Kinda Advanced Email Marketing Technique - Need Help
I am looking for an email autoresponder that can for example:
Subscriber John joins my free optin list, through this optin list he receives automated emails prompting him to buy, now assume this free optin list has an email series of 1 each day for 10 days.
Now assume subscriber John buys the product in day 4. Once he buys the product he is now placed in another purchased list. Now subscriber John is in both the free optin list and purchased list.
Is there a autoresponder service that automatically removes the user from one list once he joins the other one?
I currently use Mailchimp and after speaking to support, they said it is not possible and I need to do this manually every time!
I would really appreciate if someone can let me know of a good autoresponder that can do more complex tasks like this one.
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