Best solution to send and get bounce/spam stats for a list of millions of emails

4 replies

I recently acquired a business that comes with a list of 21M emails.

They used to send emails using Sendgrid, but the cost is pretty high.

I'm looking for a better solution to send emails to up to 1M emails at a time.

Obviously, I don't want a shitty one that will put me in the spam folder on all providers.

What are your recommendations?

#bounce or spam #email #emails #list #millions #optin #send #solution #stats
  • Profile picture of the author sendizo
    Propably setting up your own mail server set up would be best solution for high volume senders.
    Sience the email data are optin and belong to this a acquired business. you will not face any issues.
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    • Profile picture of the author 26medias
      Originally Posted by sendizo View Post

      Propably setting up your own mail server set up would be best solution for high volume senders.
      Sience the email data are optin and belong to this a acquired business. you will not face any issues.

      Too slow, doesn't track the bounce/spam reports, doesn't manage the unsubscribes without additional setup.
      We're looking for a out of the box solution.

      Best candidate so far is, but still looking.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10778839].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DavidG
        Originally Posted by 26medias View Post

        Too slow, doesn't track the bounce/spam reports, doesn't manage the unsubscribes without additional setup.
        We're looking for a out of the box solution.

        Best candidate so far is, but still looking.
        Did you ever find a solution? I'm curious... I've had clients with similar size lists but used their own custom solutions...

        Also - is this list something you;re going to monetize?
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      • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
        Originally Posted by 26medias View Post

        Too slow, doesn't track the bounce/spam reports, doesn't manage the unsubscribes without additional setup.
        We're looking for a out of the box solution.

        Best candidate so far is, but still looking.
        If you use a service that allows you to send purchased lists, I would start small and test the deliverability.

        I've been monetizing purchased data for 16+ years and if the data is fresh/ vertical targeted, then I use autoresponders. All other data, I use my own mailer / ips and domain target, based on what domains the IPs should get good deliverability with.

        I understand you said that you acquired a business with the list and they used sendgrid. You may want to first try sendgrid and see what happens. If you have no problems and inbox, then it may be worth the cost. If the company was using them, why are you trying to change what worked or was their problems?
        How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
        20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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