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Email Marketing is one of the best tools a marketers can use these days, Social Media might be the rockstar right now, but a good email campaign can generate a lot of leads, even more than Social Media if you know what you are doing.
However, a lot of marketers out there use mailing campaigns just as a way of making low quality spam, im tired of opening my inbox everyday and seeing horrible mails that look like they were made 6 years ago.
Here are some do and donts of Email Marketing that we should all take into account:
  • Do:
-Keep it simple and consistent, clean, dont go crazy with the punctuation, use one paragraph for each idea you want to transmit.
-Use a clean visual style, there are a lot of good templates out there that you can use for your email, pick one and make sure your email looks good to people.
-Segment your lists, this is very important, specially if you have large emails lists, is time you start separating them, by interests, gender, geography, or any other category that can help you to send more personalized emails.
  • Donts:
-USING ONLY CAPS IN THE TITLES, aaaagh, isnt it extremely annoying to get an email full of caps? I usually just marked them as spam without even reading them, please!, dont do that!.
-Use spam words, like FREE, bonus, or call now. They simple dont work anymore, dont use them.
What other things would you add to this list?

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