How 'Welcome' Emails to your subscribers could drive your sales through the ROOF!!!
These welcome emails are responsible for conditioning and creating expectations with your newest subscribers and customers. This is where you let your prospective customers in about the products or services you sell, as well as how frequently you’ll be sending email.
There is a general saying that "First Impression Matters", I have come to realize that a great percentage of my success have come from the content of my first email to my new subscribers and how much they liked it.
I will help you understand how you can do this effectively to so lets get started...
The first thing you have to understand is that the reason your customers join your email list through your opt in form is because they are expecting great value from you, so you must make sure that from the go you deliver on this expectation.
You see, welcome emails have a high inbox placement rate and every pro marketer knows that this is an advantage and opportunity you cannot afford to miss. I believe that you are in the subscribers list of many top marketers, I'll advise you to resubscribe to one of their offers and study their first email to you. You will discover that they not only provide value, but from what you receive you tend to always long to receive the next email from them.
So here is one thing to do, the very first email you send must include that free ebook, or in my case free training video course. the second thing you need to do is determine the frequency of your emails to your subscribers. I usually send 2 welcome emails with a free video course to them i a space of 9 hours and on my on my first email i tell them to expect the second video and then another 5powerful Free video training in the next 5days. I deliver great value on these welcome emails and these keeps them engaged. The truth is as long you provide value, your email open rate will be very high. I have seen up to 68% email rate with this method consistently and here is a TIP. Videos are very powerful! Very Very Powerful!!
Another thing you have to always do is to make sure you PERSONALIZE your email. I cannot over emphasize how much this will guarantee a huge open rate for you, most autoresponders like Getresponse, Aweber, Infusionsoft etc offer this so you should check them out. Finally, chose your words carefully and always make sure you promptly reply their questions and feedback. One more thing. I send my skype ID as a PPS to my subscribers asking them to call anytime. When i started doing this, my sales and conversion rates increased by 40%.
Go out there and crush it
Have a great day!!
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