Email marketing service with ab testing and popups

6 replies
Trying to minimize costs but can find a solution.

Anyone know of email marketing service that allows for ab testing of automated emails? And email marketing service that handles popups that can be ab tested as well.

Currently on mailchimp, but they don't allow ab testing on automated emails. And using convertplus Wordpress popups plugin but not really working well with mailchimp. has popups and email marketing but no ab testing. Wish there was a tota package solution that's affordable!
#email #marketing #popups #service
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  • Profile picture of the author pauloadaoag
    I personally use Vero
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  • Profile picture of the author Kerry Coote
    Vero is not free. you can check out analytic that might be help you for conversation rate or open rate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Ndukwu
    ActiveCampaign allows you to A/B test emails.

    Not so sure about popups.

    If you're interested, hit me up, I'm in good with their team.

    I can get you 15% off ANY plan for life.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Avoid Mailchimp. it's made specifically to people who dont want to invest cause it's free til 500 users more or less.

    But it's a trick. Then you pay more.

    If you don't have money even for autoresponder, you're not serious about your business and marketing in general.

    Go and take a job for paying it.

    Use ActiveCampaign or Sendlane for this features, and for pop ups there are lot of plugins free over there, or rely on popupmonkey which is not free but cheap.
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  • Profile picture of the author rw100
    Hi Kevin,

    My name's Robert with Instant Opt In - a new autoresponder I've developed. Instant Opt In meets the criteria you are looking for and I am happy to give you a free copy for 6 months as I am looking for beta testers - people that understand autoresponders. All I ask is for your honest feedback. Let me know if you are interested.
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  • Profile picture of the author Courtney Winbush
    Hi there Keith, I definitely have a solution for you. AB testing is able to be done with the CRM platform my company offers for email and sms campaigns. We have packages that include up to 10,000 email & sms campaigns per month. Our packages begin at $59 monthly so definitely cost effective. Give me a call and we can look at the best solution for you. (205) 977-6732
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