Finding affiliates on Clickbank to sell my item or should I do it myself?

6 replies
I have a great idea for an e-course or ebook, idk yet which format I'll finally use. I would like to know if is better to be a vendor, let's say on ClickBank and find affiliates to sell it for me, or make my own e-marketing campaign?

Thanks dudes!
#affiliates #clickbank #finding #item #sell #vendor
  • I do affiliate marketing for clickbank. I would love to help you out. email me and let me know what you want to do and I'll would be happy to help you.
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    • Profile picture of the author elis
      i have a product in the health niche, could you help to promote on clickbank and other platform ?
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by Iamtokebi View Post

    I have a great idea for an e-course or ebook, idk yet which format I'll finally use. I would like to know if is better to be a vendor, let's say on ClickBank and find affiliates to sell it for me, or make my own e-marketing campaign?

    Thanks dudes!

    Sell it yourself when starting out. This way you're not creating unnecessary problems, you can focus on the product/site.

    Once everything is running smooth then consider affiliates.
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  • Profile picture of the author GrowthMonger
    Well, like yukon said... if indeed you test it out first with something like email marketing, and than when everything is running smoothly... (Meaning this great idea will have turned into a great product with high epcs for the affiliate)

    I would say yes, go find affiliates to sell it for you as best as you can.

    Also, search ''Clickscoop - How to Get Affiliates to Promote Your ClickBank Products'' on YouTube for some great information on this topic that has really helped me out personally.
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  • Do you have prior experience in E-Book marketing, do not jump directly in the big network like clickbank to promote the E-book it will create unnecessary problem. First create your own website and promote the product and take the customer feedback, then join any one of the below network
    and promote your product with the testimonial , this will work well.

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  • Profile picture of the author depotgang
    Yeah that's tough...I had no issues 7 years ago. Now I just run all traffic myself.

    Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable.

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