Why Double Opt-in isn't Required...EVER

4 replies
Everyone has their opinion as to which is better and why. However, there is no reason to ever run double opt-in...in my opinion.

There is no reason why you can't send your own confirmation email and then move those that click (confirm) to a separate campaign for those that confirmed.

With many ESPs having automation features, you can move a user based on clicking a link. If you can't you could create custom script that collects the email and moves the user or at worst, manually do it.

Technically, you don't even have to send a confirmation email. You could send a message with a link that should be clicked on. Link for you bribe.

You could also confirm based on opening instead of click. If you want to be more lenient.

Lastly, if you are proving a bribe, tell the user on your squeeze page that it will be sent to the email they enter. So they know entering in a fake one isn't going to work.

By doing the above, you can can build a list of both and test and see if you are leaving money on the table using double opt-in.

Also, if someone doesn't confirm using whatever method you choose, you can resend the message.

Just my 2 cents.
#double #optin #requiredever
  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Most gurus out there do not have double opt in.

    It really comes down to what ever works for you.

    I personally don't think that you should have people double opt in to be on your list. Even if they do, doesn't mean that they will buy from you.
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  • Profile picture of the author wentzco
    Here's something to think about regarding double opt-in when you buy solo ads. You will catch solo ad scammers!

    Yep - I have exposed scammers on occasions where they were getting testimonials from others getting a high opt-in rate. The reality is that they were bogus emails. When you buy a 100 click solo ad & get 50 to opt-in initially but all 50 fail to confirm with a double opt-in process... you have just been scammed. Normally you will get 40-45 out of those 50 to confirm if they are actual people (some still will enter bogus emails which of course won't be confirmed with a double opt-in).

    Now of course for those that pay their autoresponder fee based on number of subscribers... you are paying for bogus email subscribers. Yep - people enter a fake email address to get that freebie they expect to see after they click "Enter". This also includes spambots who really can eat up your cash!

    Your email subscriber list will be of higher quality with a double opt-in - non-bogus actual people who actually want your content & are willing to open up your emails to them.

    Mailchimp did a study a few years back & this is what the results were

    - Double opt-in emails had a better open rate and saw a 72.2% increase on Unique Opens (emails opened which did not count multiple opens from a single subscriber)

    - Double opt-in lists saw a 144% higher open rate compared to single opt-in lists

    - Double opt-in emails saw 48.3% lower bounce rate than single opt-in emails

    - The unsubscribe stats showed that double opt-in rates were 7% lower than single opt-in emails, too

    Ignore these facts if you are AOK for paying for bogus subscribers & a poor quality subscriber list...
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Everyone is going to have an opinion. That is not what my post was about.

    I'm just saying there are options and you can actually test and see which makes more financial sense for you.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    I do double OPTIN myself because that is my only choice with my current AR. I like it because it tests the seriousness of the person. But for me I also bought traffic from someone with an incredibly good reputation and got 45 signups out of 100, but then noone confirmed. I had the same suspicion and when I asked about it the seller barked at me about why I would use double optins, he had never heard of any good marketer doing so. It sounded alot like I got scammed. I am still unsure if any of them were real, but it was a cheap lesson. If i could find another autoresponder for 20/month with single optin options I might move my list...
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