Is still listwire autoresponder good?

9 replies
I discovered a free autoresponder listwire.
Does anybody using this service? Is it good and not ending up in spam?
#autoresponder #good #listwire
  • Profile picture of the author webbie
    Listwire has been around for years. I know the owner Gary Ambrose and he's a pretty straight shooter. List wire's home page IP address ( is not blacklisted, but that's his website. I'm not sure what IP he's mailing from or if it's the same. But if you get the IP he's mailing from you can look up any IP to see if they are blacklisted at

    If you have any follow up questions let me know!

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  • Profile picture of the author anhvu

    Why don't you use Mailchimp instead of Listwire? Mailchimp has a free version with that allows you add 2000 subscribers. This is one of good autoresponder services for beginners.

    After over 2000 subscribers you can jump in a better service is not late.

    - Anhvu
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  • Profile picture of the author yoyoyoman
    I saw listwire and they go straight to spam box
    That doesn't mean good.

    I used to use Mail chimp, Aweber, and I wasn't satisfied.
    I tried Getresponse and until now I was happy.

    So I recommend you to use Getresponse.

    If you have any other questions let me know

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Go to SERIOUS Autoresponders.

    The top notch of the market are:


    If u wanna something affordable go to Sendlane or Activecampaign
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  • Profile picture of the author Batraxos
    I saw a review online comparing AWeber, Sendlane and GetResponse. It would have been nice to show you the link, but every time I try my post is deleted. Anyway, I switched from Sendlane to AWeber because I had issues with getting my email to Gmail mailboxes.
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  • Profile picture of the author desireedavid
    Hi, I don't think listwire is among the most recommended autoresponders. I currently use ActiveTrail, and I am happy with their service. I think that you need to explore further to find the email marketing platform that will work best for you.

    Make sure to comply with the anti-spam policies as well.
    “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein
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  • Profile picture of the author djbmr
    ListWire is down for me, anyone else got any problems with it ?
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    • Profile picture of the author jhldsc
      I had an active account. For about the last month when I try to log it it say it's "Offline ". Go figure. Also check Mailchimp Terms of Service, seems they don't like internet marketers
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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    Listwire watermarks the optin page, and has some limitations. They deliver well though. I don't suggest grabbing mailchimp if you are looking to do online marketing, as they force double optin. It doesn't make sense to use them until you get 2,000 people and then try and move all those people to some other service. You may as well look for what you want from the get go. Switching is a huge pain. I was using a service that I loved but they also forced the double optin so I moved to sendlane. Complicated as heck to set up but otherwise I have not had issues. Everyone will say Aweber and I hear good things about Amazonses Sendy. If it wasn't such a pain to move I probably would have moved again because that is the best price for the same service...
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