List Building Do's and Don't

12 replies
I am going to be brutally honest with this post. Free sources of traffic work and collectively contribute, but to build a list that makes you are going to have to spend money. The idea of this post is to give people some pointers and honest advice.

First, don't mess around with your autoresponder. Get the best and then use it wisely... Here is my ADVICE:

1. Only use single optin. I know a lot of people preach that a confirmed list is better. Consider this: the guys with a big list are the ones making the most money. So, use unconfirmed or single opt in for your list building. Yes, you will get fake email addresses, but they will bounce and can be removed from your list automatically. Okay some troll will tell me I am WRONG for doing this. I hope they enjoy their 9-5 job.

2. Use Autoresponders and not broadcast.... HUH. Yup you can quickly lose your autoresponder account doing broadcast. First, they are delivered on poor quality servers and IP's, second you will get more complaints. I just add new emails to my autoresponder sequence every day, and it will handle marketing for a product launch. ALSO, I do not care 1 bit about product launch contest. I have won dozens of them...Now I let my autoresponder do the job for me. I won't send a broadcast out on your launch day. So now days, I just add emails sequences and let them run. Don't let your ego or need for validation cost you your most important asset. Autoresponders don't all go out at the same time, so most companies send them on their best servers and IP's this means better delivery, more inboxes, clicks and profit. I get continuous income and I never worry about my autoresponder. Think I am full of it? I have been on this board since 2005 and I know a lot of millionaires that do nothing but set up their autoresponder and stuff it with leads. That's my game now...after the leads goes through my sequence I import it into my solo ad system and then where them out.

3. Sorry to say this...don't sell solo ads... I know I do, BUT I have my own ESP and I mail these from with a private domain, IP and system for mailing. Setting all this up took me years and I failed repeatedly! I have it down to a science now and I can deliver 10,000 clicks a day in solo ads with no fear of losing my autoresponder. If you have the same skills, then go for it make the money, but if not.... you will find out the hard way.

4. Don't expect anything fantastic from solo ad vendors. My biggest customers are solo ad vendors, because they know I always have FRESH LEADS that are on no one's list. Thus, they get great fresh leads from me. When you buy from one of these solo ad vendors... that guy sells his traffic to 10 other solo ad vendors and each lead is on the average of 20 guys solo ad list. They are pretty worked over and don't buy much.

5. When you buy PPC traffic for your leads, guess what, ITS HARD AND EXPENSIVE AND YOU LOSE MONEY! Bummer huh. We have spent years and hundreds of thousands of dollars developing a method to do syndicated media buys. Think is easy??? good luck. Point is, now we have learned how to syndicate our ads we can build huge list at the fraction of what it cost most people pay on a CPL or cost per lead basis. My partners and I do this as our business and we are very serious about it.

6. The best list you will ever own are the ones you build from product launches. If you can get people to promote for you ... Well Kaching. You will have two list... Buyers and Everyone else. Treat the buyers like money...because they are. During some of my product launch's in 2010-2013 I was adding 2000-5000 QUALITY leads every day. And I made serious money, more money promoting my buyers list then with the product launch itself. People still do this today, I DON'T, I HATE PRODUCT LAUNCHES. Yeah, I had several huge successes with product launches but the personal exposure and constant attacks from people make them not worth it. So now I build list and monetize them without launches.

Basically, you need at least 500 new leads a day to have the inertia it will take to make enough money to retire and live the fantasy. It is doable, I am doing it. Still I treat my affiliate business separate from my solo ad business. If you are simply looking for leads to go into your autoresponder and let the email sell for you then you can do okay. It's a lot easier and what I recommend for most people.

Important...manage your CPL, get a flow of leads and let your autoresponder do the work. You can always tweak the emails and add new ones in to keep you busy.

Good luck
#building #do’s #don’t #list
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Use Autoresponders and not broadcast.... HUH.
    Great to see someone address that. A planned, pre-written autoresponder sequence can be added to as you build the list. It's surprising to me how many 'marketers' seem to mainly broadcast to their lists. Waste of a good resource.
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    • Profile picture of the author depotgang
      Broadcast will cost you...eventually... I lost 4 list that way

      Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable.

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  • Profile picture of the author codemefy
    Regarding the double-single opt - you need to comply to the current data privacy / email / etc regulations, so in many regions you HAVE TO HAVE a double opt in. Unless you want to be fined.
    The next one to come is the GDPR regulations for European Union and everyone else who may contain contacts that are currently residing in the EU. These ones come into force May 2018. I wouldn't suggest cheating these ones as the fines are massive.
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  • Profile picture of the author Harry Exper
    It is not impossible to use PPC ad to build a list, it just doesn't work well for some kind of offers. You will lose money only if you are not an expert PPC marketer.
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    • Profile picture of the author depotgang
      PPC is the only way to get FRESH new leads, other then free traffic which is too slow. It is a horribly tough thing to do however

      Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable.

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  • Profile picture of the author codemefy
    Third attempt - will now make it short, as my replies are being deleted. Suggesting a single opt in for all is wrong - you need to comply to the current regulations - if you are emailing to a region that requires a double opt in then it has to be a double opt in. You should learn more about that - for example the GDRP coming into force May 2018.
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    • Profile picture of the author depotgang
      Very true I was certainly speaking of people in the US. I think Canada is making some changes too. But if you can legally collect single optin sub then it is a lot better

      Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable.

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Some good advice here. And also, I have broken half of your rules and live a life kinda unlike a 9-5 job LOL! Different strategies work for different folks. My email list *total* was under 500 subscribers for a LONG time. Actually it was at zero. Never built a list until a few years back. And I did A-OK financially. Even using a double opt in.

    I think it's important to realize: no 1 list-building strategy works for everybody. Accept that idea and you will pull back a bit on the one size fits all approach, and you will also connect more with folks who resonate with your message.

    Agreed on the solo ad stuff. Unless the ad sells something 100% aligned with what your subscribers want, you deviate from being clear, from your brand message, and run into problems.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author depotgang
      In general list size makes a difference. BUT, and you are right, if you have a small list of VERY LOYAL fans, heck you can clean up. So I agree it all depends on your approach and market.

      If you sell in IM or Bizop, maybe fitness and health, and you are marketing ClickBank or JV Zoo... Large list will be needed ..or any size list of buyers.

      One size does not fit all, but I talk to a LOT of people that are not making any money even if they have a list. Typically they cannot sell JV Zoo or Clickbank products because their leads are on so many list that they are no action takers....TYPICALLY.

      Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable.

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      • Profile picture of the author jrptr
        There are some truths in the op's post but then again there is some fiction too. PPC does work when you know what you are doing. It does however (as the OP says) cost a fortune if you do not do it correctly.

        And ALWAYS use double opt-ins! Better to be safe than sorry.

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