Uploading .csv using commas within the content

4 replies

Hoping someone can troubleshoot on this for me while the ESP support I use is out of the office. I'm uploading a .csv into a static segment and it contains many custom fields. Some cells contain commas within that content and the system recognizes it as separate fields even though the commas are within sentences in one column. Does anyone know how to get this to populate under ONE custom field type, and not separate the sentences after every comma within that excel column and it's separate cells?

#commas #content #csv #uploading
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    What is so important that you need commas within an actual field?

    Can you remove them?

    Can you export your data comma-quote delimited and upload it that way?

    I guess you could also use tab or pipe separated as well???

    But it all comes down to how can export and if that format can be uploaded.

    If you are uploading comma separated and you have commas in the fields, there is no way to fix that I know of.
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    • Thanks for your reply! The commas are necessary to keep in the dynamic content because they are in full sentences that occur in one column and hundreds of rows. Would tab or pipe work well for this situation? I've not used either, only comma separated.

      Thanks again!
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      • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
        Originally Posted by Victoria Nightingale View Post

        Thanks for your reply! The commas are necessary to keep in the dynamic content because they are in full sentences that occur in one column and hundreds of rows. Would tab or pipe work well for this situation? I've not used either, only comma separated.

        Thanks again!
        I have no idea.

        Like I said, it is what options you have to export the data out as and what the ESP can accept.

        You can still use comma separated, but it needs to be quote delimited.

        "Field 1","Field 2","Field 3"
        "abc","def, ghi, jkl","mno"

        But the ESP would need to accept it that way.
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  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Hi Victoria,

    All you need to do is put quotes around any text that might contain commas, and use quotes a text deliminator.



    Don Burk
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