One tip I learnt about writing successful emails
Very simply make sure you always use your own voice.
For example if you are a 20 year old male from the US, write like a 20 year old male from the US. By the same token, if you are a 50 year old female from the UK, make sure you speak like a 50 year old female from the UK.
Don't be tempted, like many new marketers do to get out the IM cliché dictionary and start using stereotypical marketing jargon. People will quickly see through this and sense they are being tricked. This will blow any chance of creating rapport right out of the window.
Don't be frightened to include the jargon, slang and expressions that you would normally use (this of course should be within reason as you still want to be able to be understood).
By doing just this one simple thing you will come across as a real person and not just another marketing clone. Consequently more people will click on the links that you promote.
Simplistic way of thinking? Maybe, but I know it effects the way I see other marketers and therefore worth bearing in mind.
Happy living -
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Richmark -
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