People dont subscribe any more?

11 replies
I tried building an email list but I give up. I tested 3 landing pages and my conversion was very low, around 7%, which is totally not worth it. What strategies do you have to build your email list etc. Thank you.
#people #subscribe
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    That was quick. You had your squeeze page up, what a week?

    If what you are doing isn't working, then why don't you use the $5000 from scratch system you promote? If it works, then your problems should be over soon, right?

    Note, what I showed you in the above two paragraphs. They are 2 of the main reasons why you aren't getting any traction.

    1. No one believes you because you are trying to get traffic from the WF, among other places, while complaining about how you aren't making any money, things aren't working, etc. You need some credibility.

    There is absolutely ZERO chance I would join your email list because your posts here speak volumes.

    Why not use the big money programs you are promoting to make money yourself? Or take down the junk that doesn't work (since you can't make it work) and do something on a topic you know about. Maybe it's having to do with computers or dogs or growing carrots. I'm not sure.

    2. It's good that you have a strong work ethic. Doing hard work like making 3,000 videos and taking immediate action are qualities that most around here don't have. You've got that positive thing going for you. Now, you need to learn to stick to something. You had that squeeze page up for a few days only and now you are quitting already? Stick to something long enough for it to take root.

    Until you figure out those two issues, new email or other tactics aren't going to do you much good, I'm afraid.

    Good luck.

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    • Now, you need to learn to stick to something. You had that squeeze page up for a few days only and now you are quitting already? Stick to something long enough for it to take root.
      This part is also an advice for myself, thank you Mark
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  • It depends upon the product which you promote and the content in the landing pages.
    I am using more than 6 landing page for different niche, for
    Mens health landing page I am receiving more than 25% leads
    Make money online it is around 12% leads
    Womens Helath landing page always below 10% leads
    I am working hard to get more leads for few landing pages, I will post the result later.

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  • Profile picture of the author imstarter2016
    You should tell us more details of how you built your list:your niche,your landing page url,your traffic source,your lead magnet,length of time for each campaign...otherwise how people could give you good tips?

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  • Profile picture of the author imstarter2016
    No matter what happens,you shouldn't give up building your list,because this is the only asset or resource you can control,manipulate online marketing...
    Don't be too rush,don't be too desperate...
    test,try,tweak...eventually you will find your efficient way to build your list.
    Don't give up!
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  • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
    You'll need thick skin for this.

    But, instead of saying you quit, why not just put your 3 urls up here and ask for advice on how to make them better.

    Tell people to be honest and not worry about hurting your feelings.

    Either that or go ahead and quit.

    But, stop saying you're going to quit, either quit or move forward, but stop saying that.
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    Yes, Any Business!
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  • Profile picture of the author imstarter2016
    There is another thing that I should remind you:don't hold expectations for building your list based on the traffic here,This forum is just for learning,sharing,exchanging purposes...because people here either are very experienced,or newbies who like to find shortcut to make money online for free...I checked my site got a lot of traffic from here everyday,but no affiliate sales at all...this is ok for me,because i never expect any sales from here from the beginning,i just like to learn how to track by using google analynics,clickmagick...
    Sometimes you have to relax and can't be too practical...
    Good luck to you!

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Really a percentage on conversion doesn't mean anything. What I mean is, If you dumped 93% of the list that doesn't buy you'd have a 100% conversion rate. So, don't fixate on short term conversion since they can easily be skewed in your favor.
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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
    I guess now he rather send people to a blog post and not build his list? Seems backwards if you ask me.
    Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Profile picture of the author Risktaker89
    It depends on your traffic source too. If you are using solo ads, then that is a little low. Find one squeeze page and model it and test the conversions again. I am sure you will be able to find one which has better conversion rates
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  • Profile picture of the author depotgang
    Well that simply means you had bad traffic or a horrible landing page... I get 35-45% consistently... Another thing... ONLY SINGLE OPTIN
    Of you are double optin I am not surprised.

    Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable.

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