How to use a niche emails database of buyers
To explain myself, I'm in a line of work where I get to build and handle French E-commerce websites for clients each week for years now. Each of those ecommerce websites have its own niche products that its selling.
That been said, each of these stores have sold thousands of products and with those sales they collect the personal information of their clients (names, addresses, phone numbers, etc..), since we get constant access to those websites for updates, maintenances and migration till this day we get the privilege to export the database containing all the information of these clients in an excel file.
Naturally, today I have collected and saved a lot of these up to date databases of clients that have made at least one purchase on a store.
To give you a few examples, I have like a database of clients coming of an ecommerce store for cosmetic products, databases for another website for dog/cat food, another list of clients for a website nice of construction tools. And the list goes on...
As for the number of clients on each database, that varies from 10k up to 100k.
The database that I'm talking about here is made of specific people who have a specific and common passion for a certain niche!
So my big question is the following: How can you advice me to use and benefit in the best way possible from these niche databases in the field of eCommerce ?
Looking forward to hearing your suggestions. Thank you so much for reading all my thread, i appreciate your time

Thank you in advance
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