Ty Cohen - Devon Brown - Paul Prissick - Michael Cheyney

by newxxx
5 replies
Ty Cohen - Devon Brown - Paul Prissick - Michael Cheyney and others

why does yahoo deliver their emails to my junk spam folder instead of automatically sending them to my inbox ?

i know i can white-lebel them, but that still doesn't explain why yahoo think they are junk mail

is it because they use aweber, and yahoo thinks aweber is spam?

but mamy emails end up in spam junk mail folder, and i wondered why yahoo thought they ares spam

did not know if it was the auto responder they are using

or the content of their email

each only has 1 or 2 links in their emails, so not saturated with links

and long letter content

so just wondering what yahoo considered as spam junk emails ?
#brown #cheyney #cohen #devon #michael #paul #prissick
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  • Profile picture of the author ronnierokk
    To get the emails you want in your inbox every time, just add each of those marketers email address in your contacts list in your email account.

    The reason that it goes to spam is that some of the words they use in their emails are spam triggers that email programs keep in their spam filters.

    Ronnie Rokk Smith
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  • Profile picture of the author Maxine Parks
    I agree with ronnierokk.

    That's why when you subscribe to someone's list, they usually send a welcome email (or even add to their thank you page) with the reminder to add them to your contacts so nothing ends up in spam.

    Sometimes that friendly reminder can be helpful!
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  • Profile picture of the author Emerson Tarley
    Usually, Yahoo is very strict with autoresponder email and you have to be really good to not get in the Spam/Promotion folders.

    For example, using a free email address with your autoresponder will almost always send your email to the spam folder
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11379617].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    These companies are REALLY cracking down. 1 red flag word here, a few off emails there folks label as spam and even big dawgs wind up in spam. Check junk folders regularly. White list. Or if these folks stray toward the Dark Side, Junk 'em and find new mentors LOL.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author tg187
    I can totally understand why emails from these "marketers" are labelled as spam.
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