Using Pre Written Swipes? Best Way to Deliver

4 replies
Hey Guys,

1 - What are people's views about using pre written swipes? Will these get you in the spam box?

2 - I am offering people that opt in to my list a "free" course delivered over a few days. My course consists of several articles.

What would be the best way to deliver this?

Would you send each email including the full article? Or would you make a blog post with each article and send people an email with a link to the blog post?

#deliver #pre #swipes #written
  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    1) It Depends: it's better to personalize them, of course if they are very popular swipes made by well-known internet marketer or affiliate product. Just hire a freelancer on fiverr to write your mails

    2) Yes, better in the Blog: cause it also can deliver you more leads via Seo (and a pop up for collectin leads).
    And people dont like too-long mail.

    Or a downlodable pdf. But better the Blog: makes you more professional!
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  • Profile picture of the author jinmin
    1- Chances are many people are using the exact the pre-written emails (without any modification). We do not know if people report it as a spam. If you are using the email to send to your cold leads without any changes, there are chances it may not land in your subscriber's Inbox.

    2- Sending your subscribers to your blog is better. Remember that your subscribers are receiving tons of emails everyday. keep it simple but arouse curiosity. That will increase the CTR. If they don't like the article, you still have a second chance of "seducing" them with other article or probably banner on your blog which they may click.

    If they like the article that they just read, they may share it with their friends which just increase the exposure of your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author desireedavid
    1. Pre written swipes work well, but personalized emails and content will definitely work better. Just think about all the emails or subscriptions that one person gets in a week. Maybe they have read the same email somewhere -- this is not good for business if someone thinks that you are just using canned content.

    2. I would place the link to the blog post in the email. This not only helps increase traffic to your site, but people who like the article can easily share or repost it in social media, further driving traffic to the blog, thereby increasing your leads.
    “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein
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  • Profile picture of the author Neil Day
    Definitely got to agree with porevious comments here re; prewritten swipes.

    I have bought pre written swipes packages before as well as using ones provided by product owners to their affiliates. And the one thing I would always emphasise is ... PERSONALISE!

    Use the gist of the emails but rewrite them in your own words and manner... if you have any intention of building up some sort of trust with your subscribers, be yourself! Let YOUR personality and mannerisms shine through. There is nothing worse than receiving the same old emails over and over or trying to engage with someine who is about as enthralling as wet lettuce.

    Just my 2 pennies worth but definitely worth banging on about


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