Sending your 1st email in a campaign? Here's how to get it right

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Sending your 1st email campaign to a list is a stellar way to get leads when you are building your list. After you have collated all your contact list via genuine marketing and list generation activities next is sending your first email.

Sending a cold email introduces your business and describes the way your business can solve problems and offer services to other businesses. Writing these campaigns are an art form and poorly written emails are usually destined for the junk folder or the abyss of the inbox.

To have greater success with open rates, there are several things that can increase your likelihood of connecting with people, getting a response and attracting their business.
We all need to start out with our email campaigns, so here's my suggestions when sending a cold email campaign to your list:
  • Keep it short and sweet. Making sure the subject line is interesting and less than 50 characters will capture the recipient's attention. Explain everything in the first two sentences of the email. You will only have the customer's attention for a few short moments so don't lose them with a lengthy introduction. Keep the email short and direct.
  • Know your audience. Have you contacted the right person? To increase open rates place the customer's first name in the subject line. Being personal and looking like you have done your homework will help you achieve success. If you do not have the recipient's details, then end the email by asking the recipient if they are the correct person in the company to handle your request or can you be directed to the right person. Give them the option to update details so that you have the correct recipient.
  • Ask a question include a question in the email that will invite the customer to reply. Make sure the question highlights the knowledge you have of the recipient's company and initiates engagement in conversation. You could even consider using a question in the subject line.
  • Propose a specific time to talk the next step is building a relationship with the recipient by having a spoken conversation with them. Always request a specific time and day and then follow up and follow up again! Create a series of follow-up messages that are sent to people who do not respond right away. Every 3 to 7 days you should send another.
When sending, cold emails choose your targets wisely. You can do a lot with a simple email if you target the right group of recipients. Keep your email short and direct explaining how you can add value to their business. If the email is personal, there is a better chance for success. Don't skimp on the homework and research your ideal customer thoroughly before sending your email.

Cold email campaigns are tough; there's no way around that - focus on the basic elements and keeping your campaigns focused on a CTA and relevant content will enhance the likelihood of engagement and lead generation.
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