Best software of Emailing via Auto-Responders and Triggers based campaigns??

5 replies
Hello, as the title suggest, I am looking for a new emailing solution but have failed to come up with one yet. Here is the list of software I have tried and my review on it but I have no idea which will be the best in the longer run.

I have tried

1: MailChimp (It is good but ummm, well lets just say not in accordance with my needs)
2: Mailwizz: (I like it and kinda like the features too)
3: Campaigns+: (Multiple features, more than i expected, but i have no idea about reliability)
4: Aweber: (once again good but I have no idea about how reliable it can be in the longer run)

I have tried others too but these 4 stood out. They also sort of cover my cost too since I am not looking to invest more than $5k at the moment.

I shall be very thankful if someone can guide me on which software should I pick. Thankyou
#autoresponders #based #campaigns #emailing #software #triggers
  • Profile picture of the author NetMan
    Originally Posted by Caroline White View Post

    Hello, as the title suggest, I am looking for a new emailing solution but have failed to come up with one yet. Here is the list of software I have tried and my review on it but I have no idea which will be the best in the longer run.

    I have tried

    1: MailChimp (It is good but ummm, well lets just say not in accordance with my needs)
    2: Mailwizz: (I like it and kinda like the features too)
    3: Campaigns+: (Multiple features, more than i expected, but i have no idea about reliability)
    4: Aweber: (once again good but I have no idea about how reliable it can be in the longer run)

    I have tried others too but these 4 stood out. They also sort of cover my cost too since I am not looking to invest more than $5k at the moment.

    I shall be very thankful if someone can guide me on which software should I pick. Thankyou

    Let's see

    1) "not according to my needs" well, then it would be a good start, in order to help you, to know WHAT exactly is your need?

    2) Moreover, the four you say have tried are all far different in matter of functions, costs and possibilities.

    3) I build custom marketing technology solutions for clients for years and I've always preached that there's no better solution than an IN-HOUSE solution, for many reasons as costs and full control for example, most important is to keep all data private. That is why in this case I build mailwizz custom solutions which is the only one among the four suggested that can allow that.

    So, I guess if you have tried mailwizz it is because you already have your own email server on hand, and in that case you should already know the powerful incredible machine it is, right?

    Now, if you wanted to know if it is comparable to the three other SaaS in matter of features and possibilities, I'll just say I've never ever needed to use any of those three for any email marketing needs because I use what I preach loll

    I hope that helps you see clearer, but then again it may also depends on what you really want to accomplish, and also in short and long terms.

    Best regards,

    IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

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    • Profile picture of the author Caroline White
      I am sorry to be typing a delayed response here.

      Well my needs are trigger based emails. Which send emails based on automation and completion of certain events. So that is to just start.

      Yes all of them are different in pricing and I found campaigns plus to be very budget friendly since it was starting from just $47. And I have found some triggers in it and it really helped in this regards

      YES I have a small vps which i bought and i use it to test send. Mail Wizz no doubt is incredibly good but i found it lacking a lot of automation features.

      So yeah it all comes down to needs. I will try some other software too before i finalise But yeah the truth is it all comes down to what we really want and what clicks us the most...
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  • Profile picture of the author Berasha
    i think may advise a "yesware"
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  • Profile picture of the author redone111
    There are some good ones like

    Best regards
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  • Profile picture of the author ATAC
    My best advice to you is stay away from free services like mail chip ...

    They can shut you down in a hot second without a reason ...

    Awber is great for email... I have used them for years and never had any issues..
    This all-in-one marketing platform saves me over $7,000 per year. See how:
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