
    I am talking here about bulk mailing that puts even the solo ad lists to shame.
    Whats weird is that they claim this is the new way to do cpa marketing.
    While the way of using landing pages is the old traditional way.
    At the beginning i thought to give it a try.
    But frankly it sounds shady and I don't even think it still legal to buy email list these days.
    What do you think ?
    Hello Alex, I don't think it is good to buy list and spam them although there is results from there.

    I heard about this method that they use to earn money. They are more in a list burning business than a list building business.

    I rather build a more responsive list and followers.

    There is some Can-spam law. But most people don't care.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Leizerovich
      Originally Posted by RichardKhor View Post

      Hello Alex, I don't think it is good to buy list and spam them although there is results from there.

      I heard about this method that they use to earn money. They are more in a list burning business than a list building business.

      I rather build a more responsive list and followers.

      There is some Can-spam law. But most people don't care.
      Yes lol thats why i said this method puts even the solo biz to shame.
      Its like chum and burn on steroids.
      It took me time to understand what are they doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Samfakroon
    Well Companies sell list as per say Bulk Mailing in Crude Language is called spamming. So its for you to decide legal or not but thousands can be made if done properly. Now I will tell you the process and then you decide if this is something you want to do.
    You will need to have your own server with 3 IP or so 1 is enough to start with. Then you need a script called interspire that you install on the server. this is the Auto Res-ponder
    Buy data maybe A million emails costing $300 or so.
    Then clean the data use some cleaning software basically the software runs and clears all bad mails and bounces and maybe you remain with 600K -
    Next is to load them on server and start sending 10k mails daily with no links for at-least a 2 weeks called warming the IPs. If you don't do this your IP gets Blacklisted and all mails you send end up in spam folder. Then write proffessional emails with links and Boom money starts flowing. Is as easy or as hard as that so you decide now. I tried but the initial cost at that time I found it high.
    I love things that give me fast results and thus started Paid Search PPC and works well with CPA.

    Anyway I hope this was helpful.

    Thank You
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Leizerovich
      Originally Posted by Samfakroon View Post

      Well Companies sell list as per say Bulk Mailing in Crude Language is called spamming. So its for you to decide legal or not but thousands can be made if done properly. Now I will tell you the process and then you decide if this is something you want to do.
      You will need to have your own server with 3 IP or so 1 is enough to start with. Then you need a script called interspire that you install on the server. this is the Auto Res-ponder
      Buy data maybe A million emails costing $300 or so.
      Then clean the data use some cleaning software basically the software runs and clears all bad mails and bounces and maybe you remain with 600K -
      Next is to load them on server and start sending 10k mails daily with no links for at-least a 2 weeks called warming the IPs. If you don't do this your IP gets Blacklisted and all mails you send end up in spam folder. Then write proffessional emails with links and Boom money starts flowing. Is as easy or as hard as that so you decide now. I tried but the initial cost at that time I found it high.
      I love things that give me fast results and thus started Paid Search PPC and works well with CPA.

      Anyway I hope this was helpful.

      Thank You
      Thats basically what the program I joined teach.
      They just sell 5K leads for $300.
      And you need 10X of that to get any serious amount of clicks.
      While with my solo list and aweber i can get nice amount of clicks even with 10K list.
      Not to mention that this model of bulk mailing is really spamming more than solos even.
      Its was just weird to me that they say its the new way to do cpa.
      And the way of squeeze pages and building a list isnt effective anymore.
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      • Profile picture of the author RichardKhor
        Originally Posted by Alex Leizerovich View Post

        Thats basically what the program I joined teach.
        They just sell 5K leads for $300.
        And you need 10X of that to get any serious amount of clicks.
        While with my solo list and aweber i can get nice amount of clicks even with 10K list.
        Not to mention that this model of bulk mailing is really spamming more than solos even.
        Its was just weird to me that they say its the new way to do cpa.
        And the way of squeeze pages and building a list isnt effective anymore.
        Alex, there is more extreme way than this and proven to make more than that. Those who doing this maybe is just a beginner.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobby_shahzad

    There is lot of controversy around this topic and legality of bulk emailing.

    Since I am not a legal expert so I will not give any Legal advise. However, based on our day to day dealing with clients, I can give you some good insight into what is happening in bulk emailing world and how CPA affiliates are doing it right.

    Yes, there is lot of CPA, MMO and Affiliate marketing going on using purchased lists. A new entrant to this is Binary Options, as MMO is more and more turning into Binary Options offers.

    But Gurus and Top earners in this category are doing it skill fully that other people don't yet know, so that is why they are making better earnings than others.

    First, the data they acquire is never used before running through a List Cleaning service. We never accept any data that is not clean or not gone through our in house list cleaning service. This gets lot of Traps, Old emails, Complainers out of your list.

    Next, they make sure to use CPA networks internal Suppression lists. Why do you think every CPA network offers a suppression list? It is because they don't want you to mail to those people who don't want to receive a particular offer.

    Finally, they honor opt out requests.

    A good purchased list gives you 5% to 10% open rate while bad one gives you 1% to 5% open rate.

    Typically 20% of those who open will click, depending on your offer. So if you send out 100K emails and you get like 2 to 300 clicks that is Cost per click under 5 cents, which beats any PPC or Solo Ad.

    So these are typical numbers we are seeing on the day to day basis. Of course, number can vary largely from customer to customer.

    More importantly, in this economy, Bulk emailing offers an affordable and well with in budget way of advertising.

    Best regards

    Signature Email marketing service , single and double optin accounts. List Hygiene Service Available.
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  • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
    This is hardly a new method.
    This has been going on since the beginning of the Internet.
    Sending bulk remain easy to be legal, there are some basic laws you only have to follow.
    Again, this is frowned upon by many on this forum, and many people will give you wrong information that it is illegal. I sell data and leads, exclusive and bulk to people, and my clients continue to run very successful campaigns.
    Don't let me goodie goods on this forum prevent you from exploring the bulk side of email marketing.
    LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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    • Profile picture of the author Harry Palmer
      Hey ProducerK thanks for your input on this thread - I'm exploring bulk emailing for the first time and have heard from loads of people that it's illegal etc etc but wasn't sure.

      What's the best way to send these kinds of emails without getting blacklisted or marked as spam, is there a special method or software?

      Thanks for any help - Harry
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    When you are first starting out it is next to impossible to not get some accounts terminated, IPs blocked/blacklisted, etc... However, there are ways to mitigate the risks involved, but in the long run, it really comes down to segmenting the good data from the poor data which exists in all purchased data.

    Buying data is really more of a business model than a traffic strategy. Which is why there are those that tell you not to do it. However, I have little doubt that most just read this and then preach it as the truth or they had no clue what they were doing and lost money.

    Simple rule: always get a sample of the data you are considering acquiring and test it before spending a bunch of money. By doing this, you will then know what it is truly worth to you.

    Also, avoid those that say that all you need is your own mail server and you can then send purchased data without any problems. While for many this is a viable strategy. It in itself is not a solution. But there are many that will make unrealistic claims in order to take advantage of novice mailers.

    It's not for everyone, but done right it can be extremely profitable. Everyone that I know that is in the business and knows what they are doing, for the most part, does 6-7 figures. While that may be a huge range, much comes down to one's ability to scales and effectively building/managing the infrastructure needed to scale.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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