Squeeze Page / Landing Page offer

11 replies
Hello Guys,

I'm just starting back up in IM after a few years and I have a question about list building. I'm pretty familiar with setting up lists and squeeze pages. However, I'm having a hard time figuring out what to offer to get subscriptions. Should I come up with my own free product or are there generic e-products that I can offer?

Any advice is appreciated.
Thanks guys.
#landing #offer #page #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author anshdeb
    Well, since it is a free product, people would appreciate any type of product as long as it provides value. NEVER just buy a plr ebook and redistribute it.

    If you have some time, you should really consider writing down 4-5 pages of content atleast, for the free report. Make it highly engaging and informative, don't leave the reader with a cliffhanger. Half information is even worse than No information. Readers would highly dislike cliffhangers, so make sure even if it is a small trick, its complete and precise.

    Or, if you are still convinced to go with PLR ebooks, make sure you yourself go through them once, and scrape out only the most important information and re-write it in your own words.

    Basically, you would want to provide value to your readers. As long as you can deliver that, you are always on a green signal.

    Hope this helped.
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  • Profile picture of the author trobo
    I would say come up with your own product.

    Make it short and easily digestible, like a one-page cheat sheet or blueprint or something.

    This advice might sound odd at first - until you realize most people never get around to reading an entire ebook. This is especially true if they got it for free.

    So give them something that will prove to them right up front that you have a lot of value to offer, without giving them the chance to procrastinate.

    DELAY = DEATH when it comes to internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    Your lead magnet does not have to be an ebook. Here is an article I wrote that goes over what types of lead magnets to use.

    The Different Types of Lead Magnets You Can Use for List Building

    Here is another article that may help.

    What is the Best Lead Magnet for Building a List Fast?

    Hopefully those articles will help with deciding what you should be using. Also keep in mind that the lead magnet should relate to what you will be sending to them (marketing) over time.

    Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author SamNuku
    Never come up with generic! Its almost a waste of time. Yes it'll get you optins but where to from there?

    I mean how do you offer more value? How do you target based on what they've come in on?

    I suppose you could have conversations if you're up for that on skype or phone.

    However, it'd be better to give them specific tools. Particularly tools that'll be benefitial based on what offer you're planning on sending them to afterwards it works almost as a warm up & puts you in the cool guy view immediately.

    Lead with value. Be willing to put in the work. And you'll get the results you seek. #successwithsamii
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  • Profile picture of the author felisitie
    I think the important thing here is not the what but, how much value the what is providing that will bring you subscriptions Just find or create something that provides a quick, simple solution to a problem that your niche market has and you are set. You can find a video on youtube, or a software, an ebook with PLR or create something yourself if you are able.
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  • Profile picture of the author jinmin
    It is about having the right message on your squeeze page and offering the right solution to the subscriber for opting in.

    Your offer doesn't have to be 40-page ebook or something costly to produce. Just a 5 pages report will do the job very well. Think of it this way, let take health niche as an example. If a patient is suffering from Kidney Stone are looking for ways to get rid of it from his body, what matters most for him is how to do it quick, cheap and effectively without the need to undergo the operation.

    So if your 5 pages report can entice the visitor to opt-in and to convince him that you have the effective ways to solve his Kidney Stone problem, the chances for him to opt-in is very high. In the report, you may give away a method to achieve that (i.e getting rid of kidney stone) and you may offer him to get more solutions by providing a link to your sales page of your kidney stone product, or alternatively show him the affiliate product that can help him to do that.

    What really matter is your 5-page report act as an ethical bait that really address visitor's problem. What you get at the end is high conversion rate and really targeted list. Of course the same principle apply for Internet Marketing niche and any other niches, not just health.
    Lightning Fast All-in-one Marketing Tools. Learn more and get yours FREE!
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    • Profile picture of the author Woodrow Mack
      Originally Posted by jinmin View Post

      It is about having the right message on your squeeze page and offering the right solution to the subscriber for opting in.

      Your offer doesn't have to be 40-page ebook or something costly to produce. Just a 5 pages report will do the job very well. Think of it this way, let take health niche as an example. If a patient is suffering from Kidney Stone are looking for ways to get rid of it from his body, what matters most for him is how to do it quick, cheap and effectively without the need to undergo the operation.

      So if your 5 pages report can entice the visitor to opt-in and to convince him that you have the effective ways to solve his Kidney Stone problem, the chances for him to opt-in is very high. In the report, you may give away a method to achieve that (i.e getting rid of kidney stone) and you may offer him to get more solutions by providing a link to your sales page of your kidney stone product, or alternatively show him the affiliate product that can help him to do that.

      What really matter is your 5-page report act as an ethical bait that really address visitor's problem. What you get at the end is high conversion rate and really targeted list. Of course the same principle apply for Internet Marketing niche and any other niches, not just health.

      However, I ask you for a quote. Please give a quote for setting up my landing page
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10855752].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jinmin
        Originally Posted by Woodrow Mack View Post


        However, I ask you for a quote. Please give a quote for setting up my landing page
        I sent you a pm few days ago. I am more than willing to help if you need anything.
        Lightning Fast All-in-one Marketing Tools. Learn more and get yours FREE!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ole Didriksen
    Hi deshantedb,

    Yes, definitely come up with your own lead magnet, that
    helps solve 1 pressing problem target customer have.

    The reason why you want to do that is that you will
    be unique and different from all the other related solutions
    your customer can choose from.

    "Different is always better"


    Originally Posted by deshantedb View Post

    Hello Guys,

    I'm just starting back up in IM after a few years and I have a question about list building. I'm pretty familiar with setting up lists and squeeze pages. However, I'm having a hard time figuring out what to offer to get subscriptions. Should I come up with my own free product or are there generic e-products that I can offer?

    Any advice is appreciated.
    Thanks guys.
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  • Profile picture of the author desireedavid

    I suggest to come up with your own lead magnet. It is always best to offer unique content! Give them something they can't resist. Make sure it is well researched, and factual. Hoola-baloo offers always turn people off. If it comes off as something that is impossible or improbable, your open rate may not be as high as you want.

    Make your subject line engaging, and let it be cohesive with the content. Anshdeb is right -- never leave readers with a cliffhanger. Make sure the information you give them is complete, but also make sure that you can follow it up with MORE.

    Hope this helps!
    “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein
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  • Profile picture of the author kIwOk168
    Create your own lead magnet and solve just one glaring problem of your niche. That always worked for me.
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