Newbie wondering if Safelists & List Builders are worth it?!

by Leeber
1 replies
Hi everyone!

Long time reader & first time posting...

I am wondering if anyone would share their experience using online marketing 'safelists' or 'list builder' websites? (Such as Adchiever, Bweeble, State-Of-TheArt-Mailer, etc.)

I would love to hear the the good, bad & the ugly!

Any information is appreciated.

Thanks Warriors!

#safelist #listbuilders
#builders #list #newbie #safelists #wondering #worth
  • Profile picture of the author Leeber
    As a follow up to my question/post...

    - I would love to know who out there has used these services? What kind of business are you in?
    - I would also like to know what you liked about list builder websites?
    - I would also like to know what your biggest challenges were with these types of websites?

    Thanks in advance.

    (Any/all info is appreciated!)
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