How to use a niche emails database of buyers

3 replies

To explain myself, I'm in a line of work where I get to build and handle French E-commerce websites for clients each week for years now. Each of those ecommerce websites have its own niche products that its selling.

That been said, each of these stores have sold thousands of products and with those sales they collect the personal information of their clients (names, addresses, phone numbers, etc..), since we get constant access to those websites for updates, maintenances and migration till this day we get the privilege to export the database containing all the information of these clients in an excel file.

Naturally, today I have collected and saved a lot of these up to date databases of clients that have made at least one purchase on a store.

To give you a few examples, I have like a database of clients coming of an ecommerce store for cosmetic products, databases for another website for dog/cat food, another list of clients for a website nice of construction tools. And the list goes on...

As for the number of clients on each database, that varies from 10k up to 100k.

The database that I'm talking about here is made of specific people who have a specific and common passion for a certain niche!

So my big question is the following: How can you advice me to use and benefit in the best way possible from these niche databases in the field of eCommerce ?

Looking forward to hearing your suggestions. Thank you so much for reading all my thread, i appreciate your time

Thank you in advance
#buyers #database #emails #niche
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    If I understand you correctly, you've been hired to build and maintain the sites on behalf of clients. That being the case, those clients would almost certainly own the rights to their customer databases.

    Unless you have a prior agreement to the contrary, you would need to obtain permission from each client if you wanted to use those details for your own purposes. Even then, depending on the terms under which the databases were compiled, any third party promotion might be prohibited.


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  • Profile picture of the author calvynlee
    I totally agree with what Frank's mention.

    If you had the right to you, probably you can try to blast cold email for affiliate marketing.
    Promoting related product to the respective niche market.

    meanwhile, before promoting a product, you might want to add value first. example giving free stuff, free sample, free ebook or whatever information where it can benefit your target audience. This can build trust first, follow my selling.
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  • Profile picture of the author SARubin
    Do you have a paper trail of permissions to use that data?

    At one time you could've segmented and spammed (emailed your own promotions to) those customers. But as I'm sure you know, a few months ago GDPR became law in Europe (your French E-commerce sites are subject to GDPR). The law was created, in part, to prevent peoples private data from being shared with third party advertisers, without their explicit permission.

    Simply put, those databases are not yours to use unless your clients received permission from each of their customers to allow their data to be shared. And, as Frank mentioned, unless you have an agreement with your clients to use the data for your own purposes.

    If you don't have all permissions, and if enough people on your email lists complain to the powers that be, a big heavy boot of authority will come stomping down on your, and your clients heads. And when your clients are faced with tens of thousands (maybe millions) of Euros in fines, will they loyally protect you? Or will they throw you under the bus claiming you misappropriated the databases for your own profit?

    In summary: if you don't have a paper trail of permission to use those databases, then use them at your own peril.

    Originally Posted by kurosaki4d View Post


    To explain myself, I'm in a line of work where I get to build and handle French E-commerce websites for clients each week for years now. Each of those ecommerce websites have its own niche products that its selling.

    That been said, each of these stores have sold thousands of products and with those sales they collect the personal information of their clients (names, addresses, phone numbers, etc..), since we get constant access to those websites for updates, maintenances and migration till this day we get the privilege to export the database containing all the information of these clients in an excel file.

    Naturally, today I have collected and saved a lot of these up to date databases of clients that have made at least one purchase on a store.

    To give you a few examples, I have like a database of clients coming of an ecommerce store for cosmetic products, databases for another website for dog/cat food, another list of clients for a website nice of construction tools. And the list goes on...

    As for the number of clients on each database, that varies from 10k up to 100k.

    The database that I'm talking about here is made of specific people who have a specific and common passion for a certain niche!

    So my big question is the following: How can you advice me to use and benefit in the best way possible from these niche databases in the field of eCommerce ?

    Looking forward to hearing your suggestions. Thank you so much for reading all my thread, i appreciate your time

    Thank you in advance

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