gmail "promotion" tab

5 replies
I have an organic list for a warehouse sale. I am using mailchimp and finding out gmail addresses are receiving their opted in email in the "promotions" tab. Basically probably going unread. My own organic list is getting about 40% opened. argggggg.

They are mostly signing up on a paper form at my sale and we enter them manually into mailchimp and check the boxes that we have permission etc... Also have a email list signup embedded link on our FB page that connects w/ mailchimp.

Is there any way to improve this and get my emails to go to their primary box? Thanks!
#gmail #promotion #tab
  • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
    It sounds like google is profiling your email correctly.
    If your customers are expecting messages from you, then even if it is in the promotions tab your response rates should still be very good.
    I dont think that your going to find your way into the inbox in gmail, simply because of how they profile email.
    LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I use a plain html template with no images and have never landed in the promotions tab.

    I would also tell your subscribers on your thank you page, the email address that you will be sending with and to whitelist it.

    However, I don't use mailchimp.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    It's almost impossible to avoid the Gmail Promo tab when using Mailchimp...

    The best you can do is ask your customers to move you over to their Primary tab.

    If you want to avoid the Promo tab - you will have to go self-hosted and then do a lot of work towards things like DKIM, SPF, RDNS, DMARC, etc - even then you still might hit the promo tab.

    Also, most providers like MailChimp include what's known as an "unsubscribe header" which is a tell-tale sign to the ESP's that you are sending mass emails. This can be removed from some self-hosted sending applications with some technical knowledge. I'm not talking about the unsub link that should be at the bottom of every email - this is one only the ESP's see (it's coded into the message).

    The only option - besides going self-hosted - is to educate (and beg) your customers about the tabs and ask them to white-list you or move you to the "primary tab".

    Hope this helps.


    P.S. 40% open rate is pretty good - especially considering the "promo tab" issue.
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    • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
      Originally Posted by Coby View Post

      It's almost impossible to avoid the Gmail Promo tab when using Mailchimp...

      The best you can do is ask your customers to move you over to their Primary tab.

      If you want to avoid the Promo tab - you will have to go self-hosted and then do a lot of work towards things like DKIM, SPF, RDNS, DMARC, etc - even then you still might hit the promo tab.

      Also, most providers like MailChimp include what's known as an "unsubscribe header" which is a tell-tale sign to the ESP's that you are sending mass emails. This can be removed from some self-hosted sending applications with some technical knowledge. I'm not talking about the unsub link that should be at the bottom of every email - this is one only the ESP's see (it's coded into the message).

      The only option - besides going self-hosted - is to educate (and beg) your customers about the tabs and ask them to white-list you or move you to the "primary tab".

      Hope this helps.


      P.S. 40% open rate is pretty good - especially considering the "promo tab" issue.

      10 email campaigns later I dropped to about 18% opens LOL. Now this is organic list that people signed up manually while at sale to be on the list, so I would expect the open rate to be very high.

      I guess I have to work on my offers, headline subject, and growing the list against attrition.

      In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author brewmeister
    Use other ways to promote that are legal. All I have to say is transactional emails.
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