Here's one of my best solo-ad secrets... Have you got any?
Firstly you need to be very wary of testimonials from other solo-ad sellers. The internet is full of false testimonials from friends or people
that the vendor has paid to provide one.
The testimonials are unlikely to give a fair reflection of the results that an average internet marketer is going to get.
The testimonials will talk about a super responsive list and how many sign ups they got. This does not reflect the quality of the leads. It is quality rather than quantity that you are looking for.
Take any testimonial with a big pinch of salt.
The results that you will obtain will depend on the quality and appeal of the offer and how targeted it is to that particular list.
The type of subscriber on the list is important. A list that is full of freebie seekers may well result in lots of optins for your list. However, If they are free stuff only people, then they will not be of much value to you.
A quality list is an investment a poor one will be a waste of cash.
What secrets or tips to you have when it comes to using solo-ads?
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In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Mike Allen - Discover the one trick to force Google to send you buyers
James Ryan, Coach / Consultant, Self Success Society
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