Fastest way to build your list!

11 replies
Hello there!

I was using Solo ads + clickbanking

Then the size of my list increase like crazy

My sales went up as well (of course)

What was yours? I'm open and really interested to learn new thing, new strategies

i am looking forward to hear from you
#build #fastest #list
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  • Profile picture of the author Kate H Smith
    I'm not a fan of list building strategy exactly, as I earn more through other ways. And, as far as I know, many successful people don't count on building list for earning. They have their own different ways which aren't that common.

    For me, it's Pinterest first because of its 'viral' effect. Second, YouTube is also as powerful as Pinterest. The only thing is YouTube is passive but consistent.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
      Hmm. Pinterest and Youtube

      Sounds interesting. I'm not really good at that method yet
      But i will improve to get more traffic from them.
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    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by Kate H Smith View Post

      I'm not a fan of list building strategy exactly, as I earn more through other ways. And, as far as I know, many successful people don't count on building list for earning. They have their own different ways which aren't that common.

      For me, it's Pinterest first because of its 'viral' effect. Second, YouTube is also as powerful as Pinterest. The only thing is YouTube is passive but consistent.

      I was like you in the old days not using a list but now have my own way and have a 85% purchase rate

      So before you say no think of all the money you lost because of the attitude to list building

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  • Profile picture of the author sanjana27
    How to do this
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I build lists using fresh / targeted 3rd party email data.

    If you're not familiar with 3rd party data is email data of users that have shown an interest in a specific niche and have provided permission to receive messages from third parties. You get the opt-in record of all the users and it's 100% can-spam compliant.

    The data typically isn't as responsive as a high quality targeted opt-in list you build yourself. So you want to work with higher volume. This isn't really that big of a deal because the data is much cheaper and highly scalable compared to mainstream list building

    Basically, you skim off the top the fast track conversions and then for long-term success, you collect the opens / clickers...the most responsive users, segment and dump the unresponsive users.

    There is more to it than just getting the data and sending it and 3rd party data doesn't exist for all niches or the targeting may be broader than you desire for a niche.

    It works well for me (been doing for nearly 17 years) as I mainly promote PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offer and can get data targeted to the specific offer. I have built lists into the millions and while they are not true subscribers, they are users that have opened or clicked on my messages / links. Had I of built such lists using mainstream methods I would have paid millions of dollars and instead paid pennies on the dollar.

    It's not for everyone, but for those in the right niches and knows what they are doing, it can be extremely profitable. Everyone that I know (PPL niche marketers) and again, knows what they are doing, does 6-7 figures. While that may be a huge range, much comes down to one's ability to scale and efficiently manage the infrastructure needed to scale.

    Something to think about.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • I build my list using Bing and Facebook ads, Solo ads are so expensive still it is quality traffic.

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    • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
      But Facebook is also expensive my friend.

      Facebook ads is even more expensive than Solo ADS in my experience.

      Guess that you are master of Facebook Ads. Actually i'm not good at Facebook Ads yet, maybe that's why i feel like it's more expensive.
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  • Profile picture of the author doorji
    Try solo ads, just try cracking emails from solo ads and get them to your own list.
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  • You can build and increase your list by publishing good articles. This can be challenging for a lot of people but this strategy is really worth all the time and effort as you are building a good list to start with.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
      I agree. I actually using this method as well. Trying my best

      But seem like Enzinezrticles service pretty slow now. I mean the process to approved is quite slow

      I recently upload one more article and i was waiting for almost a week...
      Free Training: How To Earn $123+/D Online
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  • Profile picture of the author EsferaSoft
    great information, I have got here. I build my list through social networks, it's easy and worthful.
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