Free Lead Magnet - Good or Bad?

1 replies
What do you think is the quality of subscribers when you give them something in exchange for an email rather than then having to buy a product?

I think you get better customers out of people who've bought from you before.

What has your experience been with those who've taken up the free lead magnet vs those who bought something from you?
#bad #free #good #lead #magnet
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    Let's say you get 1000 visitors to a sales page (no opt in and free report)

    Let's say you get 1% who buy...that's 10 sales.

    Now try 1000 visitors to an opt in (free report etc). Let's say the free report is good quality
    and also hints at there being a product that will help the visitor.

    Is it likely that less than 1% will buy when you send them to the offer/sales page? we'll take those 1% sales.....
    Is it possible that we could sell to some of the other 990 who didn't buy, at some point in the future
    especially if we send maybe some more valuable information??
    Definitely we could.

    So back to your question.....HEY I think I answered it already!

    Making Calls To Sell Something? What are you actually saying?
    Is there any room for improvement? Want to find out?

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