getresponse landing page counts my own visits

8 replies
hello dear worriors , im new in getresponse and i'm still on my free trial ,the thing that i noticed with this website is that after creating my landing page it counts my own visits , i used google analytics to track the trrafic but i see that no one visited my landing page.the only visit is my own visit . and the problrem when i click on my landing page link i see that the number of visitors and unique visitors increased by 10. please does someone have the same issue ?
#counts #getresponse #landing #page #visits
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  • Profile picture of the author medterrence
    hey Stoyanchev ,thank you for replying yes i have a dynamique IP
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  • That is most likely the reason analytics counts your visits as unique ones and you can't avoid that except if you change your internet service provider with static ip.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hearn
    Well your IP changes when you reset your router. And even if it changes, your IPs are usually in the same range with just the last numbers changed so it's easy to recognize.

    Anyway I don't see how you can exclude your IPs but if I remember correctly you can exclude a country or maybe even a city? So if you are from No Mans Land and your traffic is from US, UK etc just exclude your location.
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  • Profile picture of the author medterrence
    Svetoslav Stoyanchev do u think that i should change it to static i'm not sure because i think that the ip adress of internet is what matters anyways thank you so much.
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  • Profile picture of the author medterrence
    HEARN the probleme that i have is with getreponse ,not google analytics thank you for your answer
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Why don't you contact get response about this?


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author medterrence
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      Why don't you contact get response about this?

      i did they told me that ,maybe your page was shared by someone else .since the only place where i published it is my facebook page which only counts 6 visits until now .
      they also told me that my LANDING PAGE is already published automatically in SEO s by them .( and i haven't upgraded yet Im still on my free trial)
      do u have getresponse
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