Are You Still Doing Email Marketing?

25 replies
In recent times we saw a decline in email marketing popularity among internet marketers throughout the world. What is your say on this, are you one of those who are still using email marketing?
#email #email marketing #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author iangh
    No doubt there has been a change in email marketing for many reasons, devices used like smart phones have definitely affected email marketing and people online are more savvy these days but I do not see the death of selling by email. No way.

    Yes we have had to adapt because of the reasons mentioned above as well as there being so much more competition, but if you up your game and stand out from the crowd you will sell.

    I very much doubt you will here any successful internet marketer saying they are quitting building there lists and quitting email marketing.

    People will always work on laptops and Desktop PC's so yes there may have been a dip because of people reading their emails on smartphones but every marketer I know still see's their email list as a very valuable asset.

    All the best
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Yunker
    Hey Tkhassan,

    Yes there has been big changes to email marketing and of course open rates aren't at 90% anymore, but I know you can definitely build a long lasting relationship with your customers.

    If you understand how to connect through email, it is hands down still one of the top ways to make money online.

    People have to manually delete your email they can't just scroll past it. That's probably one of the best advantages email has among other platforms like social media.

    Social media is great, but only when you have an email list

    My opinion, email will always be the core of making money online or just having an online business in general

    Just my view on it..

    Have a great day

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  • Profile picture of the author trafficmob
    email marketing still very effective and it wont go away anytime soon, we use it for blast every week to 450K subscriber and it's doing a great job.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Mailing is my business...I monetize data and have been doing it for 15 years and have no plans to stop!

    You can make 6-7 figures with the right strategies. Granted that's a huge range. It in large comes down to how much you scale and being able to effectively manage the infrastructure that comes from scaling.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author Asadullah72
    No doubt, there has been big changes to email marketing BUT email marketing still very effective and it wont go away anytime soon.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Yep still using email Marketing. It wont be dead for the foreseeable future.

      Of course things like Social Media have taking a share of it.

      But there is still plenty of food to feast on and go around

      - Robert Andrew
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Yep, still doing email marketing.

        Am I still doing it the same way I was five, ten, fifteen years ago?


        Does it still work?

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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
    Originally Posted by tkhassan View Post

    In recent times we saw a decline in email marketing popularity among internet marketers throughout the world. What is your say on this, are you one of those who are still using email marketing?
    Email marketing has changed a lot over the years..

    But do I see it going anywhere anytime soon?


    Social media may have tried to take a grab
    at email marketing, but at the end of they
    even social networks ask for an email address.

    Yes, I still do email marketing.

    It works.
    Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Profile picture of the author massmailresponse
    Originally Posted by tkhassan View Post

    In recent times we saw a decline in email marketing popularity among internet marketers throughout the world. What is your say on this, are you one of those who are still using email marketing?
    Dear tkhassan,
    There is lots of reasons for decline in emails but if we rectify all the problems we never have a chance for decline any of your single emails...many ways of your emails getting to be success

    Dedicated SMTP server with low cost

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  • Profile picture of the author mohabbat28
    Do it.
    Email marketing is still an essential method of internet marketing..
    You may try it...
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    • Profile picture of the author lekhapora
      How can I make active e-mail database?
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  • Profile picture of the author Platt
    It has declined maybe because of the use of social media but it is still a very effective way of communicating and doing marketing. So I think it's still important do do e-mail marketing if it fits your target group and your product/service.
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  • Profile picture of the author rmosgurgaon
    emailers from bank is still good way to promote business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Arshalan008
    Email marketing is the most popular in the word. you can sell your product in the whole world. and you will create this shop in low cost. example collect email , create template and send them. and enjoy the selling product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Strifegall
    Who said email marketing popularity declined in recent times?
    In a recent consumer survey in USA, some 91% of the people reported that they like to receive emails from brands and businesses they know.
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  • Profile picture of the author krishparmar
    I am sure that the popularity of email marketing in recent times cannot be on a decline because it is not only a professional way of reaching out to your target audience especially when you have opt-in lists but also it has a more serious advertising approach compared to other forms like SMS,TV and in the long run it is bound to be an essential tool for any marketeer.
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  • Profile picture of the author askmarcus
    yep.. I am also one of email marketers out there... still learning... testing and tweaking all the time to get the highest click rate
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  • Profile picture of the author bobby_shahzad
    Building an Email list still makes sense, because you can gather emails of your target subscriber group, and then you can re target them any time using Social Media using CUSTOM AUDIENCE

    This is something most email marketers are ignoring. Approaching your audience via email only is not viable any more, you have to approach them from all channels, specially social media
    Signature Email marketing service , single and double optin accounts. List Hygiene Service Available.
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  • Profile picture of the author CandyKc
    E-mail marketing is probably the most effective way to monetize a blog for long run success and nearly every successful blog has a very strong email marketing focus. Concerning your question - yes, I’m obviously doing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author hackyou77
    I regard Email marketing only as a good additional method to remind of yourself to your clients and to inform them about your news.
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  • Profile picture of the author GigiCath
    Yes, of course. But email it works only if you know how to make it right. You should make it personal, in a right time, with targeted and brief messages and awesome design.
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Email marketing will be still alive, no matter what year is.
    all is about timing, and well stylized ad which selling.
    Im using email marketing 1time per week and it definitely worth. It brings me still new a new customers and opt-ins.
    Email marketing is also about bilding relationships between you and customer, if you are trying only to GAIN PROFITS it will not works, be sure.

    People are now well resistent towards spam craps and poor ads, we marketer MUST be well creative to succeed.
    wish you all the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author seoaceindia
    email marketing effective if you are not spamming and doing in effective way.
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  • Profile picture of the author live4pk
    I think social media marketing dominating all over the world. so be focused on this and don't spend your time in email marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Originally Posted by tkhassan View Post

    In recent times we saw a decline in email marketing popularity among internet marketers throughout the world. What is your say on this, are you one of those who are still using email marketing?

    Of course. Yes the popularity of the e-mail has declined and will probably continue to decline but e-mail marketing is nowhere near finished. Trust me on that one.
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